Chapter 10 - New Information

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April's POV

As I was putting my new dress, I hear a knock at the front door. Georgia shouts to answer and runs down the stairs, a slight thud rang of the steps with each step. Logan and Georgia's new boyfriend, Caleb were coming over to our house for the dinner party mum and dad were having tonight with the family; this is basically just going to be a 'meet the family, boys'. Logan walks into my room a few seconds later.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" he asks me sitting down on the bed. He looked good in jeans, and a plain white shirt. He never liked to dress classy or over the top. He like the casual look and it suited him just fine.

"Like I'm about to explode" I laugh.

"Looks like it too" he laughs back.

"Oh haha very funny Logan. Now can you please help me with my dress it's knotted at the back?"

"Yeah, sure," he starts, fiddling with the frill at the bottom. "There you go" he finished. I felt the frill of the dress fall against my legs. Logan's arms snaked around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder as I looked at myself in the mirror. "I like your hair like this and you look amazing in this dress" he says planting a small kiss on the nape of my neck.

My hair was curled and my natural blonde streaks were visible through my thick long brown hair. My new dress is a flowing frilly sapphire blue strapless dress. "Mum had brought it for me, so that I could have something nice to wear if we went out to dinner or something special with the family. I thought that tonight, fits her reasons to wear it perfectly" I say turning around in his arms.

"You really do look beautiful though April" he says.


"My, my, my April honey. You look amazing" my gran says coming up and giving me a massive hug; will as big a hug she can manage with my ever expanding belly.

"Hey gran" I say.

"Wow... who's the hottie?" said Cassie, who was now staring at Logan.

"I'm Logan, April's boyfriend" he said as he came and put an arm around my waist.

"Y-you're the guy that got... April pregnant. I don't fucking believe it. You're way too hot to even consider dating a nerd like her" Cassie cried.

"Well I guess you would be Cassie than," Logan starts "yeah well April's told me all about how bitchy and slutty you are."

Cassie's jaw dropped and her hands clenched into fists. The look she was giving me at the moment was like death. She wanted me gone, she wanted me out of her life, and she doesn't even want to know me anymore. She storms down the hallway towards the formal dining room.

Pa just looks at me and starts laughing. "It's about time, someone put her in her place. I think you and I might just get along" he says to Logan stretching out his hand to shake with Logan's.

Logan gives me a slight smirk than leads me back to the dining room, where grandma, grandpa, Jace, Georgia, her boyfriend Caleb, mum, dad and Cassie (who still had an annoyed face) were now sitting waiting for the rest of us to join them.

Logan's POV

As we walked into the dining room, April's cousin Cassie was giving me a death glare and her grandparents are giving us a disapproving look. April said 'that they believe that you should be married before you even consider to have a child and by consider they mean have sex with anyone.' I guess they are still living in their childhood where you had to get married before you had a kid.

"So when are you to getting married" her grandma asked us, as we were taking our sits. We all turned or heads at her and stared. The only one who didn't look was grandpa, who just kept eating his food. "It's an actual question" she continued.

"Umm... well April and I both want to finish school first and then, I guess will see where it goes from there" I say putting a large amount of food in his mouth.

"So, how do you plan to support her than, if your still in school. April, you do realise that you probably won't be able to go to school once you've had the baby."

"Grandpa, I've organised with the school and my teachers that I will do the work but I'll do it at home and Logan's in most of my classes anyway so he can help me with it" April says as calmly as possible.

"Which brings me back to my original point. How are you going to support my granddaughter?" he said putting his fork down with a fair amount of force.

"Well I'm studying to become a teacher and I've already got a job, but I'm looking for another one at the moment" I say back calmly.

"So you don't earn enough money to support you guys is that what you're saying?" April's grandpa continued.

"At the moment yes but I've just brought a house, so I've just lost a lot of money but I paid for the whole house and I didn't take any money out of the bank" I say taking another bit of my baked potato.

"So you're broke?" he keeps going.

"No I'm not actually my grandpa just before April got pregnant and he left all his money to me. I've put about ten thousand dollars into an account that can't be unlocked for 3 months and that will be earning me interest on my interest" I said smugly.

April's grandparents just sat there looking at me in complete bewilderment. I don't think they realised that I came from a wealthy family and you certainly wouldn't think it the way that I dress but mum and dad always dress fancy; well except when they come to Summers' house.

"Umm... Logan actually is from the Ellis family," April's mum said "You know, Claire and Jacob Ellis."

"Your Claire's boy?" April's grandma asked.

"Yes, ma'am" I said back glaring at April. She was sitting there eating her food quietly.

"Well then. You did a good job their April" she said to her with an apologetic look.

"Wait. So the April's dating a hottie and a fucking millionaire? You've got to be fucking kidding me?" Cassie screamed.

"Cassie! Watch your language" her gran said.

"No I won't but how the hell did you score a hot boyfriend and on top of that a hot millionaire boyfriend" she said.

April's POV

Cassie had be screaming at me the whole way through dinner. Grandma and grandpa had left a little later on. Logan and Caleb are playing the Xbox in the front room with Jace and Ben. Georgia's sitting with me listening to Cassie bitch at me, saying shit like 'You shouldn't be dating, such a hot guy like him,' or 'how the fuck did you get to be dating a millionaire?' She really should stop sleeping around and start dating a guy's instead of just doing one-night stands each and every fucking night. "Why don't you just back off Cassie!" I shout.

"Woah, someone's got major mood swings" she says back

"Yeah and you know why?" I ask sarcastically "because I'm fucking pregnant. So stop being such a selfish little bitch for once in your life and starting treating everyone else around you like they deserve to be treated. Now if you don't mind I'm going to my room" I finish storming out of the room. Although I almost ran into the four boys who were now standing at the door, with their mouths hanging wide open.

"April! Wait up" Logan called running after me.

"What Logan? I just want to be alone" I say to him starting to cry again.

"No, no don't cry"" he says, picking me up bridal style and carrying me into my room.

He helps me out of my dress and into one of his tops; which is way too big for me but at the moment I don't really care. I take a seat on the bed and climb into bed carefully. Logan takes his shirt and pants off and puts a pair of sweats on instead and climbs into bed next to me. Mum and dad don't care if we share a bed. Logan's already gotten me pregnant and there's nothing much more he could do that could be worse than that. He drapes his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer to him.

"I love you, April" he whispers.

"I love you too, Logan" I whisper back.

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