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You would think that living on a private island would be your dream come true, but I can tell you first hand that it is not. My Father is a billionare who got his fortune by inventing a renewable energy. He bought an island in the Caribbean for us to live on, but they were rarley there. I was alone. So what did I do in my free time, I trained. Train for what? I didn't know, but I was prepared.

My name is Olivia Olsen. Age 22. This is my story.

Being on an island met a lot of free time, so I spent a lot of my free time in the lab. All of my fathers inventions were in there, so I would modify them. My greatest invention was my whip. It wasn't a normal whip it was made from the renewable energy that my father had invented, but like always I modified it. I showed and told no one. It was my baby of inventions. It was way beyond any inventions that were invented by my father.

It was pure purple wave of energy. It had different settings, a stun setting, a kill setting, and many more. I practiced with it out in the rainforest, on our island. It was difficult at first trying to control it, but after years of practice I had mastered the art of the whip. I could whip a fly right out of midair 10 feet away.

When I wasn't practicing with my whip I was in out on training grounds. It was full with swords guns, and all sorts of weapons and dummies. I had taught myself how to use a sword and gun. I learned hand to hand combat with the butler.

Even though my parents weren't on the island most of the time didn't me I was completly alone. My fathered had hired a maid and a butler who stayed on the island permantly. Maria, our maid, was like a big sister to me, and Phil was like a cool uncle. We did have TV, but that wasn't the same has being with real people

I liked my life, but it wasn't what I wanted. I had no interaction with any people accept for the people my father had brought to the island, and none of them ever talked to me. I was alone in life. It was depressing. I had lived on the island my whole life, so I knew no one.

I mean now that I am 22 I should be able to do what I want, but my father still refused to let me leave the island. I had a close call one time. I had hijacked one of my fathers planes. I had taught myself how to pilot, and I was about to take off, but instead of leaving the ground my father cut off all power to it, and I was grounded for like a month.

One day while at the pool, I was sun bathing, and watching the sun go down. Maria was up in the house cleaning with Phil, so I was alone, or so I thought.

Laying there with my eyes closed I heard soft footsteps coming toward me. I could tell that they weren't Maria's or Phil's. I tensed up. 'No one comes on my island and gets away.' My whip was on the side table next to my drink. All I had to do was grab it.

As fast as lighting I stood up grabbed my whip, and pushed the on button. A energy whip burst out, and I flicked it aiming for anything dangerous, and sure enough the gun on the mans belt flew out from its place and skidded across the pavement.

I looked up to the man. I recognized him. He had been here a long time ago. My father had brought him. I think they were friends. However this man stuck out to me, mostly because of the big black eye patch that covered his left eye. He was black, and was wore a trench coat. He held up his arms in a sign of surrender. I however did not lower my whip.

"I mean you no harm Olivia" He said in a deep voice. I eyed him confused. "I actually came here for you" Okay now I was really confused. "I'm not sure if you remember me but I am Nick Fury" He put out his arm waiting for me to shake it. I wearily pushed the off button on the whip and the purple ray went back into the handle. I toke a step forward and shook his hand. Once done he stepped away, and turned to the setting sun. "Beautiful view you got here"

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