off the island

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"Are you ready?" Edward's voice was close by my ear and I nodded, taking another breath as he tightened his arms around my waist, "You can do this..."

"I can do this." I confirmed.

He let go of me then, planting a soft kiss on my cheek before he went to join the rest of my family.

I glanced around the shop in which we stood, before I noticed the little girl in the far corner looking at a doll with pink hair and a purple dress.

That was her.

I motioned towards her with my eyes and the Cullen's turned their heads to confirm what I'd just seen. They nodded and before long they were moving towards her, slowly and inconspicuously, glancing at items in the shop before they were beside her completely, and blocking her from her mother and father, although I hadn't seen them in the shop either.

The little girl put the doll down on the shelf before looking up, obviously expecting to see her mom and dad in front of her.

I watched as her eyes widened in terror and her chest started to heave with the gulps of air she was taking in.

I walked over to her slowly, ignoring Edward as his eyes followed me.

I could do this.

I bent down beside the little girl, who was no more than five years old before I smiled.

"Hello..." I whispered.

She looked at me and her deep brown eyes were full of fear and shock, "Hi..."

"Have you lost your mommy and daddy?"

She nodded before biting down on her lip, "Mommy told me not to talk to strangers."

I laughed a little, glancing down at the floor before I took a breath, "Well... Your mommy is very smart... But I'm not a stranger anymore..." I moved my gaze back to her again, watching her curious face, "My name is Bella... See now we're friends."

Her little heart, which had been thumping faster and harder since she lost track of her parents, began to slow down now as a little smile formed on her face. She really was beautiful. She had light blonde hair with deep brown eyes that heightened the beauty of her pale face.

"You mean Bella... Like my sister Bella?" Her eyes lit up and she stared at me expectantly.

I nodded, feeling the burn rise in my throat that didn't mean I needed to hunt, it meant I needed to cry.

I suppose she looked a little like me... She had my mother's brown eyes, which I'd had up until seven years ago. But she had Phil's hair and face shape.

I was as shocked as ever when Alice told me about this little girl's existence. I mean, my mom was still young, so I didn't see any problem with her having another child I just never expected she would. But she had. She'd brought this beautiful little girl into the world.

My sister.

And today I was finally getting to meet her.

I took a breath, trying to cure the ache in my throat as I reached to take the little girl's hand, "Yeah... Like your sister Bella." I finally answered. She smiled and her grip on my hand tightened even more in trust. "Can you do something for me? A favour?"

She nodded vigorously, her hair moving down in front of her face as she did.

I laughed, and pushed her hair back softly before I started to speak in a whisper, "I want you to know that your sister Bella will always love you and will always be watching over you, okay?" She nodded, her face smiling but serious as she tried to remember everything I was telling her, "And I want you to go up to Renee... Your mom... And I want you to tell her that Bella said she's happy where she is." I stopped for a moment, trying to catch my breath and stop the burn in my throat before I began again, "Tell her that Bella said she loves her and she's glad she's happy. Tell her that she needs to live her life the best way and move on, remember Bella, but don't mourn her forever..."

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