To Feel Aching

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This chapter is dedicated to
Guest (from fan fiction)
-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)
Also I might take a page or two from terri hood (wattpad)
I do not own Percy Jackson or marvel.
Yeah on with the story
Percy Jackson P.O.V
I'm really confused.
Yeah I don't mind not going to school, but why did grandad change his mind?
That send some uneasiness of the fact he changed his mind easily.
I put some clothes in my camp bag, I closed my eyes as I felt a rush of sadness.
My mother died in the giant war two months ago, a month before summer.
She was protecting this Roman girl who was 13 years old from a pack of hellhound thats when some monster shot her. Some people said that the life in her eye died down instantly, she fell down. The little girl got away but my mom's body got torn apart by the monsters.
Even if she was alive she was torn apart.
She never stood a chance.
One of my friends, Clarissa, saw this happen and in rage killed the monster.
She brought the gun back, but not before destroying the monsters in rage.
The weird part is the monster that kill my mom was a alien with the same weapon from the alien invasion in New York that the avengers fought.
I guess that was the question, what in the world was the alien doing there.
I open my eyes to finish packing, then I made my way to the Athena cabin. Athena didn't mind, she felt bad that I saved her daughter but got dragged into Tartarus alone in doing so. She feels like she owns me, at least she doesn't hate me.
No one was in the cabin, of course I scolded, they had a hour booked in for the arena.
A lot of things were changing this summer, the Hephaestus cabin been working over time, with Leo excitingly going one place to the next, the Vulcan cabin and other cabins that are good with building were helping as well.
Also because there are so many cabins the gods decide to bless us with a pocket of space, in other words our land is kind of like a dimension now.
My question is if they could do that what stopped them?
Then the cabin leaders have more responsibilities, like booking things for the cabin.
Yep now they can pick a reasonable schedule, that worked great with cabins like, Athena,Thoosa(their mother is swift currents so they never still still), Pannychis (they like night time activities), Aristaeus (their dad symbol is bees so they like to get busy a lot.) and Thaumas (God of wonder, so they tend to try new things everyday).
Also there are so many new activities to do now.
I huffed annoyed that I couldn't meet annabeth and slowly walked to the camp van on top of half blood hill.
10 minutes later I made it to the top of the hill.
I open my eyes and started to see a small flashback of my mom when I 12, it was after the battle of labyrinth my mom realized I need to practice my water powers.
I grumbled sitting down on the grass, glaring at the glass of water. During the battle of labyrinth I doused a fire just fine when it was on the forest canopy. Now? Nothing.
"Percy stop that."
"Stop what?" I exasperated.
"Glaring, getting angry, trying to move it with your emotions."
"But mom" I whined "it worked before."
"Percy, the sea does not like to be restrain. If you are trying to put it in place with your anger it will not work. A river is never truly straight, it has banks, in a way it can't be perfect."
"So you want me to concentrate on moving it slightly imperfect" I clarified.
She huffed, "no, the ocean is a part of you. You need to stop thinking about it so much and just go with the flow."
"So stop caring?"I concluded.
She was silent, trying to help me grasping my powers well.
"Percy how about this, the element fire. What does it do."
"Burns" I said.
"Why does it burn?"
"It has energy"
"So it's energy, if there was a fire user in camp they would either hold in the energy and act serious till needed or just move about a lot" My mother claimed.
"For water it moves in three states: liquid, gas, and solid. With fire it is energy. With water it deals with boundaries. You can't set up a straight River in your mind, you can't focus on your powers so focus on your goal. Trust that the ocean will follow you, set up the goal but let the ocean do it, you'll be surprise on what it can do."
"But my goal is to get in in the air as a sphere of water" I chimed in.
"That is your problem Percy. Change your goal to where you want the water, but leave how you are going to alone" Mom corrected.
I changed my goal to just emptying the cup, not trying to will the water out but concentrate on my new goal.
That's when I felt a light spray on my face, I open my eyes to see mist drifting out of the glass and emptying it.
I gasped, "mom look! It's mist, it worked!" I hugged her in excited as she beamed at me with pride.
I open my eyes and felt tears making its way, I held it back and got in the van.
Ignoring the aching feeling inside of me.
Tony's P.O.V
I felt nervous, of course I didn't let it show.
Pepper keep staring at me, a bit baffle by my arrival. Well everyone in this building was.
That's when, after what seemed like forever, the door open revealing a boy with a camping bag slung on his shoulder. He had messy black hair and startling green eyes, eyes just like my half sister Sally.
I felt a memory play in my mind again
I was 7 years old and I was bored. I ran down the hall to see if my little six year old sister wanted to play together. This was way before I betrayed her, before I found out she was just my half sister.
I open my sisters door to see... Her crying on her bed.
"Sal? You alright? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I was by her side.
She snapped her head up "To-Tony!"
