The Island

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Bella pov

I smiled out at the open sky, the sea like an endless road in front of me as I held onto the mast of the boat my dad had rented for the day.

I turned to him, "When do you have to have it back?" I asked.

Charlie smiled, "Not for a while yet." He nodded, "You like it?" he asked.

I smiled gently, "Yeh... It's nice."

"Haven't spent time with you in forever Bells, glad Renee let you come on holiday with me for a week."

I looked over at him, "Me too."

He looked down nervously, my dad and I weren't good at expressing our emotions, give the two of us a week in Santo Tomás on Isla Isabela and you had a very awkward holiday. I shook my head at the thought, Isla Isabela... Charlie thought it would be fun to take me to an island that nearly had my exact name... He took me away because it was my eighteenth birthday in September...

God I was getting old...

I sighed out at the sea as the waves crashed the side of the boat. We'd travelled to the coast and my dad rented a boat for the day, and I could not of been happier.

The open air and endless sun made me forget everything and know that I had to live life day by day... It was a very deep thought, but very true.

I sighed and looked up at the sky. I frowned as I saw a black cloud fill the sky.

"Um, Ch-Dad?" I called.

"Yeh?" he looked at me and then followed my gaze, "Oh God... I bet a storms gonna hit... We'd better get back."

I nodded in agreement as the sky began to rumble and I gasped, how could the day turn so horrible in five minutes?

Charlie began to turn the boat around and travel back to the port. I tried to take deep breaths as the weather got worse, I didn't do well under pressure.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and I held my breath, automatically counting the seconds to hear the thunder.



The thunder crackled through the sky and I looked at Charlie, he had the same look as me.


The thunder and lightning were close to each other... Which meant it was close to us.

I felt the first drops of rain hit my face and I looked up as the storm began to break out.

"Sit down Bella." Charlie instructed sternly as the rain belted down on us.

I moved to obey when my foot slid on the raindrops and I slipped.

"Dad!" I called as I tried to grab on to something.

"Bella!" he shouted after me, letting go of the controls and trying to grab me.

My hand latched on to a metal ring at the side of the boat as my waist went into the sea.

The ring was wet, I wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

Charlie was running for me though, he would save me.

But what I didn't realise was that the controls didn't have a controller...

Suddenly the boat turned with the speed of the winds and my hands flew from the boat.

I screamed for my dad as my head hit the water with a sharp smack.

I gulped for air but instead got a mouth full of salty water. I swallowed it instinctively and tried to put my arms in front of me to swim, but instead they flapped around helplessly.

I tried to scream but instead got more water down my throat.

I began to panic and I felt my body fight to control itself and find the boat.

But as I did my lungs began to fill with water and my limbs became unmoveable.

I lay in the water, sinking, floating, moving aimlessly...

Until everything went black.

My eyes fluttered and I tried to look around.

Was I dead?

I was so cold, my body was so heavy...

As I lay there I realised that I wasn't in the water anymore. The feeling was coming back to me and I felt something soft below me, something making my skin warm again, like sand.

My white summer dress I'd worn was wet and uncomfortable, it was sticking to my skin, and my body was twisted in an awkward way... But I didn't have the energy to move yet.

I heard a gentle swish of wind and feet shuffling the place where I was laying.

My eyes tried to open again and suddenly cold hands wrapped around my body and I felt myself lifting from the warm, soft place and into a cool embrace. I sighed happily against the coolness and my nose filled with the sweetest smell in the world.

One of the hands left my back and went to my cheek and it stayed there for a long moment.

I moved my head towards the coolness, the comfort travelling through my body and making me feel better at once.

The hand began to push and suddenly I was against their chest. I sighed and a voice was at my ear, "Ssssh... You're going to be okay..."

The voice was deep like honey and it rang and echoed like bells in my head.

God, I must be in heaven...

I sighed happily, ignoring my sore throat that felt like I'd ran sandpaper up and down it for a week and I drifted once more, letting the blackness take over again.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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