Chapter Four

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Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece...Yeah, that's about it...

Recap: Just read chapter three

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'Well, shit.' We had stopped at the one place I swore not to bring them. Master's house, in all its hellish glory.

"What's in there?" Luffy asked. My mind raced as I tried to come up with a reason for them to move away from the house. Of course, it would be tough since Master Tore has nested in an abandoned church from over 800 years ago, even I was still impressed by the place.

"It's nothing! I mean, I can't--- so, asbestos!" I was never good under pressure.

"Can't what?" asked Zoro. Oh, Zoro, always the supspious one. I needed to come up with a lie that would keep them away from the house. Now lying I was good at. Sometimes.

"Well, I shouldn't tell you, but you seem like nice people, so I will anyways. It's said that that abandoned church is haunted by the ghost of the old priest, Eort! Eort was an evil man in life and is even eviller man in death! I heard that he kept a big treasure in the church and protected it with his life. He shows no mercy to those who dare enter the church to find his treasure!"

"W-w-w-what does he do to them?" Usopp looked as scared as a mouse cornered by a cat. I looked up at him and tried to look at least a little frightening and said,
"No one knows... they never come back out." Chopper was now hiding behind Zoro who had an eyebrow raised as he examined the church's large front doors. Nami and Usopp were clinging to each other.
I knew I was scaring them, but I didn't stop there. " I knew a girl who didn't believe the rumors and entered the church. Sometimes you can still hear her screams..."

"Whoa! Let's go meet him!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he jumped up from where he was sitting. I looked up in surprise and confusion.

"Wait, what?" He wasn't supposed to want to go in there.

"Well, I guess it's decided, then." Zoro nodded and followed Luffy. The others swallowed their visible fear and began walking towards the church. (Well, Chopper and Usopp were dragged, but details, details!) I stood and ran in front of them.

"Um, I-I'll go first!" I needed to warn Master. I turned and opened the door before any of them could object. I didn't expect a hand to shoot out from the darkness and pull me in by my throat. I yelped and resisted, but it was to no use. I prepared myself to battle until I realized that the only person who could be in the house would be Master. I stood up straight and prepared my self for the beating that Master could give me, but it didn't come. Instead I only heard his scratchy voice.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Seems like silly, little, Clarity never learns... and I'm always the one to clean up the mess!" He laughed in his devilish way and in that moment I changed my mind. Zoro wasn't the only guy who made my stomach leap into my throat, Master Tore had the same effect. How did I know? I could already feel my lunch coming back up.
"Now I have a mangy bunch of pirates banging on my front door and who's gonna have to take care of that? Me... now get into my study so I can fix the mess you made..." I nodded my head and walked briskly to Master's study.

'I know the pain's coming soon, why can't he just get it over with?' He answered my silent wish as soon as I entered the study. I screamed with surprise as the whip came slashing across my back.


Aw, snap! Master Tore is going Indiana Jones on Clarity's ass! (I was like six when I wrote this, I don't condone child abuse)

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