Sky blue

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• Tyler's POV •

I woke up in panic. I had no clue where I was but then it all hit me, I was at Joshes house. I smiled and looked down at my bare chest and wondered what happened last night. 'Did anything happen?' I asked myself, blushing as I did so.

"Tyler? Are you awake?" Josh asked smiling. He looked at me and noticed my puffy eyes.
"Hey josh.. Where did you sleep?" I asked, worrying he slept on the floor.
"Oh, I just slept in the chair. No big deal! Were you warm enough? I took off your shirt for comfort. Is that ok?" Josh said while sitting on the bed, sunlight seeping through his sky blue hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry Josh. And yeah I was warm enough! Thank you for everything you have done for me." I thanked Josh. "Could I make breakfast for you? My treat!"
"Oh, actually I just got done making breakfast." Josh looked to his feet.

"Let's head downstairs! I made bacon and eggs! I know, it's typical breakfast food but I don't know what you like." Josh said as we headed downstairs.
"That's totally fine! I love bacon and eggs." I said with a smile on my face.

After breakfast, I told Josh goodbye and started walking home. Josh insisted on walking me but I told him no. I needed my alone time. I saw my house and immediately groaned. 'I wish I could live by myself.' I thought crossing my arms.

I opened the front door to the house, it was unlocked. I didn't want to ask questions and it seemed like no one was in the house anyway.
"Mom?" I say waiting for a response in the darkness. I flicked on a light, and said again.
"Mom? Is anyone here?" There was no response.

I decided to walk up to my bedroom and saw my mom standing there. Arms crossed she said in a loud tone,
"Where have you been?" It scared me knowing my mom might hurt me again. She had temper problems and she took it out on me.

"I-I was at Joshes house. I told you I was going over there." I said looking at one of my Moby Dick books on the ground in between
"I didn't know you were staying the night!" My mom frowned at me
"Well I'm sorry I don't tell you everything that happens to me!" I tell my mom to get out and I slam my door shut, locking it in the process.

I was so furious with her! She just blew up on me, she did it way out of proportion! I sat in my bed, head in hands and started to cry. I looked out the window with tear-stained cheeks that I was wiping and looked at the sky. 'Josh...' I thought to myself. Whenever I was feeling sad, I could look up to the sky! Feeling his warmth, his touch, his gentle hands stroking my hair in the moonlight last night.

I smiled and sat down at my desk, and decided to draw something. Drawing really helps me express my emotions, get them all out. It Turns something so hideous into something beautiful that others may enjoy. It was a picture of the sky, with a couple of wispy clouds. Right below the clouds was Josh, his wispy hair clashing with the sky.

I closed my doodling book and turned in my chair. It was very quiet in my room. Chirps and car horns were heard off in the distance, but not loud enough to distract me from anything. You know what's crazy? Sometimes, quiet is violent.

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