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bella pov

Ahh it was nice to be back on the island I love it here it is so peaceful and quiet .all off the other cullens have gone back to one of there houses in forks and sometimes visit me and Edward.

'' Bella the boat is at the island now' ' my wonderfull husband said ahhi love him so much .

ok thanks for telling me honey hey Edward do you want to go up the little mountain I will race you the winner wins 20 pounds .

''game on , on the count of three, one .two three''

we both shot off to get at the top off the mountain oh no edward is wimnimg I push my self harder and I beat him yes.

thenhe swings me into a hug and I say laughing you owe me twenty pounds Eddie .

''aww bella please don't call me that Emmet sometimes does and it is very annoyimg' ' he says pouting like a 5 year old

fine I say , wow the view from up here is lovely you can see nearly everything . next thing I feel is Edward is putting his hand around my waist and jumps up when I look north it is wonderfull I can see for miles! wow it is an astonishing view I would give it 5 stars out of 5 lol.

I turn around and notice that Edward is not there were is he I hear him shout im over here care to join me for a swim I say yes and dash over to him and notice that we are standing on a large boulder but the surfice on the top is flat and he says to me look down when I do it is beautiful the blue sea sparkling it looks so lovely . we hold hands and we both jump down screaming then there is a huge splash and we both swim up laughing oh my god, Edward that was so much fun I loved it .

'' bella do you know we dont actually have to breath so do you want to go swimming in the ocean for a while' ' my lovely husband says

we both at the same time start swimming towards the beach and it is quite dark and you can just see the moon reflecting on the water it looks lovely, we start to swim down and I saw all the fish they looked pretty I saw every scale and fin and it was amazing I am glad that I was changed I met the best man in the world and I love spending time with him .

'' Bella look there is dolphins just over there do you want to go and look at them closer?"

oh wow I would love to . We silently swim towards the dolphins and Edward swam infront of me and he said' ''hey Bella quickly look '' I look and i see 2 adult dolphins and 2 baby dolphins oh my god this is so cute Edward we should of brought a camera we could of taken a photo of them . '' hey bella I could go and get one from our house' ' ok that would be great Edward quietly dashes out and is back 10 seconds later and says to me' ' honey this camera will work underwater aswell'' he passed me the camara and we both swim forward and take a photo of the dolphins and then me and Edward swim closer together and we both get together with all of the four dolphins and I click the button and take the photo . we both have a look and Edward said' ' I know why don't we go to the main land tomorrow and buy a beautiful photo album and put our photos in .

It sounds like we are going shopping tomorrow . Edward can we also look in other shops as well I would like to buy a new bookshelf for the guest house if that is ok with you I ask . " of course it is . hey I have a good idea why don't we do up the guest house and buy a new shower and bath seen as though she likes to have one like everyday " my lovely husband says

Soo do you want to go to our house and watch a movie of your choice on the sofa . "Ok that sounds nice ,what about we go Into the forest because on the other side of the island and I made a secret door which then leads to my secret room which I stocked up with animal blood incase there is no animals nearby and we could take a couple and drink them while we are watching the movie . Do you want to Bella?"

I think that , that sounds like an excellent idea so do you want to head there now ?

He says yes and we both walk out of the water and start to run the other side of the island together .which to a human to walk their it would be 7-8 miles because the island is colossal. For me and Edward it only takes us about 3 minutes or less Which is Awsome . While we were running there I spot a mark on a tree it has Edwards name on it E.C how odd I will have to ask him why when we stop. In a matter of seconds we stop and I say " Edward I was just wondering how come when we where running here I saw your name carved into a tree?"

"Oh the reason my name was carved into the tree was so I knew if I was getting closer to it. Oh and by the way Bella I have a surprise to give you as well ."He says .

Then Edward kneels on the sand and wipes it away and it reviles a wooded door that looked kind of new .

Edward opened it to reveal some wooden steps that looked beautiful we walked down them and to my surprise it was very light in here because of the lights on the ceiling we just reached the brink of the stairs which had led us both to a room . Edward then flicks a switch and wow it was amazing it had lights which were like spot lights and it had some little windows which you could see the sea from and it had some white glossy shelves with some glass boxes wow this must of cost quite a bit , I think . Edward then says to me " All of these boxes are labeled with different kind of blood like for example Elk blood . I have here a very special type of blood that Carlisle got for me back in the forest were he and Esme live they say that it tastes better than human blood and to save it for someone special , you ."

I smile and say aww thank you , you don't have to waste it on me i say . " Bella it is not wasting it if I am drinking it with you. " Edward says.

He then walks to the other side of the room and opens a white door which is a cupboard and gets something out I couldn't see what it was because it was wrapped in a silk fabric he held it in his hand and closed he door , Edward then approached me and said "Bella I love you with all my heart and I would like to give something to you that is very special . " he slowly removes the silver silk fabric to reveal a beautiful box " It was my mothers when I was human before she died she said to me , take this and give it to the woman who you love with all your heart" he opens the box to reveal a musical jewellery box, oh my god it was beautiful it must be worth a lot it is amazing .

"It is yours Bella you are the one that I would give my heart to ." I carefully place it on the marble table and dash over to him and give him a big hug . Thank you Edward I will take good care of it . " so do you want to watch Romeo and Juliet when we get back I know that you love that film ." He says

Yes I would love to I say happily . I pick up the jewellery box and we walk back with our arms around each other.


I hoped that you all enjoyed that chapter because I enjoyed writing it . I just want to let you know that I will not be updating for a bit because I am going to be writing a new story about the Cullen's and Bella in a chat room online Please vote and comment thanks x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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