Uh oh

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Bella pov

I seemed to watch the space I'd saw him last for about two hours, but when I eventually got up it was only fifteen minutes. I walked slowly to the kitchen, our conversation playing over in my mind repeatedly.

Edward was talking to me that was a plus. But he seemed off, he seemed detached like before. Perhaps I'd said something to him? Perhaps I'd hurt his feelings?

I shook my head as I searched the fridge for food and decided to make sausages and toast for breakfast.

As I cooked I looked out the window, watching the beach far below and the waves crashing the surface. Maybe I should go for a walk too... But I knew that thought was just a hope that maybe I'd run into Edward... I should leave him alone, let him have time...

I sighed and put my food on the plate before sitting down to eat. As I sat down I saw a note on the table, written in elegant script I could only assume it was from Edward.


We need more human necessities, I'm going to the mainland. Will try to be back soon,


I decided to entertain myself with trivial things until Edward got back, perhaps we could talk a bit more once he did.

After I ate I went upstairs and got changed into a pair of shorts and a light shirt. I walked with bare feet around the house, finding something to do and soon enough I came to Edward's study. I opened the door slowly and walked inside, glancing around me at the books and books that occupied the shelves on the walls. Somehow the room made me gasp even when I'd been in it numerous times.

I walked around it slowly and stopped at a bookshelf. My fingers skimmed over the spines off books, very old, very worn books. My fingers stopped at my favourite book and I smiled, gently pulling it out from it's place.

It was much older than the one that had been in Edward's room, it's cover was dented and worn and it's pages seemed like feathers. I opened the cover of the book and what I saw made my heart stutter in my chest.

Mr Edward Masen Sr.

A pleasure to meet you, hopefully this book will be cherished by everyone who holds it.

Many thanks, sincerely, Emily Jane Bronte.

I stared at the writing for much longer than was necessary and it was only after a few minutes did I realise my hands were shaking ever so slightly. I took a deep breath and tried to work out in my head how it could be possible that Edward had a book signed by Emily Bronte...

Wuthering Heights was written in 1847, over fifty years before Edward was born. His father was Edward Sr. But he would be too young to have met her. It would've had to of been Edward's grandfather...

Edward's grandfather had met Emily Bronte and the book had been passed down through many generations of the Masen family...

I felt like I was somehow invading the privacy of their family by holding the book, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't put it down...

I found my feet moving towards one of the sofas and I sat down carefully, placing the book in my lap.

I started read the book, of course knowing almost every word but still having the same sense of awe that flowed through me when I read it.

Soon enough I was curled up on the couch with the book rested on the arm. I was turning another page when I heard the faint noise of the door.

I froze, not sure if Edward would be angry that I was reading his book, perhaps one of his most cherished...

But before I could dwell on it too much, or even think about getting up, I heard a voice calling out.

A voice that was not Edward's.

"Hey Edward? You here?" he called.

I stayed still, my heartbeat thrumming in my chest and my breathing stopping completely.

I watched the door with wide eyes and suddenly it opened. Revealing to me a man that was definitely not Edward...

He stood at the doorway, his body and height littler than Edward's. His hair was blonde and tied back in an lose ponytail, reaching just below his shoulders. He wore a leather jacket and jeans and his body was impeccably pale. Proving to me he was a vampire...

The one thing that stood out the most was his burgundy eyes that seemed to narrow evilly as he looked at me and then widen he surprise.

"Hello there." He said in a friendly tone.

"Um hi?" I made it sound like a question.

He walked forward slowly, slower than human pace, towards me and I closed the book and sat up more as he came near.

"I didn't know Edward was keeping a human." He smiled. I could tell he was trying to make the smile effortless, perhaps even sociable, but I had a bad feeling about him.

"I... Um..."

He sat down and crossed his ankles, "I'm sorry..." he said kindly, "I should've introduced myself..."

He stopped talking and looked at me, so I guessed I should go first, "I'm Bella." I said quietly.

"Bella... That's a nice name..." he smiled, "Well nice to meet you Bella... I'm a friend of Edward's... My name is James..."

Uh oh what will happen I will update soon please vote and comment thanks x

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