Questions By Seyasoya

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Me: Lads! We have a very special guest today!
Paul: Who?
George: Is it Elvis?
Ringo: Is it a modern day celebrity?
Me: Nope, you tell them Johnny.
John: Okay, Yoko is joining us today! Isn't that great!?
Paul: O - oh... yeah... that's great, John.
John: Isn't it!? Now, I want you guys to be nice, I won't allow any ganging up on Yoko.
Paul: We wouldn't want that...
Me: She'll join in halfway through the interview, so let's get started.

1. How do you sleep at night?
Me: I barely get any sleep, my bed is right under the window and the sun always get through, I can't even sleep in till eight! And it's literally 6:50 a.m. right now...
John: Ah, that song I wrote for Paul, it shut him up very quickly.
Paul: It did not, I was just too busy to pay proper attention to it.
John: Why are you so snappy? Is it your time of the month or something?
Paul: For the hundreth time, NO! I'm not snappy! I'm not a girl! I'm just tired, that's all.

2.How did you learn your respective instruments?
John: Well, me mum taught me how to play banjo, but Paul taught me how to do the tuning and all that boring stuff.
Paul: Yeah, and me dad was a musical guy, he wanted me to play the trumpet and stuff like that, but I learned guitar and now bass.
George: I quickly fell in love with guitars, so I asked my dad if I could get one and so he did and one of his mates taught me. Simple really.
Ringo: I actually was in a hospital band, to stimulate activity and relieve boredom by encouraging their patients to join the hospital band. I had this makeshift mallet which I'd use to hit my nearby cabinet. Since then I knew I wanted to play drums.

3. Which sounds better? John 'n Flakes or George 'n Sammies?
Me: John 'n flakes, cornflakes are amazing, John is quite cool too.
John: Agreed, John 'n flakes sound awesome. And I am awesome.
Paul: George 'n Sammies, just because I like sandwiches more than cornflakes.
John: How can you not like cornflakes? They're yellow, crunchy heaven!
Ringo: clears throat Ahem, I'll go with George 'n Sammies.
George: Ditto, sandwiches have more variety than cornflakes. You can add eggs, lettuce, ham, cheese anything.

4.Come on, who's got the better 6-pack?
John: Me!
George: cracks up laughing
Paul: giggles helplessly on the floor
Ringo: snickers
John: crosses his arms Meanies! What do they know? They don't have any abs or anything.
George: Maybe, but I pretty much do. If I go and do some pushups I'll get a six-pack.
Me: Do I have to find yet another photo of a shirtless Beatle?
George: No, everyone already knows and seen it. They believe me, right?

5. Have you read SgtPepperRigby Fanfics? They're amazeballs.
Me: I haven't, I actually haven't been reading many fanfics lately. But if they truely are as amazeballs as you say we will try to read it.
John: Yes please, I've been meaning to search up more fanfics. Some are creepily good.

Me: And now, may I introduce, Yoko Ono! Say hello, Yoko.
Yoko: Hello. small wave
Ringo: Hey, Yoko!
George: Hi.
Paul: shuffles in his seat Hey.
Yoko: Hi, Paul. smiles

6. The witty, cute, quiet and funny one. How'd you guys get these labels?
John: By the way we act in front of the press, they do whatever the damn newsies want.
George: Yep, I'm known as the quiet one because I let John and Paul do most of the talking.
Paul: They are very accurate though, for me anyways.
Yoko: Really? George isn't a pig and he isn't quiet.
Paul: ... Are you saying I'm not the cute one?
Yoko: I didn't said it, you did.

7. Worst and Best Beatle song?
Me: The best? I like Doctor Robert and It's only Love. But I don't think I hate any. Revolution 9 was interesting though, but I like it in a weird way.
John: Actually, I hate, like literally most of them, especially Run If You Can. My favourite would probably be Eleanor Rigby? I don't know.
George: I had a lot of fun helping Ringo with Octopuses Garden, so I'd say that would be my favourite.
Ringo: That's hard... Boys was fun and my first song, so I'll go with that.

8. Worst and Best ex-Beatle solo song/album?
Me: Ooh, again I don't hate any of them, my favourite would have to be one of Paul's. I don't know which one though.
Paul: Ha! Good choice! Who da man?!
John: ....
George: ...
Ringo: ...
Yoko: ...
Paul: Well, I'm never going to say that again.
Me: Anyway, John?
John: Well, not to brag, but I think Imagine and Give Peace a Chance was a stroke of genius.
Paul: Actually Silly Love Songs was a stroke of genius! And you admitted it.
John: I did not, I don't know what you are talking about. Did I ever said that Yoko?
Yoko: I don't think so.
Paul: But... never mind.

9.Any thoughts on bands "competing" with you?
John: I wouldn't call it "competing". We where always ahead.
Ringo: How humbling of you.
John: Just saying what's true and what everyone else is thinking.
Me: nods Right, you guys are the best!
John: See? Jodie agrees with me and she knows her stuff.
Paul: You are such a bad influence on her.
Me: shrugs So?

10. Can we say something towards David/Ziggy? Come on, you know what happened.
Me: Actually I don't, who is David and Ziggy?
John: Ah, it's such a shame, I liked him.
Paul: David was a great musician, he will be sorely missed.
George: I never listened much of his music, but I know enough to say I liked his style.
Me: blinks Wait...
Ringo: I liked his Ziggy Stardust song, I can't believe he's dead.
Me: Oh! Ziggy Stardust! David Bowie! Of course! Gah, I'm such an idiot! He was so good, I watched his movie Labyrinth with my mum cos she is a fan and he was fabulous in it! And I love Space Oddity but I have to listen to more of his songs.
Paul: Is that the last question?
Me: Yep, that's it. Why?
Paul: No reason, just curious.
Me: Oh... um... well that's the end of today's chapter. Thank you Yoko for joining us today, I hope you enjoyed yourself.
Yoko: I did, thanks for having me! It was fun.
Me: Lovely! Vote and comment if you have any questions! And as always, I'll see you cats later! Bye!

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