Spider Sting

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Dineneth's Pov

Ada won't understand me. Even though I have been back for awhile we still get into fights.

The spiders are getting closer and closer to into Mirkwood and grandada just insists we keep them out of our lands instead of destroying them once and for all. Now they have destroyed a village on the outskirts of Mirkwood. The poor families lost all of their homes and most of their belongings.

Also I want to go back to the days when this place was called Greenwood. But now it seems we are cursed with these spiders and ada and grandada refuse to listen to me and my protest.

After the meeting I was mad and stormed out. I don't know what I am thinking just trying to blow off steam. I headed in the direction the spiders were and started killing them. I got deeper and deeper into the pack killing them left and right out of anger.

I was doing fine, until I heard someone say "Dineneth stop!" I turned quickly to see ada with a group of recruits. "What do you need?!" I asked angrily stabbing the spider that was infront of me. "Come out we are too deep in more will be coming! You can not do this on your own!" ada yelled fighting off the spiders himself.

"I'll be fine." I said ignoring him and continuing to fight. I heard one of the guards yell something to ada that I didn't catch because I was too busy fighting.

"Dineneth watch out!" I heard ada yell just as I felt a sharp pain in my hip. Stupid spider stung me. I finally looked to see all around me the spiders that were coming and how far we were actually in.

Ada caught me just as I was about to fall. The pain and exhaustion finally overcame me. "Retreat!" Ada yelled picking me up and carrying me out.

I looked at my wound. Blood was pouring out with some other white liquid. The world started spinning, everything started becoming silent, the pain becoming unbearable.

Time became all messed up. I felt myself being lifted up again and laid down. I started shaking from the poison in my veins. Then I felt a big warm, soft hand connect with mine. It was Thranduils.

3rd person

Riding as fast as Legolas could to the castle with Dineneth in his arms. The guards saw him and immediately opened the gates. "Help! I need the healers!" Legolas shouted jumping off his horse and carrying Dineneth into the healers room.

"She got stung by a spider," Legolas explained. The elf nodded and quickly went to get the herbs to heal her. Dineneth started shaking like she was cold, but they knew it was the venom.

Thranduil walked in quickly and grabbed her hand. She stopped all the sudden. "What happened?" Legolas asked. "She is unconscious. For the venom has spread." Thranduil said. Legolas eyes widened.

His daughter is going to die. Is all he thought. The healer came back with the herbs and started healing her. After hours later Dineneth started to stir awake. "Ada?" she asked.

Dineneth's Pov

I woke up to see ada looking down at me. "Ada?" I asked softly. "Dineneth. Do you feel better?" he asked me.

I nodded yes, even though I was still in much pain from the wound ad the venom. I looked further down to see annada holding my hand staring at me, knowing me all to well.

"I'm sorry for not listening ada, and not following your orders. I shall take whatever punishment in order to be forgiven," Dineneth weakly spoke, wanting to get this cleared up and out of the way. Legolas just shook his head," No punishment shall be given, just rest," ada said walking out after kissing me on my forehead.

Annada then got up and came over to my side where I was facing. "You are indeed in pain my dear. I can see it in your eyes." annada said. "You shouldn't have been so reckless, for it could've cost you your own life, or someone else's." annada explained making me feel bad and put all the blame on me.

"Do not go looking for anymore trouble, for it will find its way to you." Annada said. "Yes annada." I said disappointed in myself to be in this situation.

"Get some rest darling." Annada said walking out and blowing out the candle as well closing the door. The night went by slow, the pain was uncomfortable and there was no way to escape it.

Morning came and ada carried me to my chambers to rest the entire week.

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