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Arielle's Pov
I woke up and I was in a unfamiliar room. But then I remembered I'm at Jacob's. I grabbed my phone but I saw no trace of Jacob.
I decided to go home. I slipped in my shoes and went downstairs. As I was about to open the door I saw Jacob eating cereal.

"I got hungry" he said. I laughed a bit and left.
"I'm going to go home so adios" I walked out and to my house.
I opened my door and saw my mom. "Hey babe where were you last night?" She asked.
"At a friends sorry I didnt text or call"
She nodded and I went to my room and plopped onto my bed.
This is suppose to be short so. Not really important chapter but I just wanted to update something so sorry. Yes I know I haven't been updating if you haven't seen my other book you wouldn't know why. But yes I have going through issues with me being bullied and it's just really hard on me so you guys I'm trying my best. I really am. And I haven't had my phone so I'm really sorry and I feel like I'm letting you guys down 😔

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