Chapter 1: Next Stop, London

Start from the beginning

"Just wait until you see the view from our flats," Harry chuckled. "They're even better than this."

"So how was your flight?" Harry asked as Paul drove us back to the complex.

I didn't answer right away thinking Anna would do it for me, but it looks like the short brunette fell asleep on me, literally.

"It was long and I hardly slept. They played Twilight and I was stupid enough to watch it seeing as I had nothing better to do at the time," I found myself telling Harry.

See that is the thing I am finding with Harry. I say more than I mean to with him. Some days it's a little too easy to trust in him. This curly haired, dimpled, cheeky little freak could very easily get me in trouble with myself. Because one day in the future I just might be having a really bad day and need someone to talk to. I can undoubtedly see that person being Harry, and I don't want it to be him. I don't want it to be anyone. I don't want to burden anyone with my life's quarrels. They are mine and I am more than capable of handling them on my own. While I'm here in London with everyone I'm really going to have to watch what I say, especially with Harry. If something I didn't want to be known slipped out... I don't know what I'd do.

Harry's deep chuckle could be heard beside me as he laughed at my reply.

"Not a fan of Twilight I take it?" he smirked.

"Oh, it's my favorite movie in the entire world! I just love it so much, I mean come on, Rob Patts. Need I say more?" I responded, sarcasm dripping off every word.

"Emma's not much of a morning person, don't mind her," Natalie chirped from the front seat beside Niall.

"Neither are you usually, and it's like one in the morning back in LA. I'm usually asleep right now," I said to no one in particular.

"You can always use my shoulder as a pillow," Harry said quietly beside me, his voice closer than before.

I didn't dare turn my head when I felt his breath roll off of my neck. I knew if I did my face would be centimeters from his. Harry let out another chuckle as he leaned back into his seat, putting more space between us.

"You're turning purple, love," Harry joked.

Realizing that Harry had noticed that I had been holding my breath, I took a shallow gasp of air in. Trying to pretend that I wasn't sitting next to the one person who could practically destroy me, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I blindly put my headphones in and began playing Justin Timberlake's newest album, finally allowing myself to drift off into some well needed sleep.

"Em, wake up," I heard a girl say beside me. Her small hand shook my shoulder. "Emma we're here, wake your ass up."

It must have been Anna trying to wake me up, because that's what she'd usually say to me or Natalie when we were being stubborn. Anna doesn't swear much and every time she does I can't help but giggle. She's just so cute and innocent looking but she's honestly far from it.

"Emma, I know you're awake, stupid. You're smiling like the Cheshire cat," Anna spoke out again, this time sounding annoyed.

"But I'm comfy," I replied groggily.

"I can carry you in if you like," I heard Harry's deep voice from my other side.

My eyes opened quickly after hearing his proposal. I scrambled to unbuckle my seat belt. Once I was free, I bolted out of the car and up to the door that Niall and Natalie were waiting at.

"A simple 'no thank you' would have sufficed!" Harry yelled after me.

"No, thank you!" I shouted back. I could see Harry roll his eyes as he helped Anna unload the luggage from the trunk.

I kind of felt bad as I watched Harry bring both of my suitcases in by himself. My gaze slowly made its way to Harry's face and when I saw him already looking at me, I nearly stumbled back. His eyes were piercing into mine with such intensity, and then he blinked and it was back to normal. To say I was conflicted would be an understatement.


"Come on, let me show you the view from my balcony," I told Emma once we had brought her things into Niall's flat.

"Maybe another time, Harry. I just want to get unpacked and settled for now. Thank you, though," Emma slightly forced the smile on her face.

"That's fine, we've got all summer," I said trying to roll her rejection right off of my shoulders.

I tried to pretend that it didn't strike my ego in the slightest, but let's face it. Of course it did. I had thought Emma would enjoy the view, it over looked some small park with a few of the older buildings past it. It seems like something she'd enjoy looking at, it would be something different from the new skyscrapers that are being built around us. She just seems like the kind of person who likes more vintage things. I remember a conversation we had one day where she told me about a favorite music artist of hers. It was 'Queen.' They're an older band so I kind of just assumed she likes other vintage things.

"Better luck next time," Louis whispered into my ear as he walked past me into Niall's living room, falling onto the couch and falling back asleep.

I took in a deep breath to calm my frazzled emotions. I knew from the beginning this would take some time. I just need to be patient. Like I told Emma, we have all summer.

As the day went on, I realized that neither Emma nor Anna had reappeared from their bedroom down the hall. I brought this up with Natalie and she went to go check on them. She came back with a smile on her face, saying that they were fast asleep and that neither of them woke up when she poked them. Niall laughed and pulled Natalie back onto his lap and kissed her temple sweetly.

I couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous of their relationship. It’s been so long since I’ve been in one myself, let alone have a girl catch my eye. But now that I have, it seems like she doesn’t like me or any other male to be honest. A part of me wonders if the fight will even be worth it…


A/N: Hello :) So this would be chapter one, obviously.... I hope you all liked it! Please feel free to comment your thoughts about it and maybe even vote? I'd really really like that :) Love you! Mwah! xoxo

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