To Feel Shattered

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Loki's P.O.V

Blackness was all I felt; at one point I felt a sharp pain in my gut, also my face.I could barely use any of my senses, I had no idea what was going on, but I struggled to get out of whatever mind hold I was under.

Then, just like that, my senses were restored to to my horror, I saw a sight that nearly drove me over the edge: I was standing and holding one of my son's shoulders in one hand, but in the other I had his sword up against his heart... He looked so still and pale.

In a flash I backed up and removed the sword; it clattered on the floor. There was so much blood everywhere. The robots let go of Percy and he fell face forward on the ground.
I was by his side in a instant- I turned him over and cradled him, ignoring the blood seeping in my clothes.
"Percy... Percy, do something... ANYthing!"
I shook him gently but he did not even stir or groan; with shaking hands I took his pulse.
No heart beat.
My memories of what happen when I lost control came to me.
My mind shattered... I just... But I didn't mean to... But he's now...
I killed my own son.
I let out a wail before burying my head in his neck, some blood still pooled out.
"Well Loki, didn't I tell you!"
It was that alien witch- I snapped my gaze to her, glaring at her.
"What did you do to him" I said in a deadly voice, I shielded the image of him away from her.
She started to laugh in amusement, "Me? It was you that killed him, it was you that rejected him, you made it quite clear to him that you never loved him"
Grief overwhelm me, Sally I'm so sorry I didn't mean to... What excuse did I have?
'Oh sorry I killed our only child and son'- I could have done something to prevent it.
I continued to bury my head at his neck, sobbing silently.
I noticed his charm still hanging around his neck, and I took it and placed it in one of my pockets.
I looked at his peaceful face, eyes closed forever. Then I felt myself torn away from him.
I struggled against the iron grip, but I was too distraught to even summon magic from within me.
"I think we should tell your father-in-law what you did, Loki"
Before I could comprehend what she had just said, a door open from below and the robot grabbed my son and as if he was just a bag of trash, tossed him out into the sea.
I screamed out Percy's name, kicking and trying to get free in order to murder the alien.
The alien's eyes glowed purple again and I was forced to once again remember what I did and said to Percy. By the end I was on the ground with my body complete shut down.
All I could do was stare ahead, I just wanted the pain and guilt to go away.
I remembered when Sally told me she was cursed and that the child would die at a young age

(a.n- Quote from gathering frost)
"No Loki, I can bear a child but the child will be cursed to die at a young age. I can't just raise a child knowing that I doomed its fate."

I told her we would have a child when we figure out a way around the curse.
Instead, I left her without knowing that I left her with a child, and I was the person to kill our child at a young age.
I truly understood the meaning of being a monster, what I did was...
I was dragged out of the ship and onto a floor of a desert.
"Well, Loki, I believe this is the end. Do enjoy the rest of your life, I have much to complete from my master."
The ship soon left and I still was on my knees staring blankly, the cruel irony of my situation was having me alive and well, while my son...
I slowly let go of the spell I keep to hide my sight from Heimdall, I wasn't surprised that in just ten minutes, I was surrounded by the familiar rush that came when traveling through the Bifrost.
I was still on my knees, my mind going dull and blank as I stared at the golden floor of the Bifrost site, ignoring Heimdall, who stood a short distance away.
I was silently hoping that I would get a death sentence for escaping.
Because I was sick and tired of living.
Thor's P.O.V
After much discussion, Laufey pointed out that Odin (whether he thought Loki was abandoned or not) stolen Loki from his own realm and turned him into a weapon.
Laufey was ready to go to war again, until Odin under many rules for Laufey and oaths gave back the casket of winter. The avengers and everyone else went back to their own realm, all saying that they will look out for Loki.
I was with my mother in her garden when a servant rushed in and whispered in her ear.
My mother froze before taking me by the arm and rushing us to the healing room.
I did not understand why sh-... By the Norns! Loki?!
"Loki! Brother!" I rushed to him expecting from him a snarl and insult... Instead he blankly stared ahead with a haunting look.
Odin walked in and stopped in disbelieve, remorse showed in his eyes at the son he failed to protect.
It was very clear that Thanos use to speak thoughts in Loki minds leading him to madness, I also understood clearly that I let down my little brother.
I place a hand on his shoulder and shook him gently.
"Brother... We know about Thanos".
Loki snapped his head up at the mention of the name, his eyes started to watered and he just let out a sob, resting his head on my shoulder as I gave him a hug.
He mumbled stuff in my ear, "they killed her-they killed- but I- I didn't mean too"
Mother came and took over having Loki sit down and rest beside her as she ran her hand through his hair. He was silently crying.
The only time I remember Loki crying was when we were little and he got hurt, or when Odin tried to explain that his pet snake Jormungand was too big to keep, and that midgard's seas were big enough, but that happened when he still a child.
He started to talk quietly to mother about... A women?
A demigod name Sally Jackson who was a daughter of poseidon, in shock I heard about how he married her, he explained that Thanos send his minions to kill her and forced him to kill his own son.
I felt burning anger within me- Thanos went too far this time- I roared in anger and turned over a table.
"Thor, enough" mother said firmly.
"Loki, know that we will do everything within our power to make Thanos pay." Loki barely acknowledged the vow and simply closed his eyes, trying to shut himself out of the cruel life he's been forced to live.
I noticed that Loki was holding tightly in his hand some type of green charm.
Third P.O.V
The Atlantic Ocean
A great storm raged across the ocean became common for next 30 minutes, and several underwater volcanos erupted. But surrounding it was a motionless body. A boy who was clearly dead, whose blood was seeping into the ocean. The ocean was calm and gentle around the dead body.
Then something even stranger happened, a yellow light seeped from the surface above the floating body and made its way towards it.
It surrounded the body, encasing it with a warm glow. As it did that, the blood surrounding the body seeped back into it. Just as the blood finished returning the body took a deep breath.
Percy Jackson was alive once more.
(A.n- whoooooo'ssssss Haaaaappppppyyyyy)
A part of the ocean immediately responded by the heart beat, it seem to freeze then it gently moved the unconscious body down to the depths into a hidden city.
Mermaids (and mermen) were silent when the boy passed, one swam towards Percy.
The merman was clearly a god, who looked the same age as Percy but older, "hello nephew, let's take you to grandfather before he destroys the surface land"
The minor god triton carried Percy to the Throne room, he was meet with the image of a raging God tearing up the place in anger.
The raging God stopped when he saw Percy.
"How is he-?"
"I do not know father, but we have to make sure he stays alive"
Poseidon took percy from Triton and brought his grandson to a room he had already set up, for if Percy ever decided to visit.
Poseidon himself examine Percy's healed wound (of course after Percy was changed from bloody clothes to clean ones).
"I sense no magic or any god signature"

