Chapter Ten:

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Chapter Ten:

Olivia's Point of View:

'Somewhere someone is writing a news story about my mum.  They are writing about how it was an unfortunate accident that she was hit by a car earlier this morning.  They will say that her public relations people and publicists are making no comment on her recovery, or if she even will have a recovery. 

They are writing stories after stories.  This is breaking news, after all. 

No matter how much my mum tries to stay out of the spotlight, she always finds herself back in the center of the insanity.

Someone somewhere is writing a news story, but they're leaving out the most important part.

They're not telling you about the man that I'm sitting across from. They aren't telling you about the man who watched his heart break as he watched the love of his life make contact with the moving vehicle.  They aren't telling his story, when he should be.

He lost his heart to the gorgeous brunette that is my mother when he was only eighteen years old, and he's been fighting for her ever since. He's loved her with every breath he's taken since he saw her dancing for the first time. 

And now, his heart his breaking inside of his chest. While he sits in this cold, crowded waiting room waiting to find out if she will live or if she will die. 

That's the story they should be telling. Because for ten years he's watched his best friend love the girl that he loves. He's watched them laugh together. He's watched them live together. He's watched them raise their daughter together. 

And now, he's sitting here. He's sitting here staring down at his hands trying to hide his tears from the rest of us. 

The reporters, they aren't telling you that they were fighting before my mum jumped in front of the car. That my father told her that he loved her. That he is still fighting for her...'

"Where is Mum?" Carson, my illegitimate sister, asked from the seat next to her father, breaking my concentration on my blogging. 

"Car, I've told you that Mum is hurt. We'll find out more soon." Niall answered his daughter tiredly. 

I watched in confusion as my father turned to stare at Carson. I couldn't understand the way that he was looking at her. I couldn't understand the pain in his eyes as he looked at her. 

I remember the day that I found out that I was going to have a sister like it was yesterday.  I remember my mum breaking down at Uncle Niall's. I remember Uncle Niall taking her into his arms and holding her close.

I will never forget how painful her cries were that day. The day that she knew that she had lost my father forever. The day that she really lost me and Arron, too. 

"How are you doing, kiddo?" Uncle Louis asked me, gripping my hands in his own calloused ones.

"My mother attempted suicide this morning. She was fighting with Aunt El and my father. She tried to kill herself, Uncle Lou. How am I supposed to be doing? This is the first time that we've all been in a room together in years, and it's because my mum tried to kill herself." I fought the tears that were fighting to fall.  I refused to cry.

"I don't know, Livvy. I don't know how you do it. You've been through so much." He admitted, glancing at Aunt Eleanor who was looking outside the window. 

It was no secret that Eleanor was blaming herself for this mess.  It was no surprise, either. She had gotten my mum to admit that she loves my father, that she always has and always will.

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