Becoming Less

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3rd person POV


Gandalf was visiting in Mirkwood for he and Thranduil had something to discuss. Upon entering he was greeted by Dinenth. "Hello Gandalf." she said politely. "Hello my dear. Could you please show me to your grandfather?" Gandalf asked her upon entering the palace.

Dineneth bowed her head and led Gandalf to the throne room. "Annada, Gandalf the Grey has arrived." Dineneth said walking in. "It has been a long time hasn't it Mithrandir?" Thranduil said putting his book down. "Yes I believe it has." Gandlaf said sounding old.  "Gandalf," Legolas greeted sitting next to his father. "Legolas. Good to see you as always." Legolas and Gandalf smiled bowing to each other.

Gandalf walked up, below the kings throne. "What is it you send Gandalf?" Thranduil asked. "A message from Radagast the Brown. A dark shadow has cast itself upon the southern boards of Mirkwood. I believe that is where the enemy is hidding." Gandalf spoke sounding weary. Legolas and Thranduils eyes widen with worry. For they knew of the darkness growing. "Dineneth leave us." Thranduil commanded.

"Why not have her stay? Surely she has heard of this before." Gandalf reasoned. Thranduil seemed to glare at him. "She has. Many times before. However the conversation at hand does not involve her don't you think?" Thranduil waved his hand giving Dineneth the signal to leave.

Dineneth bowed and walked off. Gandalf looked at her seeing how she obeys her grandfathers commends without complaint or protest. He also saw a hint of disappointment on her face however she quickly covered it up. "Now what about the enemy did you say?" Thranduil asked getting back at the topic at hand. "O yes him." Gandalf began telling Thranduil and Legolas.

Dineneth waited outside sitting by the front doors looking off in the distance. This was not the first time her father excluded her from an important conversation. Even if she was there, he would not listen to her. Dineneth thought it was no big deal by now, after all it will take several thousand years before she gets handed the throne.

Soon she heard footsteps behind her. Turning to see Gandalf. "Such a beautiful day isn't it?" Gandalf asked. Dineneth nodded her head yes.
Soon Gandalf started talking to Dineneth about what they discussed, almost like he wanted her to be involved. Dineneth enjoyed it very much how he included her. Although she did not like what she was being told, she was glad to have been told it.

"Dineneth my dear, why don't you speak to your grandfather about this as well. I'm sure for a smart elf like you, you may have suggestions as well." Gandalf kept going on about the conversation.

"I would Gandalf, but my words speak less than yours." she said. Gandalf sighed afraid of what he heard was true. However he still asked "Why?"  "My grandfather is thousands of years old, ada is almost 3 thousand but I. I don't even come close. My words don't mean much Gandalf besides I am a elleth. Most of the time my thoughts are useless and meaning less. For I know not as much as they." Dineneth explained.

"No no my dear. I can tell you would like to say something and that something is important. We do not learn by silence, you might be young but age does not determine how wise you are exactly. Look up my dear you will be queen someday." Gandalf said trying to cheer her up.

"Well maybe I-" Dineneth stopped in the middle of her sentence since it all the sudden seemed unreasonable and unnecessary. "You what?" Gandalf asked. "My dear it is okay to tell. For I will keep it between just you and me." Gandlaf said in a quieter voice.

"I do not want to be queen."Dineneth whispered. "I see." Gandlaf was about to say something else until they heard a voice behind them. "Mithrandir your horse is ready for your departure." Thranduil said coming down. "ah I see. Thank you King Thranduil." Gandalf said turning around to reveal Dineneth.

"Come, Dineneth bid Gandalf farewell." Thranduil said in his king tone, "Your father would like to speak to you. Go," Thranduil spoke signalling her to go. Dineneth obeyed and walked over to her grandfather. Ah I can see the relation, Gandalf thought.

"She has grown up much hasn't she?" Gandalf asked. "Yes she has." Thranduil spoke. "Quiet isn't she?" Hinting at Thranduil. "Yes. Very." Thranduil wondered where he was going with this. "Is there something wrong with that of her?" Thranduil asked. "No nothing wrong. Just rare for a elf of her. Many would ask questions and wonder about the world, or why something is missing. But I suppose you have never answered a question about her mother." Gandalf said sharply. Thranduil then knew exactly what he was hinting at.

"She does not ask such a question. If she does not wonder then why make her? There is no sense of making her worry about the troubles of this earth. She will be fine Gandalf, Legolas treats her well." Thranduil said back with a hint if anger. "So I suppose she is past all her protest and arguments. What if she does not agree with something?" Gandalf said trying to find out more.

"She knows her place Gandalf, she is wise to know when and when not to speak." Thranduil said. "Ah I see. Well good day my lord. I hope all goes well." Gandalf said leaving, "have a safe journey back." Thranduil said turing and leaving.

End of Flashback

Gandalf remembered that day seeing Dineneth ride away. He knew better than her being wise. It was because she thought she wasn't. Seeing Thranduil with all his commands, Legolas away, she had no one to talk to.

However that wasn't the only time he saw it, for even when she was at councils she would say very little, or had almost no room to speak.

No wonder she went to Lord Elrond more, for Gandalf knew thats where she was going.

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