Where are you going

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The kiss had been amazing... Everything I'd wished for... Edward and I kissing... Words I honestly never thought would go together...

But I wished it had never happened.

One month had passed. One month, 30 days, 720 hours and God knows how many minutes...And Edward had not spoken a word to me.

Not one word.

I'd started by thinking the kiss had scared him off, then I started to think that he hated himself for it. Now though, I thought and knew he hated me.

Throughout the months things had gotten considerably worse. Due to the constant silence, I started to think about things. Charlie and my mom, how they were coping and also how much I missed them, that I would never see them again... Edward and how much I loved him, and how I would have to stay on this island with him, never getting off it, never speaking a word...

I'd started to hate myself too.

And then of course there was the teasing...The endless teasing! Maybe he didn't mean to tease me... But he sure as hell was...

Seeing him every morning, dressed casually, his hair tousled, his brows furrowed and his expression intent as he read his book or played his piano was driving me crazy.

And often he'd walk along the beach...Shirtless... And when my heart started thudding unevenly as I watched from the house, I'd see his little smile.

I gripped the scrubber I'd been using as I washed the dishes, remembering those many incidents... I sighed and looked back at the plate, washing it and placing it on the side to dry.

I looked out the window carelessly as I dried my hands with the towel. I blinked. And then blinked again. My eyes were deceiving me, my eyes had to be deceiving me.

Oh my God they're not...

I watched, shocked as Edward walked out of the water, pushing his wet, tousled hair away from his eyes. He walked along the sand slowly, towards a tree near the water's edge. I stopped breathing as I realised... As I saw... He was naked.

He was skinny dipping?

I felt the cloth fall from my hands and I knew that Edward would hear simply because of the friction with the floor, so I dropped to my knees, out of sight from the window.

Oh my God he was skinny dipping...

I'd seen everything and well... He was massive!

I covered my eyes as my skin burned red, I took a deep breath as the anger set in. He was teasing me again. On purpose this time!

I stood up, suddenly determined. I walked to the bedroom and opened the chest at the bottom of the bed, searching.

I lifted out Edward's shirt, the one I'd woken up in on my first day here. I couldn't help but place my nose to it and smell in scent, that intoxicating scent that made me woozy...

I shook my head, and removed all my clothes, slipping the shirt on and glancing out the window to see Edward walking back towards the house, doing up his shirt.

I grinned and ran downstairs quickly, grabbing a sponge and bleach and starting to clean the kitchen worktop.

I heard the door faintly, but it was enough to make my heartbeat go irregular and I tried desperately to calm it.

I closed my eyes, my back to the kitchen door as I heard him make his way up the stairs.

I couldn't help but smile at his gasp when he entered the room. I bit down on my lower lip, willing myself into composure. He coughed a bit and I turned, as if only now realising his presence.

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