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I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I was so mad, and bored. How could Nick say that we weren't going to do anything. During the meeting, Nick told us that we weren't going to help. He told us that the Avengers team was going to disband. I was so upset. I couldn't leave now. All of them were my friends. I'm going to miss all of them Tony, Nat, Clint, Steve, Bruce, and mostly Thor. 

I sat up in my bed. I was so angry at Nick. How could he do this? This is all I had in life. Once he sends us home we get split up. I got out of my bed and started pacing. I was so angry. I clenched my fist, and punched my dresser. Wood splittered around my fist, and I pulled back, and a hole was in my dresser to were I punched it. 

I should probably get out of here before I destroy something else. I grabbed a sports bra, and a pair of leggings, and changed. I put my hair up in a ponytail, and grabbed my whip. I stormed out of my room, and walked down the hallway. 

I went into the training room. It was completly empty. Thank goodness. I walked up to the punching bag that was in the middle of the room. I tossed my whip aside, and turned to the punching bag. My fist clenched, and I hit the punching bag as hard as I could. It flew and then came back at me, and then I punched it again. 

I kept punching it, trying to get out my anger, but no matter how much I punched it my anger would no go away. Sweat dripped down my face, and then I started kicking it. I don't know how, but I punched and kicked harder. Thinking about how we were going to let Loki go mad me so mad. 

"How can they do this?" I said hitting it as hard as I can. I don't know how, but the sandbag split, and sand poured onto the floor. 

"This is really making you mad, isn't it?" I quickly turned and saw Steve. He looked like he was coming here to train. His sneakers squeaked as he came to me, and he put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry we'll think of something." He said in a reasuring way. In a way I wanted to believe him. I sat down on the floor. Steve looked around, and saw the sand pile on the floor. "Did you do that?" 

I shrugged. "Does it matter?"

"That's impresive." He said sitting down beside me. "Is something wrong?" 

"It's Loki, he is haunting me. He's already came to me in my dreams and mind. He swore he was going to kill me. I'm just scared that if we don't fight, then he'll keep haunting me for the rest of my life." Tears came to my eyes, and I wipped them away with my wrist. 

"Olivia I had no idea" Steve said. 

"It's fine, its just that I'm so angry, scared, and sad." I wrapped my arms around my legs. Steve started rubbing my back, and I felt drowzy. Before I knew it I fell asleep. 

"How long has she been out?" 

"About an hour, she fell asleep crying. She seemed really upset about how we're not going after Loki." I awoke on the floor of the gym. "Olivia how do you feel?" I looked up and Steve, Nat, and Clint. 

I just sat up and stared plainly into the air. "Olivia," Nat said knealing next to me. "Olivia, it's okay. We'll stop Loki, even if Nick won't let us, we'll find a way." Some how I didn't believe her, she was an agent, and she wouldn't disobey orders. 

"Damn right we will" Tony said standing in the doorway. He walked in and stopped in front of me. "We won't sit around here, and wait for Loki to take over the world." I looked up at Tony as he held out his hand. I grabbed it, and he yanked me up. "Nick has no control over me. Come on Olivia, lets save the world." 

I was in my room putting on my grey suit. I made sure I had everything. My whip was in the holster with my energy dagger. I put my hair in a braid, and I clipped back my bangs. I was ready. All I had to do was wait for the singal. 

This was way out of protocal, and we all knew that Nick would be furious. But you know what I didn't care. It was time to make a stand agasint Loki, and now was the time. Someone gave the signal knock on my door. I double checked my appearence, and I opened it up. Steve was there waiting. "It is time" He said. I nodded, and we walked to the deck. 

As we walked people were giving us werid stares. Steve and I were both dressed in our suits, and every time someone looked like they wanted to talk to us, I gave them my famous glare, and they backed away. 

Once we reached the deck, Nat, and Clint were inspecting a jet, and Tony was wearing his badly damaged suit, and Thor had his back to all of us looking out. 

"Okay here is the plan" Tony said revealing his face. "Thor and I will go ahead. And the rest of you will catch up in the jet. We'll try to hold of Loki as much as possible." Nat and Clint nodded getting on the jet. 

"Tony, you can't fight in that" I said looking at his suit. I wasn't even sure if it could fly. 

"I know I can't fight in this, once I get to Stark Tower I can change into my new suit. Trust me." He said giving me a wink. His mask went back over his face, and his rockets started up. "I'll go ahead. Stay safe, and come soon" He said giving us a salute goodbye. 

Steve gave a grunt, and then walked onto the plane. I turned to Thor. He held out his arms, and I went into them. "Please stay safe." I said hugging him. 

"I was just about to tell you the same thing." He said smile. I gave a small laugh. "Trust me." He said turning. His hammer started swinging. "Trust the Avengers" With that he soared into the air following the path of Tony. 

"Olivia get on quick" Steve said in the jet. I looked to the sky, and then ran onto the jet. The doors closed, and right when they did, the plane took off. 

Nat and Clint were flying it, and I was in the back with Steve. "Clint how long till we get to New York?" Steve asked as Clint flicked some switches. 

"About 30 minutes" He said. I took a seat, while Steve started pacing. 

I sat and bit my lip in scared anticaption. "Are you scared?" Steve said looking at me. I nodded. I didn't kow if I could talk without barfing. "It's always scary the first time. Just remember what you are fighting for" I gave Steve a grateful smile, and he went back to his pacing. 

The closer we got to New York the more scared I got. My hands became clamy, and my face became pale. "We're almost there" Clint said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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