I can't believe this.

What the hell is wrong with me? How did I not see this? She's my best friend how could she?

She betrayed me in the worst way possible. I throw the doors open and pass a couple, I don't know who they are but the fact that they know Spencer makes me slow down. She says their name and my heart drops. She met her fucking parents?! I've been with Ashley for almost a year and she barely utters one word about them to me and Spencer met them after a fucking month?!

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! How could I have been so stupid?!" I shout and storm away. The fact that Ashley's mother asks who I am is a punch to the face.

I think I'm going to be sick. I need to get the hell out of here. I don't hear Spencer following me anymore, probably fucking setting up wedding plans with in laws. What the fuck?! I'm so angry and hearing Spencer call out for me isn't doing anything for me. She used to be able to calm me down now all I feel is rage every time she opens her mouth. She's asking me to give her a chance to explain. There's nothing to explain.

"You can what?" I finally stop walking and turn to face her. What could she possibly say right now that would make what she did okay?

"I can-"
"Explain to me how for the past month and a half you've been fucking my girlfriend when you're supposed to be my best friend?" I ask seriously. Cause if she can explain that then I'd like to hear it.

"It isn't like that Lex. I swear." Oh spare me the bullshit! "When I met Ashley I didn't know that she was your girlfriend." Are you kidding me right now? Seriously? Seriously?!

I finally piece it together. Ashley's the girl in New York, the girl she flirted with on the plane. I scoff as I remember that I encouraged her in seizing the moment. Looks like she took my advice. And fucking Ashley... I guess out of sight out of mind.

I snap my head as I hear Ashley shout for Spencer. Awesome.

I shake my head storm away again. I'm a grown ass woman stomping my feet like a damn three year old but walking normal right now isn't doing it for me. My feet hit the pavement hard with every step I take. I'm so close to my car and I know I probably shouldn't be driving in this state because all I see is red. I leave them both behind, not like they'll notice I'm gone they sure as hell didn't before.

As I get in my car the tears that I was fighting before begin to fall. I don't wanna cry. They don't deserve my tears. A knock on the window pulls me back to reality. I look and see it's Spencer. She's fighting back tears and under any other circumstance I think I'd be the one comforting her. She begs me to let her explain. Haven't we done this already?

"Get the fuck out of my fucking way Spencer!" I shout to her, but she looks confused like she can't understand what I'm saying right now. It should be perfectly clear what I want from her. When Ashley asks me to get out of the car something in me snaps. I can't believe she would fucking do this to me. I jump out of the car, "Fuck you Davies! My best friend! Of all people?! Who the hell do you think you are? Don't ever talk to me again, I hate you..." I scoff and turn to Spencer. "...and you!" I shout, pointing a finger at her. "Move." She looks hurt, like she was expecting more. She wants me to yell at her?

"Lexy please I just…"

"We're in love Lexy, we didn't mean for any of this to happen." Ashley cuts her off and it takes everything in my power not to run over and punch her in the face. She shouldn't talk to me right now. My judgment is clouded right now and I think it's safe to say I may do something irrational.

"Ashley, shut up!" Spencer turns and shouts to her. I can't help but laugh at the pair.

How the fuck did I not see this before?

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