Chapter 13 - Hope

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Logan's POV

I'm driving April, Bella, Georgia, Caleb (Georgia's boyfriend) and I out to the beach today. We haven't gone out somewhere since she started to really show; and by really show I mean not able to hide it under her baggy clothes anymore. April's nearing the six month mark now and seems to be dealing with all the criticism a lot better than what she was a few months ago. She's wearing a new frilly dress to try and conceal most of her pregnant belly, but she shouldn't have to worry about that. Christian is now totally ignoring me, because I stood up to him for Bella and has started rumours that I'm cheating on April with Bella. The thing is most people are starting to believe it. April knows about the rumours but knows nothing will happen between me and Bella, especially because she asked me to look out for her after the whole Christian breaking her heart thing. Honestly Christian deserves every little bit of hate he gets, not even considering his past.

As we pull up into the car park. Georgia is already out of the car and grabbing stuff out of the boot. Caleb and I go around to help Georgia with our stuff and Bella helps April get out of the car without hurting herself. We walk down to the beach and find a spot. I'm thankful that I choose a beach were hardly anyone went too. Most of the other guys from school go to North Shore, which is really crowded but Sunset Cove is a lot quieter and always has the best view of sunset - hints the name. I'd taken April here a few times when we first started dating, but when she started really showing she didn't want to come anymore.

The beach is practically deserted today and the only other people on the beach, we can see are about 500 metres away from us in one direction and no one is even on the other side of us. Caleb and Georgia are in the water, making out. Bella is tanning and has her music playing so that we all can hear and April is laying downing reading her book.

"Hey, wanna come for a swim?" I ask the girls.

"No. I'm tanning for the while. Maybe once I'm finished" Bella says.

I just rolled my eyes at her... girly ness. "How about you April?"

"Sorry?" she asked

"Do you want to go for a swim?"

"Sure, why not?" she says.

I lace my fingers with hers and we walk down towards the water. She looked beautiful, in this light. The sun was at its highest peak. Beaming down on us, the water shimmering and crashing up against the sand. April tumbles and falls into me, as she steps in a really soft part of the sand.

April's POV

I don't deserve Logan, I really don't. He's way too good for me. Although practically everyone thinks that we make the perfect couple or that we were made for each other. I just feel like I'm going to drag him down with me, now and in life.

"April, what's wrong?" Logan asks coming into view.

"Nothing just thinking" I say trying to avoid the subject.

"Don't avoid the subject April. I know there's more to it than that. You just won't admit it."

"I don't deserve you, okay. There are so many other girls that are ten times prettier than me, who know how to have fun at parties and not get pregnant. Who love their boyfriends and what to spend as much time with as they can, who know how to cheat and get away with it and get up looking beautiful" I say, trying not to cry.

"April none of that is true and even if it was you're the perfect girl for me" he says sitting down next to me. "Wait. Are you cheating on me?"

"No I'm not cheating on you and the rest of it is true. You deserve better than me. You always have, Logan. I don't deserve you, I never have and never will. I don't even understanding why you like me. I'm a dork!" I practically scream.

He leans in slowly and kiss my lips. He cups my face to make the kiss deepen and become more passionate. As we get more into the kiss he lifts me up onto his lap so that I'm now sitting across him. I can hear a whistles as he does so. He removes one of his hands from my face to my behind my back and flips the others off. "You are perfect, April. Beautiful, smart, funny, honest, loyal and no matter what anyone else says. You will always be the one and only girl for me because when I'm with you nobody else matters" he says before kissing me again.


Once we get back home everyone's exhausted and about ready to collapse. We dropped Bella off at her house and Georgia and Caleb are headed up to her room for an afternoon nap. I'm too tried to move. My back is aching so much, that I have to lie down. As I hobble over towards the stairs, Logan comes up behind me and scopes me up in his arms. He carries me towards his room making sure not to hit any of the walls or accidentally have a part of me hit a something.

"You know, that belly is starting to make hard to carry you up and down these stairs?" he says to me, with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Well that's your fault, now isn't it" I joke back.

"It's also partly your fault, so don't start pointing any fingers at me" he laughs placing me down on my bed.

Logan walks over to where we keep some of his clothes with mine. He throws my clothes at me, than walks out the room to talk his shower.

I get up and throw my pyjamas on and sink into bed. I grab my laptop and set it up, ready to put a movie on. As Logan walks back in from his shower he grabs his large grey jumper and puts it on. It's always been my favourite jumper and I do still it from time to time. As he crawls into bed, he wraps an arm around my waist and snuggles into me.

"Hey April, would you want to move in with me?" he asks.

As his words finally register into my mind. I swivel around so that I can look him in the eyes. "Yes," I start "of courses I will."

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