Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to My Dog, Moose

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!!! Yet...Heheheh...

Recap: Who reads this, anyways?

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When I first met Master Tore, I was wandering around the local market. I didn't have much money left, but I still hadn't bought fruit or vegetables. I walked up to the veggie stand and prepared to barter with the man who owned the stand. He back was turned to me and he was using a transponder snail. I waited for a few minutes, but still the man ignored me. I didn't like stealing, but I also wasn't the most patient. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me and began putting vegetables into to my bag.

When I had a reasonable amount, I slipped into the crowd and was hidden by the mass of people. The rush of doing something illegal flowed through my veins as I wandered over to buy some fruit from my regular stand. I was looking at the fruit and was prepared to buy some when something caught my eye. A new stand had been set up by a man I had never seen before. I dropped the apple I was holding and walked over to the stand to examine his merchandise. I looked at the shelves he had and my shoulders sagged. It was just a bunch of junk. The man looked at me and asked,

"Have you heard of a Devil Fruit?" I widened my eyes and nodded vigorously. The man chuckled. "I have one in the back, would you like to see it?"

I awoke in a cold sweat. That dream had been all too realistic; I could still feel the adrenaline pumping throughout my body.

I found a sink and sipped a glass of water as I calmed down. Sliding back into my sheets, I felt drowsiness creep back in and I closed my eyes.


"Oh, can I? Yes, yes, I'd love to!" I followed him into the back of his stand. My instincts were screaming "You're being stupid, literally what the fuck are you doing!", but the thought of seeing the fruit overwhelmed me. A Devil Fruit was placed on a table in the middle of the cramped room. I reached out to touch it, but pulled my hand back when I remembered my manners.

"May I?" I asked as politely as I could. The man grinned and nodded. I touched the strange looking fruit and felt shiver run down my spin.

"Would you like to try it?" The man asked. I gaped at him; Was he crazy, of course I wanted to!

"I would!" The man grabbed a knife from a drawer and began slicing the fruit into bite-sized pieces.

"What's your name?" He asked without looking up.

"Clarity. What's your's?"

"Tore. How old are you, Clarity?"

"I'm almost 8!" I said proudly. Tore smiled and gave me a plate piled high with the contents of the Devil Fruit. He gestured to the plate and said,

"Dig in." I grabbed the juiciest looking piece and tossed it into my mouth. It was disgusting; it tasted like an avocado someone had set fire to and then left in the sun. Tore was looking at me expectantly so I forced myself to finish the fruit, piece by piece. The thought of getting a power certainly helped. After I finished, I looked at Tore and asked excitedly,

"What power will I get?" He crouched down to my height and brought a pipe crashing down on my head, knocking me out.

"You'll find out."

Reality-Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Clarette... Clarette..." One of the pirates was saying my fake name. I opened my eyes, expecting to see the ceiling of the cabin I had fallen asleep in, but instead I saw Luffy's smiling face. I sat up and groaned,

"What?" I wasn't exactly a morning person. I was on the deck of the Going Merry surrounded by the pirate crew. My pirate crew, I guess.

"Do you have the power of a Devil Fruit?" I almost choked on my tongue.

'Is he asking because he's curious or does he already know? Did Master tell them?' No, he's probably just curious.' Just to be cautious I avoided his question,

"Why am I on the deck inside of on the cot?" Luffy frowned and said,

"Do you?"

"N-no, but why am I---" Usopp cut me off by yelling,

"Dunk-The-New-Crew-Mate Day!" He grabbed my ankles and Luffy grabbed my wrists as they prepared to throw me into the sea. The sea. Of course.

"No, no don't! I was lying! Lies, I say, lies!" It was too late, they released me and I soared into the sea. I started screaming all the curse words I knew. I plunged into the sea and felt fatigue overcome me. I closed my eyes as I sunk into the depths.

Zoro's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Jeez, what a mouth on that girl!" Nami exclaimed as Clarette or May Rin or whatever her name is let loose a string of curses. Clarette went headfirst into the water. We all watched the water in silence. A minute passed and Luffy said,

"Huh. That's not supposed to happen." He scratched his head as his tried to figure out what just happened. I said aloud what I knew most of us were thinking

"I'm going to assume she was lying about not having Devil Fruit powers." I looked into the water.

"Don't just stand around! Jump in and save her!" Nami commanded. Sanji pulled off his shoes and his jacket an dived into the water. We waited in suspense and finally Sanji's head popped out of the water, gasping for breath. I couldn't see whether or not he had saved the girl. He lay the girl down on the floor and asked panickedly,

"Is this supposed to happen?" The girl wasn't a girl anymore. She was a fat man, then a skinny child, then a short woman.

"What in the..." I let the sentence die off.

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I felt myself be dragged out of the water and on the deck of the ship. I knew my powers were out of control. Whenever I entered water, I could no longer control my ability and I transformed into every Devil Fruit user I had ever met. I slowly regained control and shifted back into my normal form. My 17 year old self. I heard one of Zoro's swords be unsheathed and I knew it was probably pointed at my throat. The weight of everything weighed upon me. my shitty life, my shitty future, how shitty everything is. Without opening my eyes, I spoke,

"Do it... Kill me." I opened my eyes, tears rolling down my face." I've been trying to do it myself for the last ten years" It was true. Ever since I was kidnapped by Master Tore, I had attempted to commit suicide multiple times, but each time I was stopped by Master. To my surprise, Zoro sheathed his sword and shook his head.

"No." Without another word he started to walk off. I stood up, ignoring the other crew members.

"Hold on, you can't do that!" He turned and looked at me.

"Not kill you?"

"Yeah." I realized how weak and stupid I must've sounded, but I didn't take it back.

"Where's the logic in that?" I glared at him and was struck by an idea.

"How about a deal?" I asked.

"What kind of deal?" he looked suspicious now. I unsheathed my swords and he stiffened.

"One to the death."


Author's Note:

Whew! That was a rather long chapter! And does anyone if you can actually choke on your own tongue?

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