Questions By MissMaccaSunshine

Start from the beginning

8) If you were asked to unload a 747 airplane full of jelly beans, what would you do?
Me: I'd say I'm allergic to jelly beans, then I go home and watch YouTube like a loser.
John: I would call George and let him eat most of it, but seriously I will just hang out in the staff lounge and get yelled at.
Paul: I'd just do it, hopefully I would have people helping me so it wouldn't be that bad.
George: I'd pretend to help, but I'll just sneak a few in my pockets and in my mouth and become 'the supervisor'.
Ringo: I don't want to do it, but if I have to I will.

9) How many times have you eaten food after it's been on the floor?
Me: Never, that's disgusting. pauses Okay, okay, I might've dropped a slice of apple two days ago and ate it. And there was heaps of food that was on the floor for a few seconds. I have a tough immune system though, I rarely get sick.
John: Not often, the food goes straight to my mouth, but if it's delicious, and on the floor I'll eat it. As long as you don't do it all the time it's fine.
Paul: I did it once or twice, but lately I haven't. It will get you sick anyway.
George: It doesn't, growing up I was a goat. I'll eat anything my mum served me, and I never got sick from eating food on the floor.
Ringo: I ate some food on the floor, hasn't everyone? Eeveryone have at one point, don't deny it.

10) Who's your favorite Disney Princess?
Me: Cinderella or Ariel, Cinderella is very relatable to me, we both work away doing chores and she talks to mice and birds! I myself had four mice, shame they have such a short lifespan. But then again I always loved the idea of being a mermaid, I would never see a human again, just me and my sea buddies! No one can hurt me in the deep blue sea.
John: Alice? Actually, Mulan was pretty baddass, and an actual Disney princess.
Paul: My favourite would have to be Belle, she knows that it's the inside that counts.
George: The only Disney movie I've seen is Cinderella with my older sister, it was pretty good actually.
Ringo: I honestly don't pay attention to the princesses, I just watch whatever the cheeky animal sidekicks are doing. They get in all sorts of trouble!

11) How many Taylor Swift songs do you actually listen to every single day? (*stares at Paul*)
Paul: W-why are you looking at me? I don't listen to Taylor Swift, let alone every single day. Maybe couple of times a week, I hear it when my granddaughters play her. I don't listen to her they do, blame them!
John: Well aren't you a great granddad, blaming your granddaughters... shameful.
Paul: Shut up, it's the truth!

12) Who do you just hate the most?
Me: I try to be nice to everyone, like Cinderella, but I always end up being moody and grouchy. My brother, he always put me down, same with everyone else. Cinderella can be happy, no one can mess with her, she's pretty and sassy and has conversations with birds and mice!
John: Loads of people, Brian comes to mind. pauses And Paul.
Paul: Hey!
John: Joking, you're great, anyway if I hate anyone it's the damn, noisy newzies! They can't leave us alone! You interviewers are so mean and annoying sometimes.
Paul: Yeah, but I don't hate them, they just can't see the line which they always cross! smiles Still, I see the best in everyone, and I don't have any enemies or anyone I hate.
George: Who do I hate the most? There was that bully/jerk back in school... I'm going to need time to think about this.
Ringo: Hate is a strong word, some people I dislike but I don't 'hate' them. Peace and love people, peace and love!

13) When you're at a buffet, how many trays of food do you start off with?
Me: One, duh! Then you grab two, then three and so on until you are full. But just one plate for me, I try to not eat much.
John: Two is enough, the perfect mix of helping yourself but not being a greedy pig.
Paul: Two also, sometimes three if I'm really hungry.
George: I always have three, I could have more but these guys give me evil looks when I do.
Paul: Because you're not meant to be greedy, there are other people who want food!
George: I know, that's why I have two instead, as you keep nagging me about.
Ringo: I have one, if we are busy doing a photo shoot or something and we miss lunch, then I'll have two.

14) What do you think cats dream about?
Me: I imagine my cat dreams about chasing birds and going on adventures! She's a very active little cat, she probably becomes Indiana Jones's pet sidekick in her dreams.
John: Yeah, they probably have great imaginations and dreams about adventures and food and all sorts of stuff.
Paul: I don't know, probably sleeping. That's all they do.
George: I bet they dream they're killing their owners, ruling the world, getting dogs extinct, the norm.
Me: You guys know nothing about cats! They do way more than sleeping and they aren't looking for world domination, everyone knows that ants are the creatures we need to keep an eye on. Who knows what they're doing!
George: Here we go again about the ants! They aren't a threat, you crazy lady.
Me: We'll see whose crazy, for every human there is about a million ants, we are literally outnumbered!
Ringo: We're fine, we have bug sprays to kill them with.
Me: We don't have enough of that, and they could find a cure so that they won't get killed.

15) If I gave you $10 bucks to go buy me chocolate milk, and it only cost $3, would you bring me all the change or would you tell me it was actually $10? Because I'll know. I'll know chocolate milk doesn't cost that much.
Me: Of course not, I'd never do that to my friends, I have a somewhat job anyway so money is fine for me. But you shouldn't trust me with money, just in case.
John: I'd say it cost five dollars and give you two dollars back and I'll keep the rest. Genius! Bet you never saw that one coming!
Paul: No I wouldn't keep the change, I'm not desperate for money to do anything like that! I could buy you heaps of chocolate milk.
George: Nah, but if it's three dollars I would use your money to buy two! So yeah, I'll give you back your change but I'll treat myself to chocolate milk. Now that's genius!
Ringo: I would give you all your money back, I'm no criminal.
Me: Just give your money to Paul or Ringo... that's the end of today's interview! Vote and comment below if you liked it or if you have questions for us! And as always, I'll see you cats later! Bye!

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