Questions by Seyasoya

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1. For the starter fans, what's your complete names?
Paul: James Paul McCartney.
John: John Winston Ono Lennon.
Ringo: Richard Starkey. (I Googled it, turns out he really doesn't have a middle name)
George: George Harold Harrison.

John: Because I love her. I don't see why you guys care, you're not dating her, I am. She makes me really happy.

3. George would you rather have me ship you and Ringo or you and a sandwich?
George: I'll prefer a sandwich. 
Ringo: Really? You would rather have a relationship with a sandwich?
George: I love sandwiches, what else can I say?

4. Did you like the trip to the Philippines? Why/not? 
John: It was... interesting. It was good at the start, but then it went downhill from there.
Paul: Yeah... turns out if you are invited to a breakfast reception for the nation's first lady, you say yes.
George: Yeah, Brian politely declined and it was broadcast so we had to quickly flee. Easier said than done.
Ringo: Our protection left us and we were attacked by mobs!
John: Eppy tried to apologize but failed. We were spit at and sit on.
Ringo: I was scared we would go to jail or something.
Paul: It was really scary, but we survived. 

5. McLennon and Starrison, McHarrison and LenStarr or McStarr and Lennison?
John: I would go with McStarr and Lennison.
Paul: Um... that's a weird question but McLennon and Starrison I suppose.
George: Ooh, hmm... McLennon and Starrison.
Ringo: I guess I'll choose McHarrison and LanStarr, since no one else picked it.

6. What do you think of Justin Bieber and One Direction?
Me: They're alright I suppose, they can sing I'll give them that. But I'll be old fashioned and stick to listening to these guys and Elvis. 
John: One Direction is overrated, and that Bieber girl needs help.
Me: whispers John? She is actually a he.
John: Oh, I know. I just like calling him a girl still. 
Paul: One Direction are very good, and I like this new direction Justin's music is heading.
George: I don't listen to that computerized crap, they're all the same. Can they play a single instrument? I can play twenty-six, beat that posers! 
Ringo: One Direction are very talented, and I met Justin, he's... unique and confident.

7. Paul, why do you have such a perfect butt?
John: snickers loudly
Paul: Shut up!
John: I can't! laughs hysterically 
Paul: turns red and crosses his arms Jerk...
John: snorts Perfect butt! 
Me: bites lip Just ignore him Paul.
John: impersonates Paul I'm Paul McCartney, I'm The Beatle with the perfect butt!
Paul: Very mature. As for your question, uh, I don't know.

8. If you were to, would you date me? Why?
George: Sorry, but we're already taken. 
Paul: And besides I -
John: between laughter Wait, wait, Paulie. Is that how you say thank you to the girl who said your butt is perfect? 
Paul: Um, I don't know how to respond. And you really need to shut up.
John: Or what? You're gonna sit on me with your perfect butt?
Paul: Say perfect butt one more time, I dare you! clenches fist
John: leans in closer Perfect. butt.
Paul: That's it! SPARTA! tackles John and pins him down
John: Oof! Hey, get off of me! And when did you got so strong?
Me: Guys? We're doing an interview, remember?
John: tries to break free What the heck?! Where did all of this strength come from? 
Paul: I have muscles, genius, I'm not a girl or anything!
John: You could've fooled me!
Ringo: What do we do?
George: Sit back and watch the show?
John: gags Help, he's choking me! Jodie!
Me: We can't let Paul murder him. Um, thank you for tuning in and leave a comment if you have any questions. We have to save John now, so bye! See you cats later!
John: Help... I need somebody, help... Jodie...
Me: Paul! Get off of him right this minute! Don't make me pull you by your hair! Paul!

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