No more shadows

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'Yes! Rip off another!'

'You got us a snack Mukade! How thoughtful.'

By now, the two were screaming. "What the...hell was that for...bastard?!" One managed to get out between screams.

"You can talk about me all you like," SNAP ",but don't you ever talk about h im that way. It takes three pounds of pressure to pull off an ear, want to know how many it takes to snap a leg?" Kaneki's insane smile was on his face now.


"You two are ghouls, although weak ones at that, so you'll eventually heal from whatever I do to you. You're lucky I ate just last night, so I can't really do much," he took a bite of one of the ears "I'll let you off with a warning for now. If you ever say one more fucking bad thing about h im I'll show you how easy it is to break your bones." And with that, he finished up the ears, cracked another finger and left.
He had to move. He abso­fucking­lutely had to move, and soon. His books were nice, yes, but he had to move. After years of sitting in that chair or his room, he wanted to move. He was fine when he had to sit still with Auntie Rize or Hide, but alone he couldn't do it. Even with beating up the two ghouls earlier, he was restless. He had to move.
It was then that he had the perfect idea. The mean waitress, Touka, was picking up an order. He had heard her grumbling a few minutes ago about the test she had to study for that day, and she needed a pick me up. Kaneki didn't want her, or anyone that matter to take a test ­ they were absolutely horrible. They always hurt him real badly, so he really hoped no one else had to go through them. ­So doing something with him would be a better alternative. Maybe she could spar with him.

'Maybe she could help us with our Ukaku...'

'Mukade, you need to see if she could help us! Imagine how much more we could do if we could properly use our Ukaku!'

"It's not like we can't use it..."

'No we can still use it, we just suck at it.'

"Thanks for the encouragement, Pain, " was Kaneki's sarcastic reply.

'You're welcome Mukade!'

'That was sarcasm, Pain...'

'Shut up Reason!'

'They do have a point Pain, it was obviously sarcastic. Jeez!' 'Not you too, Hunger.'

Just shut up guys, we haven't even asked yet." And with this, he got up and made his way to Touka, ignoring the promises of later from the other manifestations of himself.


"What the hell do you want brat?"

"Hey Touka, will you­"

"Fuck no shitty brat."

"I didn't even get to finish my question though..."

"I don't care, my answer's no."

"But Touka," he whined.

"What the hell do you want?"

"You're an Ukaku, right?"

She sighed loudly, obviously annoyed with the situation. "Your point is?"

"Well, I only recently developed a kakuhou capable of producing an Ukaku Rc type. I can use it, but not that good. If you're an Ukaku, that means you can help me. Please?"

"And why the hell should I help you? I have a test to study for. You don't even go to school­ even though you look fucking old enough to be in high school­so you don't realize how important it is I pass this test to look normal. What makes you think you're so damn special that I have to drop studying and teach you how to use your damn kagune?"

Centipedes In My Ear...  (Kaneki X Hide) (Hiatus)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang