Chapter 20: I didnt get the letter

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"Payton just go talk to him" Mackenzie says.

"Fine" I breathe, standing up I walk out to see Luke sitting at a table.

I slowly walk over to him. "May I sit" I ask pointing to the empty seat.

He looks up at me and smiles "sure"

I sit down "I thought you weren't going to talk to me" he says.

"I wasn't" I look at him. He's changed. He now has a slight beard, bags under his eyes, and messy hair.

He frowns "why" sitting up in his seat.

"You know why Luke"

He looks at me confused "I don't understand,what did I do" he asks.

I sigh "really, let's see i come home to find you left without a single word to me. You didn't tell me you were leaving, you didn't say goodbye, not a word to me. I sit up in my room for weeks on end crying, wanting to know why you left" I raised my voice. People began to look over at us.

He still looked confused "I couldn't get myself to say bye to you, but I wrote you a letter, telling you everything. I gave it to my dad and told him to give it to you"

"What" I looked at him confused "I never got a letter. Your dad told me you just told him you wanted him and my mom to be happy without worrying about you"

"Well I did, I'm sorry. I should of waited and gave it to you myself" he says. "You know how long it took me to find you, my dad and your mom wouldn't tell me where you were. Why did you move to London" he adds.

"Its none of your business" I say.

"Well fine I just want you to know that I love you Payton "he says.

"Well i loved you" i say and get up, going back to work, ignoring him the rest of the day.

I was happy when Luke finally gave up trying to talk to me and left.

After work i walked home to my empty apartment.

When I moved here I was so alone, physically and mentally. It took me forever to get use to waking up to an empty apartment and the fact that I would never wake up with him beside me, like I had planned on.

When I moved out I didn't realize how hard it was to be in my own. How hard it would be to pay the bills, I still struggle. How hard it would be to find my way around London. How hard it would be to have to walk everywhere, because I can't afford a car; and most of all how hard it would be to be without him.

I don't know what I was thinking, when I woke up that morning and just decided to move to London. I just wanted to get away from it all. Away from everyone, my mom, Luke's dad, and Luke if he ever came back, also the pain. When I moved to London I was still in a bad place, I was still hurt, because of Luke. So now that he's come back I don't want anything to do with him. He can go fuck himself for all I care.

I walk through the door to my apartment building, instantly feeling the warmth hitting my cold skin.

"Good afternoon Payton, how was work" the door man, Alan asks. He ask me everyday when I come home from work.

"It was long, that's for sure. How is your day going Alan" I smile at him, leaning into the desk that he's sitting at.

"Same as yours, well you have a good evening Payton" he smiles.

"You too Alan" with that I make my way up the stairs. That's the bad thing about this apartment, no elevator.

Once I reach the 4th floor, I make my way to my door. Fumbling to find the keys in my mess of a bag, I unlock the door, stepping inside.

That night I did the same thing I do everyday after work. Come home, watch TV for a hour or two, cook dinner, eat alone, clean up, take a shower and go to bed.

What an exciting night......

That morning I woke up to my phone ringing, saying I had a message.

I grab my phone looking at it.

Unknown number:
Hey I just want to say in sorry for yesterday. Im sorry for hurting you like I did, but when I moved I thought I was doing the right thing, but now I realize all I did was make it worst. Plz Payton give me a chance to make it up to you....-L

It was from Luke...

A/n hey guys so sorry that it's taking me forever to update I'm trying to pass all my classes this semester and I'm finding that I don't have time to update that much but I'm trying to bare with me plz.


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