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3rd person

It's been a couple of months now. Little Dineneth just turned 18 4 weeks ago. Ever since the incident she has been sure to obey her father and grandfather, not wanting to upset them too much. Legolas has also been working hard with Dineneth to be sure she will be safer if anything else should happen to her. Although Dineneth never said anything Legolas could tell she still wanted to adventure. He saw the way she would look past the target and think about shooting an arrow out there just so she could go and get it, but knew better than to. It was true though. She wanted to perhaps follow the sun and see the world in a different picture.

Luckily that very moment Thranduil had some news to deliever. "Please send in Legolas." He said to his guard. "Yes my King."

Soon the guard came back with legolas right behind him and Dineneth following. "You requested me father?"

"I need you to deliver this to Lord Elrond in Rivendell. It is very important and I cannot trust any other than you." Thranduil said handing him the scroll. "yes father I shall leave at once." Legolas nodded and was about to walk off until Thranduil stopped him. "Legolas, why don't you take Dineneth? She should go out and meet new elves." Dineneth's face lit up. An adventure she thought.

Legolas didn't say anything. "Are you sure about this ada?" Legolas asked not wanting to endanger his daughter. "Yes Legolas. It would be good for her plus she has the best guard with her." Dineneth ran over to Legolas. "Please ada" she begged wanting to go on an adventure so bad and to get out of mirkwood. "okay. But you have to listen to anything I say." legolas said giving in. "Thank you so much ada! Le melin!" said with joy and hugged her ada tight. Legolas hugged back happy to see his daughter smiling.

Dineneth went to her room to pack. Legolas said they would be leaving at the break of dawn tomorrow. Laying in bed Dineneth couldn't help but wonder about who Elrond was. Dineneth was a very shy eleth. She did not like talking to other elves because she would never know what to say. Always worried if she would say the wrong thing and then have a bad image. After all since she's the only child of Legolas some million years later she would have to take the throne or at least have a child.

If she died then there would be no one to take the throne after Legolas and no one could get Legolas to marry another she-elf for he still respected his wife and would see her again. Or at least that's what Legolas told Dineneth.

Never less Dineneth has faith that one day her nana will come back for her and the kingdom. Someday, Dineneth thought.


By morning they were all packed and ready to go. Heading off Legolas hopped to get there before dark to ensure Dineneths safety. He kept well alert, since Dineneth was too busy looking aound at the beauty rather then herself. They were able to make it to Rivendell just as darkness began to settle. There at the gates Lord Elrond was there to greet them. "Amatulya! Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo. Did your journey go well?" Lord Elrond asked. "Le fael Lord Elrond. Ná your journey went well." Legolas responded.

Unfortunately Dineneth couldn't understand some of the words, for her ada wanted her to work on skills first and the language sounded different from what her ada or grandada. She stayed behind her ada not wanting to say anything to this elf in case he was short tempered like her grandada.

"Man esselya ná?" asked Elrond to Dineneth behind Legolas legs. She slowly peaked her head out to see the Lord down at her height. Now that she has seen him, Dineneth felt that this wasn't the first time. When else did I see him? she wondered.

"This is dineneth. yelya." Legolas said picking her up in his arms. Dineneth didn't like all this attention so she hid her face on Legolas shoulder. "I'm sorry Lord Elrond. She's very shy with elves." Legolas said. "say hi to him" Legolas whispered in her ear quietly. "Á (Hi)" she spoke but didn't move.

"Hello Dineneth. I'm lord Elrond. Welcome. You all must be exhausted. I shall show you to your rooms to rest the night." Elrond said.

Legolas followed him carrying Dineneth with him. "In here, as always Legolas. Would you like a room to yourself young lady?" Elrond asked. Dineneth shook her head no. Although new places are wonderful to see and explore at the same time they can be scary not knowing.

"Thank you my Lord." Legolas said. "no need. Its is my pleasure. Sleep well." Elrond said and walked off.

Legolas unpacked his bag and sat Dineneth down on the bed. "Dineneth you should speak when someone speaks to you. It is not polite to ignore." Legolas said. Again Dineneth didn't say anything and just looked at him. Legolas sighed an climbed into bed with her.

"What are we going to do with you? Your so quiet, if your going to run a kingdom you can't stay silent forever" Legolas tried to explain. Dineneth just stared. "Why don't we get to sleep. Its been a long day."

Dineneth immediately snuggled up against Legolas with a protective arm around her. " le melin Dineneth." Legolas spoke. "le melin ada."

And with that Dineneth fell asleep somewhere new.

Being A Father (legolas daughter)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora