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Harry did not hear of Zayn Malik's accident when it happened.

He heard of it seven hours later, when he stood locked in an embrace with Adaline Johnson, his friend. Although, in retrospect, adding the prefix 'girl' would suffice their relationship perfectly. Harry's scalp tingled from every time she tugged his curls, his cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and his lips were numb from the constant contact.

But then his phone buzzed in his pocket, and he broke away to check it with a mumbled, "Gimme a minute, doll."

His social media was flooded.

Get well soon, Malik. posted three hours ago

stay strong, zayn. x posted two hours ago

has everyone heard of zayn's drowning incident? i hope he's alright. posted an hour ago

Keep Zayn in your prayers! posted two minutes ago

Harry's jaw drops. The phone drops next. His heart drops a second after.

"Whats wrong, Hazzie? Are you alright?" Adaline is concerned. She's taking him by the shoulders and shaking him. "Talk, Harold! What's wrong?"

Harry numbly points at his phone, and before she can react, he's shrugged on a jacket and is walking to the door. "I have to see him. I have to go, Addie. Zayn's in trouble. I have to. I have to go-"

He can't seem to talk anymore. His throat is knotted, his tongue is knotted, hell, his mind is knotted.

Harry throws himself into his car, revving up the engine and driving to the hospital at top speed, conveniently ignoring speed limits. But he's forgotten how to think. His thoughts are a blur, just like his surroundings which rush past in an unidentifiable myriad.

And Harry?

He's angry. He is so fucking angry that no one thought to call and tell him of his best friend's accident.

He's angry when he throws open the hospital doors, and he is angry when he looks around. Harry's thoughts are a mess of Zayn Zayn Zayn and anger anger anger and Adaline Adaline Adaline and death death death.

He hates attention. He is so unlike Zayn, who craves it like some people crave nicotine and heroin. He craves attention. Harry hates it.

He is storming through the hospital doors, his eyes raking the area in a single sweep. "Liam!" he yells, and so many pairs of eyes are directed at him, making him squirm. "Liam!"

Liam stands, looking completely knackered. "Harry? What is it? It's a hospital, for God's sake, stop yelling."

But his words just hang in the air pointlessly, for Harry is rushing forward and grabbing his collar. His teeth are gritted, his cheeks are flushed, his hair looks unwashed and he is furious. There is chaos written all over him. "Why the fuck did you not think to call me? Why didn't you tell me Zayn's fucking dead? Fucking hell!"

Liam flinches because he reeks of overused cologne and the cadence of his voice is just going higher and higher. "He is not dead, Harry," is all Liam says, trying to shove him away, but failing miserably. "He is very much alive, don't you dare go there."

But Harry is angry and the eyes all following his every move make him so damn uncomfortable. "Go to hell, Liam." He says finally, throwing him back onto the chair. "Great friend you are."

Harry knows he is not truly angry at Liam. It's not his fault. Harry just needs somewhere to fire his anger.

And Liam understands it, because not so long ago, he felt the very same way. He merely points to a door and it is enough.

Liam has a way of being enough, and it's beautiful.

Or it was, until he wrecked himself.

Harry rushes for the door, despite the nurse's protests. He shoves past her and comes to an abrupt halt when he sees Zayn.

He is not flying now.

He is dying.

Bitterness erupts across Harry's tongue, and his next intake of breath is exceedingly shaky.

No more flying. Just sinking and d r o w n i n g.

"Malik, you can't die." It comes out harsher than Harry intends, but you can't blame him. The edges of his heart are sharp, so very sharp. The rough edges hurt him and he bleeds out whatever is on his mind.

And Harry can't stand it a second longer. He draws in another shaky breath and then flees from the room, the hospital, the street.

No more flying, no more Zayn.


how are you all? (:

i just realized how long it's been since i last updated, sorryyy x 

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