"I missed you" I said breathing a sigh of relief. Paige pulled back and looked at me.

"Now, what I really wanted to talk to you about." she said seriously as she sat on her bed again. I sat next to her perplexed.

I thought that was what she wanted to talk about.

"Do you have any pads?" she asked randomly.

"No" I shook my head.

"What about tampons? Do you have any tampons?" I shook my head. Paige sighed deeply.

"Why don't you have any?" she asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged it off "I'll buy some when my period comes this month. Do you need some?" I asked her.

"No Sheilah." she shook her head. "You're late."

"Late for what?" I asked confused.

"Your period is late" she said bluntly.

"What?" I screeched my voice getting high "No it's not. There's still time left this month"

"Sheilah. It's the 30th." I looked at the calendar confused.

"It can't be" I said.

"Well. That doesn't prove anything. I've been late before" I said shaking my head and shrugging.

"Sheilah. What about your boobs?" she said pointing at my chest.

I couldn't think of an explanation.

"I can't be-" I gulped afraid to say the word. If I said it out loud it'd be to real.

"Only one way to tell." Paige got her keys. "Come on" she headed to the door and I followed her to her car. 

She drove and I stared out of the window. How was I gonna deal with this? What would Chase say?

"Are you ok?" Paige asked concerned.

"I'm scared" I said softly.

"It's gonna be ok" she said. The drug store was just around the corner and we were already there. Paige parked in the front of the store.

"Let's go" I said getting out of the car and rushing in the store. I sped to the back of the store ducking from anyone that might be looking.

"Can I help you?" the pharmacist walked up to me and asked. She looked like a sweet old woman with tight white curls.

"I... um" I couldn't tell her what I needed. She'd probably think I was a hussy or whatever was the word for slut in her day.

"You can tell me." she said placing her frail hand on my shoulder.

"We need a pregnancy test please." Paige came up beside me to speak for me.

"Right over in aisle 6" she said smiling and walked away.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Paige said patting my back. 

When we got home I ran in the bathroom and took the test.

"What's it say?" Paige asked as I emerged.

"It needs a minute." I said. I sat on the edge of my bed and Paige joined me. She wrapped her arm around me.

I sat in silence rethinking everything. This was going to change my life forever.

"Is it done yet?" Paige asked. I got up and walked towards the test on the bathroom counter. I picked it up and read the screen displaying my biggest fear. I looked up at Paige and she looked at me waiting for an answer.

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