"Maybe the ocean healed him father"
Poseidon shook his head, "no, he was dead before he even hit the water, his soul was not there"
Triton was puzzled with his father's actions, "should we not rejoice?"
Poseidon eyes darken for a moment, "I fear that some other being raised Percy from the dead"

Poseidon looked over his grandson, for a moment wondering if percy would go insane when he wakes, then he looked at triton and said, "if a being raised Percy from the dead, that would mean it wanted something from Percy. Because it... Saved Percy's life, Percy would be indebted to the being"
Triton looked mortified at the thought of Percy being in debt to a immortal, because truth be told immortals asked for a lot.
"I will go to Olympus and tell them that their idea has nearly killed my grandson, and that Loki will no longer be tolerated near Percy. Also I will make sure a bounty is on Loki's head."
"I will tell mother on what has happen"
But then everything seem to froze when Percy coughed and turned to his side groaning.
He got up slowly, his eyes filled with daze and confusion.
He stared at his grandfather and uncle, "where's... Where's my dad?"
Then it seemed in a split second all past events seem to crash down on the young demigod.
"N-no... No... Please tell me it's not..." The demigod was gripping the end of a bed post leaning on it.
Triton stood awkwardly to the side and gestured poseidon to answer.
"My grandson, I'm sorry. I swear tha-"
Percy blocked out the rest as he crashed down on his knees sobbing uncontrollably.
"How could he! I-I tru-... I trusted him! How could he be so..." At the end of the rant Percy let out a wail and continue sobbing.
Triton made a move to embrace Percy in a hug, but Percy just roughly pushed triton away.
After several attempts to console Percy from both poseidon and triton, Percy said to go away and just let him be.
So they left slowly, promising to come back soon.
Percy's P.O.V
Percy focused on getting air inside him. He was suppose to be death, he was sure of it.
For a moment he tried to forget about Loki, that dull the pain for a moment before painfully coming back.
Loki; God of mischief and lies had lied to Percy and killed him, why was Percy even surprised?
He shook his head and struggled to get up and stumbled to the nearest mirror.
Loki said he never cared about Percy's mother, that sent shocks of grief through Percy's heart.
His mind baffled at the tragic truth of being used, he finally got to a mirror and recoiled at the sight.
His hair was normal but tear trails were clear engraved to his face, he looked under his shirt and saw a white scar where Loki stabbed him.
Then he looked himself in the eye (which in no surprise was already bloodshot).
His mother (at the mention a sob was stuck on his throat) use to say how special his eyes were, it use to look like a moving sea of ice, never breaking.
Now it was completely shattered, Like ice.
Shattered ice.
Percy was overcome with the feeling of loneliness and betrayal as he raced to the bed and tumbled over it.
He closed his eyes as the betrayal pierced his heart; desperate to enter the blissfulness of sleeping, ready to enter the temporarily relief of darkness.
But he just couldn't sleep.
A.N- yeah another chapter done, and yes it was just a filler chapter... And yes I am starting to update more late. I know, I know...but still... I updated. Anyway I have a poll from you guys.
Which infinity stone do you like best?
Vote for two
Time- Time travel; stop, slow down or speed up flow of time; accelerate or slow down aging; see into past/future.
Space- Travel through space, mostly through teleportation. Able to interfere with the motion of other objects.
Reality- Alters all of reality; similar to the effects of a Cosmic Cube, but much, much higher.
Power- Increased strength and durability, enhances virtually any known superhuman ability, energy manipulation.
Soul- Observe, attack or even steal a being's soul or spirit. Also used to revert individuals to their natural state.
Mind-Near-limitless psionic/psychic abilities including empathy, telepathy and telekinesis. (P.S- on Visions forehead right now)
Tell me if you like it or not
Cooljoanna15 out

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