Help me edward

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I stared at him and tried to stop my eyes from narrowing... I just didn't trust him... He sat in the chair with his ankles crossed, his nose somehow high in the air while his red eyes were in line with mine.

Perhaps it was the red eyes that stopped me from feeling comfortable around him and the questions he asked.

He smiled slightly, his eyes appraising me, "So Bella... Why are you on Edward's Island?"

"Um..." I looked down at the book in my hands and then up at him, "Edward... Saved me..."

"Saved you?" he asked straight away, scaring me with his immediate response.

I looked down again, swallowing to remove my dry throat before answering him, "Well... I was on holiday with my Dad... And we were on a boat... A storm came and... I fell off, I ended up here..."

His eyes narrowed as I spoke and then he smiled, "I see... So Edward was being the kind, caring vampire?" He chuckled slightly, "I thought he'd gone back to his old ways..." he trailed off suggestively, his eyes leaving mine and travelling around the room.

I couldn't stop myself, "His old ways?"

He smiled wide and his eyes met mine again, "Oh yes... Edward was just like me not so long ago..." he pointed to his eyes, "Edward had a thing for humans... Especially girls of your age, the sweet, innocent type that was so fragile and delicate he could snap their neck in a second..." he sat back in the chair, obviously undisturbed by my wide eyes and erratic heartbeat, "He... Changed. Went all veggie... I still come visit, we're good friends..."

I stared at him through unblinking eyes. There was no way what he was saying could be true. Edward was the sweetest person I'd ever met, he cared for me when I was sick, he saved my life...

But no matter how much I tried to tell myself those facts, there was the little voice in the back of my head saying, Edward knows he's a monster.

I shook my head, pushing those violent and distrustful thoughts from my head. Edward was not a bad person, this James person was... And I was in trouble.

I nodded and looked at him, trying to keep my face blank, "Well it's a good thing he's changed then huh?"

James laughed, the sound drawled and bored, "Yes I suppose it is..."

I looked around the room, trying to find something else to say, "So... What did you come to see Edward for?"

He shrugged, "I was just passing the area, I knew his island was near and I thought I'd come see him."

I nodded, looking down again. "So... Are you going to wait for him?"

He chuckled slightly and my eyes snapped up to meet his, "Maybe... He didn't look like he was going to take long when I saw him on the mainland."

My eyes narrowed as I took in his words. He'd saw Edward on the mainland? But he came in calling for Edward... He knew Edward was gone?

My heart picked up in double time, "You say you saw him on the mainland? But you called for him when you came... You said you didn't know he was gone..."

James' eyes narrowed slightly, the red becoming seemingly darker and more sinister. I'd caught him out.

I knew I was in trouble. But how could I protect myself against a vampire? I was feeble, human, with no defence at all.

"I think you mistaken Bella..." he smiled evilly, his teeth being bared to me, making me shiver in the seat.

I don't know who said the words, because I felt too afraid to speak, "No I'm not... Why are you here?"

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