"Come on sis, you can tell me what's wrong"
She wiped her tears and said "remember when the doctors said I have ADHD, When I was three?"
"Well now they say that I have dyslexia, it means I have a hard time reading. It also means that I will have a hard time in my studies."
"That's nothing to cry about sis, I can help you. We're homeschool remember, dad would find the perfect teacher."
"But why is it always me?"
I really didn't know, my sister was so different to how a stark would act, well not really she is really good at hacking. I tried to cheer her up "do you know what I wish I have that you have?"
"What?" She said dejectedly.
"Green eyes, that's so cool. I bet that's why you see so well underwater!"
She smiled seeing my attempt to cheer her up.
"Can we go swimming tony? Please?"
"Sure" I said.
"-any questions Percy?"
I snapped back in reality and ignored the ache inside as I saw someone working here talking to my nephew.
"Umm, what's a billionaire doing here?"
I gave him a smile before saying "this is my girlfriend pepper."
"Tony" pepper warned before smiling at Percy and saying "look at you, you look so grown up."
Percy gave a smile "I was nine years old then, now I'm fourteen."
I noted that piece of information in my head.
"Where is he staying? I said.
Pepper was about to answer when I interrupted "cause now he's staying in stark tower."
Percy's eyes went wide and his mouth open "w-what! Really?"
He looked back at pepper, who gave me a 'you own me a explanation later' face.
Percy open his mouth to question, "Who's that?"
"That's Happy." Pepper explained, "he's my bodyguard"
Percy shook hands with happy "hey happy, nice to meet you.
Happy nodded, "you too Percy, pepper mentioned you."
Percy then turned to me, sizing me up "umm Mr. Stark?" He acknowledged, extending his hand.
"Please, call me Tony. Or since your aunt pepper is here you can call me uncle." I said trying to seem nonchalant about it. But on the inside I was waiting for an answer.
He shrugged and looked helplessly at pepper "umm, ah okay?"
Pepper took the moment to drag me out, "what do you think you're doing!" She hissed at me.
"Pepper, don't worry. I will totally explain to you tonight when we're alone. But for now"
I raced back to the room Percy was in, Percy shoot up in shock "wha-"
I grabbed his wrist and said "come on I released the dragon"
Of course Happy decide to be a kill joy and block me, Percy got out of my loose grip.
Pepper caught me and told me to knock it off, I decide in MY own free will to knock it off.
Happy took Percy's camp bag and brought it to the back of the car I then proceed on convincing pepper to let me have Percy.
In other words slowly explain why Percy should live in the tower.
Percy's P.O.V
Iron man was never really my favorite avenger...actual I remember that when he first came out my mom was a huge fan, like captain America huge. I felt a stab of pain in my heart as I remember my mom, why do people say the pain will go away I still feel the pain. I was sitting in the car with Happy in the front, waiting to go to wherever I'm going to live, I felt slightly nervous as far as I know aunt pepper never told me if she knew mom's other life. AKA Sally Jackson daughter of poseidon. I waited, and waited, and waited.
"Happy how long did we sit in this car" I broke in the unbearable silence. Happy took a moment to look at his watch and said "seven minutes".
I groaned and hit my head against the back seat, Happy must of pity me because he loaned me his phone to play games on.
After what seemed like a whole day I looked at the time to find out it's been two whole hours.
I handed Happy his phone and said I was going to the bathroom, he simply nodded.
I went back in the building and was going to make my way to the washroom when I heard yelling in a room.
Natural I went towards the noise and heard murmurs of voices, which was weird Because whoever was there was yelling a minute ago.
"She was your own sister! How could you have done that!"
I hears a loud Slap followed by a ouch.
"I know what  did wrong, but now I can make it up. Please pepper, you have to trust me."
Then the other person must be Tony, what were they even talking about. My head started to form a headache, I rubbed the side of my head in hope that is would fade away.
No such luck.
I head back to the car and sat back in.
"You got lost going to the bathroom kid? I heard Happy say.
"Yeah" I mumbled
A.n- so I just got my first official flame (or was that a flame idk)
(Not adding name)-This looks like something a one year old would make. Also it's filled with spelling errors and Percy's dad is Poseidon not Loki. P.S. If you have them be one and the same then you're a moron since if Loki had a Greek god form it should be Hermes since he's a prankster too.
I decided to just answer it simple. First off I really actually want to meet a one year old and compare now. seconded, I SUCK AT GRAMMAR AND SPELLING nothing new there, I not ashamed to say it. Also Percy is a son of Loki and legacy of Poseidon, why you ask? Well... Why not!? it's fanfic! (Also read the prequel, Loki meet Hermes. And the Egyptian gods in the Carter kane series didn't have that personality disorder, the Greek and Roman gods do.) (Don't take offense to this but I am just answering your comment and I couldn't pm you.)
Question of the day- in the movie Thor what did ordin say that made Loki let go?
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