A Regular Teenage Life •|•Chapter Three•|• Almost Kiss???

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!!!!!!STILL EDITING!!!!!!!!


After an extra day-it wasn't planned-out in the middle of no where waiting for any kind of help, Trevor and I decide to explore the woods as the others-Cobi and Andrew-take Sandy's car-which wasn't stuck-back from where we came from. They are soon to reach the motel in about half an hour. Trevor couldn't stand being stuck in the truck all day especially with Brooklyn. So he said he needed some fresh air and asked if I would like to join.

It didn't take long for me to reply. I hate being stuck in one place more than once and I seriously needed to change from my pjs into an extra pair of clothes lucky for me I packed. Just a plane white shirt-which is showing my black bra a little too much but thankfully I brought a jean vest to go over it-and a pair of jeans.

"Are you done yet?" Whines Trevor, who is turned the other way behind a tree. I'm pretty sure he tried to make a peek or two but I'm sly when it comes to changing. For heaven sakes, I hate changing in front of girls. How do you think I worked it all out at sleep overs and in the locker rooms? I'm sly, don't mess with me. Even ask Andrew. He's had to deal with me for the longest time, thanks to our single Moms.

"Just about," I reply, placing my pjs into his back pack. Trevor brought a few water bottles and snacks after we exit the truck, without the others looking. They didn't know-shoot I didn't even know-how long Trevor and I were going to be walking out in the woods.

After finishing I tap his shoulder and he sighs of gratefulness. "You took eternity." Trevor grabs his bag and pulls it over his shoulders. After a moment of nothing, he smiles and looks at me.

"What?" I ask, staring at him confused.

He shakes his head-that good-ball-of-a-small still upon his charming features as he says "nothing." Shrugging I lead the way looking around. Exploring in the middle of no where isn't that  quite fun, if you ask me. There's literally nothing here to look around for or anything interesting to gaze upon. Though, Trevor always has an eye for catching the little things. Like a lady bug he found about ten minutes ago. He named it Lady-wow-but it was adorable to see him fascinated by the bug that I would normally pass by or sadly step on.

"Over here," he whispers after I climb down from a large molded rock. I reach him quietly and look over his perfect chiseled shoulder that looks perfectly tan in the sunlight. His index finger goes upon his lips then mine then it points where his perfect eyes are-isn't he just Mr. Perfect, huh? Only in features.

My eyes reach where his are and my its a beautiful sight. It's a doe, a beautiful one. And where we stand I believe it's like seeing a doe in the movies. Where there's a gap of trees but of beautiful vines and and flowers where it's grazing. And how the sunlight is hitting the scene perfectly. It's taking my breath away.

Trevor realizes this and steps back behind me, allowing my short self to have a better look. This is defiantly something I'll never forget, honestly. I won't. Such a gorgeous sight for such eyes. "Beautiful," whispers Trevor into my ear. I nod, smiling.

"It is," I whisper back.

Trevor chuckles quietly into my ear, sending goose bumps throughout my body. "I wasn't talking about the doe."

Blushing-and a bit baffled-I lower my gaze and step back, forgetting Trevor is there and I run into his chest. I nearly stumble but he catches me, our eyes meet. "Careful, Clumsy. You nearly fell."

And here we go, Trevor just ruined another moment. It's day time, remember, sweet Trevor only arrives at dawn. What is he, a vampire?

Laughing and playfully pushing him, we continue on. Soon enough we're hungry and we stop to eat the granola bars that were in his pack and drink from the water bottles. After our small lunch we find our way back-memorizing everything we passed earlier-towards the truck. Once we arrive as does Cobi and Andrew with another truck behind them. It's Trevor's Dad and that sends a strange feeling through the air, knowing Trevor's Dad, it sends chills through your body. Never, in a million years, get on Mr. Huckleberry' bad side. Ever. I learned that the hard way.

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