Chapter 7 - No More Parties

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- Logan's POV -

"April calm down, okay. We'll get through this" I say trying to calm her down. April's been freaking out about telling our parents for the last hour and a half. I understand why she's stressing out and everything but we do need to tell them soon. April's baggy clothes can't hide her ever growing belly forever.

"Maybe I can tell them next month" she keeps saying, although we both know she's just stalling. She has never wanted to disappoint her parents but this situation is going to have to change that. Danya and Daniel will understand, they always do. Georgia's been caught sneaking in a few times after her 'curfew' and they always seem to understand. They aren't the strictest parents in the world but they do know where to draw the line. I've known them for most of my life and they've never grounded or kept their kids from doing what they want to do. I'm more worried about what Jace is going to do to me, for getting his little sister pregnant.

Jace is fricken 6ft4in and I'm only 6ft3in. It's not that much difference when you think about it but Jace is that fucking solid he seems taller and a lot scarier. He's a very overprotective brother and if someone got one of them pregnant he would come down on them like a ton of bricks. The worst part is I've seen what he's done to some of Georgia's ex-boyfriend's and it's fucking terrifying. If that's what he's done to ex-boyfriends that broke one of his sister's heart, I don't even want to imagine what he's going to do to me.

"Come on, let's get this over and done with" April says, snapping me out of my thoughts. ?

As we headed down the stairs I could hear Danya singing softly in the kitchen. Daniel was sitting at the kitchen table discussing something with Jace.

"Can you go get Georgia, please" she whispered in my ear. I obliged and went to go get Georgia. When I got to her room I quickly knocked than opened the door just a bit to let her know that April needed her.

As Georgia and I walked back down the stairs she asked if April was finally telling mum and dad. I just nodded and continued walking.

Danya, Daniel and Jace were already sitting down on the couch and waiting for us to arrive. Georgia went to sit next to Jace and I tried to sit as far away from him as possible.

- April's POV -

I stand there shaking as Logan takes a sit on the couch furthest away from Jace. Probably terrified of what might happen to him once I tell everyone else that I'm pregnant.

"Mum, dad. Please don't freak or flip out when I tell you this but I-I-I'm pregnant" I say trying to look them in the eyes but my eyes start to water until I burst out crying.

"Who's the father" mum asked softly walking over and giving me a big hug.

"Logan" I said quietly.

My mum turns around and faces him with a surprised look on her face. I think she's in shock but before I can say anything Jace had already caught on and was rushing over towards Logan.

"Logan, are you fucking kidding me. You got April pregnant!" Jace cries furiously, storming over to Logan and punching him smack bam, square in the face.

Logan who had stood up only moments before Jace punched him in the face was now lying on the ground covering his face. Jace started repeatedly punch Logan, until he begged for mercy. Likely it didn't come to that. With me cry for Jace to stop and mum and Georgia trying to hold me back from getting to Logan, dad had, had enough and stormed over to where Jace and Logan were spilled out over the floor in a punch up. He grabbed Jace by the collar and yelled "Enough, okay. April is over there crying and all you two idiots can do is fight. Now April, are you planning on keeping the baby?" he asked curiously. I just nodded and covered my face with my hands. "Okay, than. Logan you had better support her no matter what. Now I'm not asking you to marry her but I do ask you to support her with your child through thick and thin" dad said sternly.

"Yes, sir" Logan said trying to stay on his good side. Although I think that ship sailed when I told them that Logan had gotten me pregnant.

"Okay, now you two, when did this happen?" dad asked gesturing to my ever expanding belly.

"Well are do you guys remember that party we went to about 4 months ago?" I asked. They nodded their heads signalling that they remembered. "Well, that was when Logan got me pregnant."

"So you got her pregnant whilst you were drunk!" Jace yelled.

"What no I would never do that. We weren't even drunk, okay" Logan said.


Standing there not being able to think straight was a major problem for me especially since I went to see my doctor. He confirmed that I was pregnant and said that he would be able to tell me soon if the baby is a boy or a girl.

Going to school has been hard especially seeing as how I can't hide my stomach anymore and every single flipping person at that school knows about it now. I got today off though, thank god. Logan's bringing me, my assignments and any work/homework I might have missed. I hate having to miss school. Okay so I don't have many friends, okay only two (including Logan) but still, I hate missing the work and how the teacher explains it encase I don't understand; which hardly ever happens but still that's not the point.

"April, the pizza's here" Jace shouted from the living room.

"I'll be right down" I shout back, sending Logan a quick text. I make my way down the stairs waddling as per usually. Most people start showing at about 12 - 16 weeks but that's only a little bump, whereas I'm pretty big especially considering it's my first.

Jace and I sat down having a Fast & the Furious marathon whilst scoffing down the pizza. Logan walked into the room when we were half way through the third movie. We had kept ordering pizza and had about 11 boxes stacked up and where on the 12th and 13th boxes... I think.

"Okay how much pizza have you eaten today?" Logan exclaimed looking at the pizza boxes.

"She's had more than me and I've eaten 5 boxes roughly, plus a whole stick of garlic bread" Jace says. Logan gives me a look of disbelief. I don't think he ever imagine I could eat that much food in a weekend, let alone a day. "So you planning on going to anymore parties?" Jace asks referring more to Logan than me.

"No... no more parties. I'm staying here to take care of April" Logan says taking a sit next to me than placing a strong arm around me shoulders.

"Well that's good to hear, especially since you're the one that fucked, my sister and got her pregnant" Jace scoffs.

The smirk on Jace's face grew and grew until it became a big grin. The type of grin someone usually gave when they had a devilish plan forming in the heads. Oh brother they had; they can't go a day without arguing over something can they even, if it was only for a few moments it was still arguing or as they liked to call it 'they were thoroughly discussing a point.' It's the way all the guys at school have been looking at me, for weeks now.

"Don't start this again" I pleaded.

"April, where having a hearty discussion here, please stay out of it and Logan control your girlfriend" Jace says.

"Shut-" Logan started but before he could finish I had pulled away from him, thrown my pizza box in Jace's face and stormed up to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. Logan knows I have a short temper at the moment and knows not to get on my bad side, but Jace knows better. He's received quite a few slaps across the face and a few door slamming as well. No matter how many times I have yell or screamed at him he doesn't seem to be getting the message.

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