Chapter Thirteen

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  • Dedicated to The Straw Hat Pirates

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!! This will most likely be a short chapter!

Recap: Clarity did some stuff, it was great, you should've been there.

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was back before I had joined the dojo. Back when my mother was still alive. I was sitting in her lap as she read to me. My father listened, too. There was something about my mother's voice that just lured you in, made you want to listen. I leaned against her chest and closed my eyes. I drifted asleep and curled around my mother, my arms latching on to her waist. When I opened my eyes again, my mom's eyes were widened in fear. I sat up and felt afraid, too. My father was by the now open door and in the doorway stood a fleet of Marines. My mother lifted me off her lap and stood. The Marine in front had a rough voice.

"Lena D. Luciditie (Loo-Sid-Eh-Dee), you are hear-by being sentenced to death by order of--"

"No!" I shouted "No, you have the wrong lady! Not my mama!" My mom put a hand on my shoulder. She put her arms around me in a tight hug and spoke.

"Clarity, I have to go. So you have to be strong and help support your Papa, you hear me?" I just hugged her sadly. We both had tears running down our faces. "We'll meet again someday. Up there in Heaven." I sobbed into her shoulder.

"You promise? You swear we'll be a happy family again?" She nodded and wiped my face. She walked to my father and hugged him, too. She stepped toward the door and looked back at me. She smiled sorrowfully and I burst into tears again. I ran after her.

"Don't go! I want to be a happy family now! Mama! Mama!" I was stopped by my father. He picked me and I sobbed. "Don't let her go. Don't let her leave us, Daddy. Help me, Daddy." He spoke just as sadly.

"I can't. She knew she'd have to leave someday. I can't stop her now." He had tears rolling down his face as well. That was one of the last times I saw my father sober.

Reality-Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I inched my eyes open. I was in the bed I had slept in the first time I passed out on the beach. For the third time. Usopp was slumped against the opposite wall, snoring. If he was supposed to be keeping watch, he was certainly bad at it. I hissed at him,

"Usopp. Ussop. Ussop!" He jolted awake.

"Huh? Whazzat?"

"If you're gonna play guard, at least pretend you're good at it!" He rubbed his eyes groggily. I pulled my boots on, they had been put on the floor next to the bed. "How long was I out?"

"Just for the night." I did the math in my head. Four days until the next island. I stood up and went to the sink. I rinsed my face. My chin, cheek, and forehead were all sore. I looked in the mirror. I had a cut running along my cheekbone, as well as a couple on my forehead and chin.

'For a swordsman, Zoro has one heck of a fist.' Usopp eyed me warily.

"I'm supposed to wake Nami and Chopper when you're up."

"So go tell them." He eyed me one more time, then nodded and left the room. As soon as the door shut, I began rummaging through cabinets and drawers for any of my belongings. I heard the floorboards creaking so I shut the drawer I had been looking through. The door opened and Nami entered. She looked nervous as she began speaking.

"Do you know how long until the next island?"

"Yeah." She paused as if I was supposed to say something else.


"And what?"

"How long will it take?"

"Oh, four days at the most."

"Do you know what it's called?"

"Hojad, home of the Hojadian Diamonds."

"Diamonds?" Her eyes had a strange look to them. I nodded.

"So, I'll be dropped off there?"

"What? Oh, yeah. And, um, would you mind if I asked what your full name was?" She was being annoying. Nami just had the knack to push my buttons, but of course I was just as talented.


"So what is it?"

"What is what?" I smiled as she huffed angrily,

"Your full name! What is it?"

"Clarity." She clenched her fists.

"And your last name?"

"Is classified." She let out a noise of a exasperation and stormed out of the room. I smiled to myself and prepared to dig through the last of the drawers. One was full of silverware and another was empty. I had just opened a third one when a voice broke the silence.

"Looking for something in particular?" I stiffened, but replied.

"Maybe." I turned quickly and found myself face to face with Zoro. Which was way too close. I backed up a little. "What did you tell them?" I was referring to last night when Zoro smacked me.

"I didn't tell them anything. Just that I had gone straight to my room after I left the kitchen." I nodded. "What did you tell them?"

"I told them to ask you."

"So you were the one to put me on the spot."

"At least I didn't tell them the truth! What would Sanji have done? He certainly wouldn't have stood by quietly! I just saved your ass, Zoro!"

"Why did you?" I was taken aback by the question.

"Why did I what?"

"Save my ass. Why didn't you just blame me for everything?" I stared at him. Was I becoming soft? I had begun to forgive him? I shook my head.

"I swear to god, if you make me question my own morals one more time..." I muttered bitterly.

"Why did you even need to anger me like that?" Zoro asked.

"Me? Anger you? You were the one who brought up my abduction!"

"I didn't know you were so sensitive about it!"

"What else would I be about the last ten years?"

"That's your problem! You keep living in the past! Just let it go! It's over now!"

"Well, your face is dumb" I retorted and pretended I wasn't holding back tears. Zoro continued ranting.

"I still don't even know why it's my fault! So you're right, I don't understand! So help me understand! Tell me why! Why are you so angry at me?" I spoke quietly at first.

"Because for the last fifteen years, I needed someone. Someone I could laugh with, someone I could smile with, someone I could be myself with." My voice began to raise." But no one wanted me as a friend. I was a freak. A weirdo. So instead I started looking for someone to blame. Someone who was responsible for it all. The death, the grief, the pain. When I was taken, I blamed you. You were the object of my anger." I was crying now and I had begun to yell. " Do you understand me now? I was looking for someone who could make me stop thinking it was all my fault!! I just needed someone to blame!" I broke into loud sobs. I felt his arms come around me, quite awkwardly, but at this point it's like what the hell. I pulled him closer and sobbed into his chest. I let all the pent-up emotions out as tears. The guilt, the sadness, the grief. I let it all go. Sort of.


Author's Note:

I lied to you. I lied to you all; that wasn't a short chapter at all.

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