Chapter 7: Accepting it almost

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*Payton's POV*

*2 weeks later*

It's been 2 weeks since my mom and David told me they....were in fact getting engaged.

And let me tell you I've locked myself in my bedroom most of the pass 2 weeks.

I only leave my bedroom when I need to eat. I barely talk to my mom, and she has tried to talk to me; basically begging. I still havnt gotten myself to talk to her, not after everything that has happened.

Since I've been locked in my room Ash, my boyfriend has come by many of times to hang out. He's the only one I'm willing to talk to.

Also David and Luke have been over more, but I've never gone downstairs while they are here. I've always heard faint talking from them but could never make out the words properly.

As of now I'm sitting on my bed with Ash watching some movie on Netflix, but I've been to caught up in my own thoughts to pay attention.

Oh and I forgot to mention David and Luke are moving in with us today, according to my mom.

I'm not to thrilled to be living with Luke but David he seems cool. But Luke on the other hand is an asshole.

"Babe" I hear Ash whisper.


"I think David and Luke are here i can faintly hear them downstairs"

"Its time" I mumble, Ash kisses my cheek before getting up, pulling me with him.

"No I'm not going downstairs" I say pulling away from Ash.

"Come on Payton you haven't been downstairs for days" Ash says grabbing my hand.

"Weeks" I whisper to myself.

I walk downstairs with Ash hand in hand.

"Payton" I her my mom say, from the kitchen.

I don't say anything for a few minutes, "Yea" me and Ash walk into the kitchen, to see David and my mom sitting at the kitchen table and Luke no where to be found.

Ash and I sit at the bar. I see my mom glance down at me and Ash 's hands.

"You finally decided to come downstairs" my mom asks.

I ignore her and ask about Luke "where's Luke I thought I heard him down here"

"He's up in the guest-his room" my mom corrects herself.

"Well soon to be room" David adds.

"Oh" hes moving in the room across from me. What the fuck.

"Um mom can I take to you for a moment" I stand up letting go of Ash's hand.

"Yea" I hear her say as I walk into the living room.

"What's wrong with you lately" my mom asks.

I ignore her once again. "Why are they moving in with us"

"Payton answer my question stop ignoring me"

"Answer my damn question" I raise my voice.

My mom jumps slightly "I'm getting married to David and I wanted him to live with us well them"

I sigh. "I guess I miss dad so much I just can't accept that your in love with David" I say answering mom's questions.

"Payton....I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused but please just give them a chance" my mom pleas

"I'm giving David a chance but Luke I'm not so sure me and Luke can get along. "I say hugging my mom. "But I'll try for you"

"Thank you "my mom whispers.

Me and my mom walk back into the kitchen, taking our pervious seats.

I hear the stairs creek, letting me know Luke is coming down.

I watch as he walks into the kitchen taking a seat beside his dad.

His eyes widen when he looks up to see me. "Oh my god your alive"

"Luke" David warns.

Luke just chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"Well we better get to moving you twos stuff in Ash, Payton help?" My mom says standing up.

"Sure" Ash says before I could answer.

"Aaaaaaaaasssh" I pout "I wanted to go back upstairs" I whisper to him.

"We will when we finish helping them" Ash says standing up and taking my hand, dragging me with him once again today.


It took 2 hours to help David and Luke bring all their stuff in and help unpack.

After helping them me and Ash went up to my room.

Right now I'm taking a shower because I sweated so much and Ash is in my room.

I shut the water off, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me.

I walk into the room "Woah" I hear Ash say.

"What" I say looking at him layed out all over my bed.

"This is as naked as I've ever seen you" I roll my eyes.

"This is as naked as your going to see me" I grab some clothes and walk back into the bathroom to change.

"Damnit" Ash says as I close the bathroom door.


After dinner Ash had to leave, mom wouldn't let him stay the night.

I decided to go watch something on Netflix til I got tired.


That was boring just saying. But it will get better soon trust me. Read the pic above Lol.



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