Why Are You Following Me?

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It was lunch time, I was waiting in line to get either a dry, crusty, small pice of pizza. Or, a soggy turkey sandwich that you had to add mayonnaise or mustard to yourself. Otherwise it was just bread and turkey.

I didn't mind lunch though, at least I got to sit and mess around with my friends. Connie wasn't sitting with us today though. She was sitting with her other friends at a different table across the noisy room. I kept wondering if I should go and talk to her, but I never did. I was still too bummed about what happened two weekends ago.

I was in deep thought about her when someone asked me,
"What's wrong dude? Your never down when we talk about sports!" Brendon questioned. Brendon was one of my best friends, we have been friends ever since high school started. We both had band together and so we got along quite well.
"Oh, it's nothing. Something happened between Connie and I..." I said quietly.

"Dang dude that sucks! Did you guys break up?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No, we just disagreed on something." I said. I didn't want him to know about me yet. And I was really hoping that Connie wouldn't tell anyone.

I saw Tyler sitting all alone at a table and I felt bad for him. But he was staring right at me. As soon as I looked at him he turned his head in a ninety degree angle at a speed of which I was suprized his head didn't come flying off. I excused myself from the table we sit at and went walking in Tyler's direction.

When I got to his table I noticed his lunch choice. Gingerly, I sat down and smiled at him, waiting for one back. He was just looking at the ground trying to hide a blush.
"Hey Tyler! Long time no see! How come you're sitting alone?" I was leaning forward, close to him looking if something was wrong.

"H-hi Josh..." He mumbled. Though it was very quiet, and not very enthusiastic, it gave me goosebumps. I loved the sound of his high yet gravely voice. It was sexy. 'Snap out of it Josh!' I yelled at myself.
"I'm sitting alone because I have no friends." I was in pure shock, so I put in my best offended face I could pull and said,
"Aren't we friends? You can't forget about what happened three weeks ago?!" I giggled at the end of it, but went back to a serious face.

I earned a little laugh from Tyler that made me blush a little. I made him laugh, and that is all that mattered.
"I guess we're friends." He smirked.
"What do you mean you guess? We are fri-" I was cut off by the bell for lunch to end. Tyler got up to leave and I helped him.

"Thanks, but why would you want to be friends with someone like me? I mean, you are the most popular at school." He stated abruptly.
"That's because you are different from everyone else, and I really want to get to know you." I was blushing very hard now. I was using my entire hand to cover my face.

When he walked out the door, I decided to walk with him to class.
"What is your next class?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.
"I have art next, it's across school. You should probably get going, you will be late." He told me in a way like he was a GPS.
"I want to walk you to class!" I puffed out my chest "who cares if I'm late?"
"I do." He said quietly. I stopped in my tracks but he kept walking so I ran up to him again.

"You care if I'm late to class?" I questioned. I smiled at the comment.
"Yes, but why are you still following me?" He looked at me this time when he was talking.
"I want to walk you to class!" I repeated. "Can I?" I asked in a pleading voice.
"Oh whatever." Tyler sighed.
As soon as Tyler walked into his class, the bell rang. So I started sprinting down the hallway towards my class.

I opened the door to my class and sat down in my seat in a flash of huffing and puffing. Everyone was laughing at me and the teacher just stared at me and said in monotone.
"Detention after school tomorrow." I grunted and replied with,
"Yes sir."

Lovely | JoshlerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora