Chapter 5 Date

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               I rolled out of bed and looked at the clock. I jumped out of bed when I realized what day it was. I hurriedly took a shower and dressed casually. I was finally going back to see Katherine. The whole week had been stressful, since I was focusing on Katherine, which  was not helping. I rushed around the hotel room grabbing all my belongings. I didn't realize that I was smiling until my cheeks began hurting.


          I was finally done packing everything up, when i got a phone call. I hurriedly snatched it off the modern black table, but frowned at the caller I.D. My father. I debated on not answering, but then again, it could be imprtant. I stared at the screen momentarily before I answered, "Hello?"

"Son, the plane leaves in an hour, we leave in 10." With that he hung up. What a nice conversation .

     I slid my phone into my  black pants pocket and looked around the room. My eyes wandered the room, I gave quick nod and began to stroll over to the steel black door, my suitcase following behind me.

    I  sat on the plane waiting impatiently. All I wanted was the plane to move. I groaned aloud. I was sitting alone, since my dear father decided he didn't want to be seen with me. That wasn't the real reason, but then again I had no idea where he was. My blue eyes rolled at the cieling and stayed there. The intercom came on and the pilot began to speak. I ignored everything they said. I've been on enough planes to know what goes on one. The plane gave a little jolt and we lifted into the sky, heading home.

    My mind  was soon occupied with the thoughts of taking  Katherine on our date. Maybe a fancy restraunt?  Or.. A smile lit my face as I thought of the perfect place!.



          The whole day, a smile was glued to my face. I was so happy because tonight was my date with Liam and I had been waiting a whole week.I glanced at the clock, I had an hour left before Liam arrived and I was still looking for what to wear.I began to panic. I continued looking through the closet and that when I found it. The perfect outfit. It was a royal purple dress, that came just above my knee and had some diamonds on it ( Dress is on the side.) I smiled and  walked into the bathroom. I changed into the dress, lightly put some makeup on and curled my blonde hair . I smiled at the reflection in the mirror.

     The doorbell chimed, and I glanced into the mirror one last time before I raced down the stairs. I opened the door , to see a very handsome Liam. Wow. Was the only word that I could think of. I looked up and saw that he ws already smiling at me.

   "You look amazing."   I blushed, "You look very handsome," I replied. I saw a little pink come to his cheek and I couldn't help but smile.

      He  gently took my hand and we walked to his car. Like a perfect gentlemen, he opened the door for me. I gracefully, well  at least I hope I did, slid into the passenger seat. He calmly walked around to the other side of the car and began to drive. The whole ride was silent, seeing we were both lost in thought.

"Well, where are we going?" I asked.

He smirked, "You'll see."

I silently began to guess about all the differnt possiblitiesas I leaned back against the seat.

Half and hour later, we were still in the car. I glanced at Liam  but he was calm.

 "Liam?' I asked.

"Mhhmm?" he replied.

"Where are we going?" i asked. " I am not telling, but we are almost there."

The  next five minutes seemed endless, until I heard the roar of the waves.



          Katherine looked stunning. When she opened up the door , well I hope I didn't look like an idiot. I smield gently and focused on my driving. I had decided to take her to the beach, where I prepared a dinner earlier.



      The scene was goregous, I was stunned.  I watched as Liam walked around the car to open my door. I was still staring, when Liam took my hand.  We walked over to a table that had already been set up with a light blue table cloth,dishes and flowers.. There was already food on the table, and it looked delicious. My mouth began to water at the smell. I didn't realize how hungry I was. There was steak and potatoes, and many other entrees. We sat down, and a conversation began. 

     The night seemed to go on forever. I  didn't realize that Liam had taken my hand and led me closer to the water. I reached and pulled my pumps off. I took his hand and we walked into the cold water. His arms gently warpped around my waist. I leaned into him and smiled. "I hope to see you again." he whispered into my ear. I shivered and replied, "Me too."

  This night was unforgetable.


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