February Edition

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" Its been a new place for me. Genieve High School. And I hope everything will be just fine as it a brand new start for me.
But it not happend exactly as I thought it to be. There's no best word to described my first day except I'VE BEEN SAVED. By whom? Its my angel or now called BFFSF.What does it mean? 'Best Friend Forever Stay Forever' . Sound cool. We even have friendship bracelet with that word."

"Emma,to the earth." Sharp annoyingly familiar voice startled me. "Meg,don't be so loud." Yes, just now is my BFFSF ,Megan not Meghan Trainor and not Megan Nicole. Its Megan Morris and yup she's my angel.
"Why shouldn't I be loud while you in your tenth dimension of imagination".
Her word makes me smile sheepishly. "Tepnth dimension? That's too much,"
I said as I playfully hit her shoulder. "Aww,that's hurt," said Megan while rubbing her shoulder."No its not,nice joke," I said."Aww,look who is getting smarter here," said Megan while rubbing my head."Cut it out and what get you here."Actually I was in library Megan is totally not a type that will come to library without bringing any work . She just hate being in library as she believe spooky story told by our senior about library is haunted ." Ya right, I nearly forgot why am I here. Gosh that scary. Anyway Mrs. Perkin want to meet us at studio um..... now. Let's go." She said and quickly 'drag' me out of library.

Studio?? Well both of us is actually one of crew in school monthly magazine and we are the 'strongest' crew where we usually make decision,articles and interview.

"So girls, I am sure that you guys well aware that our school basketball team had done a very good job winning national championship last year," Mrs. Perkins said while staring past through us. "Um.. yeah but thats a last year story right," I said. "Emma is right but what actually you want us to do Mrs. Perkin?," asked Megan backing me up.

"Good question, Megan. I want this february issue is focuses on them because this month they will start brand new season as national champion and yeah for our annualy Valentine Night. So buckle up girls, I want as many extravagant articles as you can". "No problem, Mrs. Perkins," we both said synchronatically. "Good. And one more thing, there is a request for a special article for basketball team players. By the way, good luck girls," Mrs. Perkins said and give us her most lovely smile.

Both of us are so excited for the 'mission' without knowing a harsh storm is about to crash on us.

29 FebruaryWhere stories live. Discover now