Chapter 2: Rebirth

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Percy Jackson opened to see a pure white room.  The bed of which he was sitting on felt like a cloud.  'I must be in Elysium' he thought.

Before he could even try to fall back asleep, a man in a white robe stepped into the room.  His aura filled Percy with a feeling of hope, a feeling of joy.  As Percy looked into the old man's eyes, he noticed how ancient they were.  They looked even older than the eyes of the gods themselves.

"Hello Perseus." the old man said with a crooked smile.

Even Percy didn't have the nerve to correct him.  Something about this man told him that he should not try to get on his bad side.

"I'm sure you have many questions."

"A-am I dead" Percy stuttered.  The man in the white robe nodded, giving him a sad smile.

"W-who are you?  Where am I?"

"To answer your first question, I am God.  The Christian God." the old man looked at Percy, "Now I know this might come as a shock to you, but the greek pantheon of gods are not the only divine beings in this universe.  I happen to be one of many, and come in different forms.  You see, just as your greek gods have their roman forms, I also have other forms.  For example, to Muslims, I am called Allah."

Percy looked at God in awe.  "Y-you still didn't answer my second question."

"Oh yes!  You are in heaven.  Home of the angels and all that is good.  Which brings up another topic, I brought you here to ask if you would like to join my elite team of angels, called the Archangels."

Percy stared at the Creator, wide-eyed.  He couldn't believe this was happening.  He didn't know much about Christianity.  But the one thing that he did know, this God gave him hope.  Standing in front of him, he felt the urge to go do good in the world.

"What happens if I say no?" 

"I will take you back to Elysium.  You will spend your days with your beloved Annabeth, and you will never hear from me again."

Percy was tempted.  He wished it could be that simple.  He could turn away from this offer right now, live with Annabeth, see all of his old friends.  But he wanted to do good.  He knew, just from looking at this foregien God, that he was good.

"I accept your offer.  I will become an Archangel."

Percy shook God's hand and immediately felt power surging through him.  The power was pure, and felt incredible. 

God gave him a fatherly smile.  "As an Archangel, you have the power to create runes, teleport, smite, anything you could possibly imagine."

"What's a rune?" Percy asked.

"Runes are marks you can put on humans or things.  They can enhance you or anyone else both physically and mentally."

Percy still remained confused.  God sighed, "Do you remember using the mist on mortals as a greek demigod?  They couldn't see the truth, right?"  Percy nodded, "Well, the Nephilim, children of the Archangel Raziel, protect the mundane world from demons, just as you did.  They have the ability to draw runes on themselves.  For example, they can make themselves invisible, faster, and stronger."

"Wow," Percy said flatly, "That could come in handy."

God smirked, "It sure does."

"I just have one more question." Percy said, "Why me?"

God looked at him in surprise.  "Oh Perseus!  You humble yourself too much.  I chose you because you are a good, brave soul.  You are the light in a world of darkness."

Percy stared at God for a while.  He couldn't think of anything to say.  "Thank you."  he mumbled quietly.

"Now," God said loudly, lighting the mood, "I shall send you out into the world."

Percy smiled.  He felt at home.  He was home.


Hola a todos!

Thank you so much for reading my story!  Sorry if it got a little too religious.  Yesterday, my school made me go to the thing called Youth Day where we basically learned all about Christianity, so I'm kind of still in the groove.  Please tell me if you liked it or not!

Love you all!


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