Chapter 9-- Lammas Celebration

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"Are you sure I look okay Ame?" Shayla questioned for what must have been the millionth time. She was dressed in a beautiful emerald robe and black ballet flats, with her moonstone hanging around her neck.

"Yes Shayla, you look amazing!" She exclaimed while settling her circlet onto her head in front of the mirror. "Now let's get going before we miss the whole thing!"

Thankfully Amethyst had her own car, so they didn't have to walk to the town square, where the holiday celebrations were held. Soren still hadn't been back in person, but he'd visited her in her dreams the first few nights to let her know he was fine. He seemed stressed, but claimed it was just the stress from preparing for the celebrations, so she didn't push any further.

As they searched for somewhere to park Shayla's thoughts couldn't seem to get away from what she feared was coming.

"Ame, before Soren, there was another guy. You might know him, Dillan?"

"I remember him, sweet guy."

"Well for some reason he really hates Soren. Now that I'm going to be around Dillan without him around, I'm kind of worried what he will try to start." Shayla felt like she was starting to ramble, and took a deep breath to calm down. "I guess what I'm saying is, will you stay near me during this? Please?"

Amethyst turned to her as she put the car in park and smiled. "Of course, and don't worry, jealousy brings out the worst in people. You just have to brush whatever he has to say off. Okay? Everything will be fine."

Shayla breathed a sigh of relief and hoped she was right. She pushed her door open and swung her legs out, trying to avoid stepping on the hem of the robe. Still certain that she looked ridiculous, she shook her head and walked around the car to stand next to Amethyst before they set off towards the bonfire.


In the center of the town square there was a long table set up and covered with a beautiful cloth. It was covered with food from one corner to the other. Shayla couldn't believe all of the dishes before her eyes. There was blackberry cobbler, a pile of delicious looking fresh bread, something called basil pesto, and so many other dishes that she was told were perfect for the holiday at hand.

Off to the side there was a beautiful altar set up, with enough room around it for all of the townspeople to form a circle around it. There were children playing in a small patch of newly ripe corn that she had never noticed before. Next to the kids was an older woman trying to explain to them how to harvest the corn and the importance of learning to provide for themselves from the earth.

While the older woman tried to reign in the children, a man in his forties called the band to a stop and stepped up on the stage to explain the importance of Lammas, or as it is known sometimes 'August Eve.' He explained that it was the harvest of the wheat festival and the first of the harvest festivals. From what she could hear over the squeals of children, it sounded like it was a holiday that wasn't honored often anymore, because bread could be bought plastic wrapped in the supermarket. But back in the days before such convienences, a good wheat harvest could make the difference between a healthy winter or starving to death. Shayla actually thought it was quite fascinating, and made a mental note to talk to Soren about helping her get a small part of the yard penned off for wheat. Despite her earlier worries, she was actually enjoying herself. Though there was a big reason for that.

So far Shayla had not seen Marcie or Dillan, the two people she least wanted to see. Though she could have missed them in the mass of people dancing to a beautiful Celtic tune drifting through the square. The band responsible for such a tune was set up on a newly built stage where everyone could see them. She was taking a break on a bench at the opposite end of the square after dancing with Ame and Earl until her feet hurt. Earl had explained that the circle itself would take place after the children left to go to bed, and when the moon was at it's peak.

At first she had stuck next to Amethyst like her life depended on it, but after so long of not running into Dillan, she decided that maybe he was avoiding her too, and sent the other woman to enjoy herself. Of course, that was a decision she was about to learn was the wrong one. He wasn't avoiding her, he was waiting for her to be alone.

Shayla finished her last bite of bread smeared with pesto just as he approached her from behind, as though he'd been hiding.

"Shayla." He called and she turned her head towards the voice, figuring it was another of the townsfolk wanting to dance. Her eyes met his and she shot up off the bench and began to search for her companion.

"Get away from me Dillan. The last time I saw you, I ended up with a concussion." When guilt flashed in his eyes she almost felt bad for saying it that way, but forced herself to be strong.

"That was an accident. But that's not why I'm here. What do you really know about your new boyfriend?"

"I don't think that's any of your business. Why do you care?" She asked snidely.

"Because I care about you Shayla. I really do."

"Well I'm fairly certain that is not your job. Get lost." This time no guilt was in his eyes. If his eyes could have changed colors, Shayla was certain they would have turned red with anger.

"Oh, so you just enjoy screwing the enemy then huh? Why don't you ask him about his coven master? And what his relation to you is. Maybe you could ask after the next time you wake up naked in his arms?" Her eyes widened and her temper flared at his presumptuous comments and she took a few steps toward him with her hand raised to slap him.

"You have NO right to say anything about him." She retorted as she got within slapping distance.

"I have every right. You are bringing the worst of the worst into our town. All because you couldn't resist his charms." His face contorted with anger and sadness. "I guess you are just like every other slut huh?"

Shayla's hand connected with the side of his face with such force that his head turned to the side. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she turned to walk away. "How dare you Dillan. How dare you."

Dillan seemed to realize what he'd said and grabbed her arm with regret written in his posture. "I'm..I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"Yes, I think you did. Let me go." She tried to pull out of his grasp, causing him to pull her as close as he could. He crushed her against his chest, ignoring her protests.

"I really didn't mean it. I'm sorry. You just- You make me crazy. You know I'm not like that."

She stopped struggling and looked up into his face with contempt in her eyes. "Ever heard of true colors, Dillan?"

Seemingly oblivious to her anger, he wiped the tears from her face and lowered his face to hers, all the while holding her tightly. She realized what he was about to do mere seconds before his lips crushed onto hers. He slipped his tongue between her lips, open from the shock of his kiss. He kissed her with such passion that it took her a moment to begin pushing away. He finally let her go after pressing one last kiss onto her forehead.

"Ask him Shayla. Just ask." He instructed as she wiped her mouth in disgust.

"Screw you Dillan. Screw you." She snapped and turned to run down the road towards her house. Even a wonderful celebration wasn't worth this.

She forced the tears collecting in her lashes to stop and told herself that he was just full of it. Jealous, like Amethyst said. But even she couldn't lie to herself. Some of what he said planted the tiniest seed of doubt in her mind. And even the tiniest seed can have disastrous consequences.


This is dedicated to trishthewriter, because, well, she's amazing!

Sorry for taking so long. Hmmm. Wonder if Dillan's really got something there. How about that kiss though? Did she really take her time to pull away because she was shocked or is she still sort of hung up on him? Vote and Comment if you like it! (BTW, Lammas is August 1st, in case anyone was wondering.)

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