Chapter 19 - 9 months

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April's POV

Finally it's the week of the twins due date. It's finally here. I can't wait to get this over with. I don't mean that in a bad way but I really am sick of sharing my body with them; I mean I love them. I really love them but it's just a really weird feeling sharing your body for nine months. Logan is so excited he can hardly contain his excitement. I mean it's been so long waiting for this moment.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" I scream as a stabbing pain shoots through me starting at my stomach. "Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh!" I scream even louder this time.

"April! April are you okay? What's wrong?" Logan screams out running around the corner. He looks at me as I curl up into a ball.

"It hurts Logan. It really hurts" I say as get more cramps.

"April... I-I think your water just broke" he says to me looking down at my now wet sweatpants.

"Shit Logan. The twins their coming" I say starting to get worried. They weren't supposed to be early. Yes sometime babies come early or late but I thought that they would come on time and not either of those others. "Logan we have to get to the hospital, NOW! I say, raising my voice at the last part when another concretion came on.

"Okay, okay hold on" he says sprinting up stairs to get my hospital bag and then came rushing back down stairs to my side and quickly but carefully helped me up from my sitting position.

He open the car door for me, faster than a lightning strike he had me strapped in and was in the car reversing out of the driveway. As soon as we were out in the street. Logan hit the gas and we sped of down the street towards the hospital with me crying out in pain every few minutes.

As we pulled into the hospital parking lot I got the biggest of all the contractions so far. "Argh" I scream in pain.

"April, hey April just breath okay sweetheart just breath and concentrate on something that makes you happy.


I had been sitting in this fucking room for hours. The contractions were getting worse and worse. Each one making me feel like screaming  louder and louder. It was so unbelievably painful that I could barely hold my shit together. It has been going on and on like this every five minutes the nurse says that I have dilated to about eight centimetres and they are now rushing me off to the delivery room. It was only three minutes ago when she came in to check how far along I was and at that stage I was about five centimetres dilated and she said that I have the fast dilation she has ever seen. I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not.

I love my babies, but at this moment I really don't want any more pain. "Hello Mrs Ellis, I'm Dr Sturuss and I'm going to help deliver your children. Now if you could just sit back and relax, this will be over before you know it," Dr Sturuss says, "okay now I just need you to push for me."


"Okay, okay, I know you're in pain Mrs Ellis but you just need to relax and push" Dr Sturuss says.

Okay seriously, Dr Sturuss. I get that you're a woman but seriously relax and push don't even belong in the same sentence. Especially not under these circumstances, it's the stupidest thing I've heard in the last 9 months, maybe even my entire life.

"Come on April, I can see a head. You just need to keep pushing. Remember the breathing techniques you were taught" she says.

I stopped wondering were Logan was a while ago because I knew he wouldn't miss it, but he said he didn't want to be in the delivery room when our kids were born. I have mum and Bella standing on either side of me, holding my hands tightly.

Logan's POV

I don't understand how Bella and Celeste (April's mother) can be in the delivery room with April. I get that I'm a guy and that I'm not meant to feel nausea around blood or other types of 'manly' stuff, expect that I can't stand the sight of blood and I defiantly can't handle hearing (let alone seeing) April in pain.

"Dude, stop fucking stressing she's going to be fine and so are you're kids" Christian says. He got off with a written warning because he made sure that she was well and safe. He made sure that she got what she needed to survive.

"Okay, how about you go and get some chick pregnant and then have her, go through everything that April has been through in the last nine months.

"Logan, calm down you're just getting frustrated because you're worried about April" my dad says walking in from a business call he had to take. "Trust me when you see April and your kids they are going to make you feel... well the funny thing is there are no words to describe the way you're going to feel. You'll just know" he finishes.

"Thanks dad but that doesn't help much right now" I state giving him a half smile.

"Mr Ellis, would you like to meet your children?" the nurse asking coming towards us from the delivery room.

I just stand there for a moment before it sinks in. I'm going to meet my kids. My flesh and blood. I nod my head slowly and we all walk towards the delivery room where April, Bella, Danya (April's mum), Bailey and Nate are waiting for us.

As we walk into the room I see straight away that April is exhausted. Her hair is tired back but lots of little strands a stick out and held against her head from how much she was sweating. I guess child birth is a more difficult task than I originally thought. I slowly stroll over to her and plant a kiss on her forehead. She glances up slightly and then looks over to where to glass cradles were placed near the end of the bed. I watch as the nurse picks up one of our children carefully and walks over to me. She is wrapped up in a bright pink towel, meaning that she was going to handing me Bailey.

"Would you like to hold your daughter, Mr Ellis?" the nurse asked me polite. With a quick nod of the head, she carefully placed her in my arms.

I have never in my life seen something so small and fragile. She was perfect. I watched the nurse pick up our son with the same amount of care and place him in April's tired arms. Her eyes shown with joy, when she embraced him.

"Which ones older?" I asked, to anyone in general.

"The boy is" the nurse replied. "Do you know what you wish to call them?" she continues politely holding a clipboard to jolt down their names.

"Nate for him and Bailey for her" I replied, glancing down at April who was still infatuated with Nate. "April you still want to call them that don't you?" I ask, making sure I didn't just ruin my good streak.

"Maybe just change Nate's to Nathaniel, but he's nickname can still be Nate" she says rocking him from side to side, ever so slightly.

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