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These are going to be my last chapter... Thank you so much for all the reads! I really hope you enjoyed reading this story! Sorry it was crap! I had fun writing it but is not very good and I'm sorry for that! Goodbye guys! It was a good 13 chapters haha.

My eyes widened so much. What did I do to make him feel this way? When did he feel like this? I was very confused.
"Y-You do?" I managed to mumble out of my still chapped and bitten lips. I was beginning to shudder. I had no idea how to act.

"I've liked you ever since I met you. I'm sorry I rejected you before, I was just scared. I've never been in a relationship before and you are the most popular guy at school!" Tyler sated in a shaky voice. I walked twoards Tyler lifting my bear arms to wrap around his body. I was crying now.

"I would of never said no to you. I love you so much Tyler. I want to protect you." I held him tighter. He was also shaking.
"M...may you go out with me?" Tyler whispered tightly grasping my green t-shirt.
"Of course Ty." I smiled and put my chin on his head. I was a little taller than him.

Tyler life's his head up and his watery eyes met mine. We were both crying. I leaned down to kiss him but I stopped and touched our noses together.
"I've always loved you." I said smiling and leaning in further. Locking lips with the little singer in front of him.

The kiss was warm and full of passion. The warmth crept up through their lips and to their ears, down their backs and through their toes. They were in sync. Meant for each other. Their fingers were tingling and rouge was dancing on their cheeks. It was obvious they were in love. It showed through their eyes and their kiss. They were not going to lose each other. Never.

They were both sad when the kiss ended. They put their arms around one another and trotted out of the classroom together.
"Want to go home and watch The Princess Bride?" I asked looking down at my beautiful boyfriend.
"I would absolutely love that!" Tyler said with a smirk and a skip in his step.

Skipping  home in the middle of the day, they were smiling the biggest smiles they have ever smiled! They were singing a song they were working on as they were skipping.

They called that song Lovely.

Lovely | JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now