Chapter 14: Who's lying and keeping secrets ... beside me?

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I decided I was gonna talk to Jake first. But he was faster. When Dalton left the room, I checked my phone. I had a dozen messages saying ''I'm sorry about what happened!'' ''Are you OK?'' ''What did your brothers say?'' etc.

I loved that he was so worried about me. It really proved that he cared.

I had 4 unanswered calls. I must had switched my ringtone off. I called him and he answered right away.

''Hey, how are you?'' I said into the speaker.

''Hi. I'm fine. Better question: How are you? I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday.''

''It's OK, it wasn't your fault. Really, don't beat yourself up.''

''Really? You sure?''

''Well there's nothing you can do about it now. My brothers believed me when I said I didn't know you. Everything is fine. Really. I should be more sorry. You got hurt because of me.''

''No, no, don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault. Besides I'm fine. But I'm just curious, for how long do we intend to keep us a secret from your brothers?''

''Us? So there's an us?'' I said with a smile on my face.

I could hear him chuckle and then he said:''Only if you want it.''

I nodded, but when I remembered we're on the phone, I said:''Yeah, I want it, but...''

I paused, but I knew I had to tell him:''Look, I need to talk to you, about a lot of stuff. I just, I don't know. I really like you, maybe even more than that. I want there to be an us, because I think I'm falling for you, if I haven't already fallen all the way. But maybe we're going to fast. I don't know, I need to talk to you in person.''

He slowly said:''OK, we can meet up at the beach. If you want to or whatever you want.''

''Yeah, beach is fine. In half an hour?''

''All right, see you then.''

''Bye,'' I hung up the phone. Did I tell him too much?

Dalton was the only one up. I assumed everybody else went back to bed, after the morning talk. Good, less trouble. I ate my cereals and said:''Hey Dalt, I'm gonna take a walk. I really need to clear my head, think about a few stuff. It's only gonna be like an hour.''

He looked at me with a gaze I did not know. I've never seen it before. He answered:''OK, but you've got one hour. Do you hear me? If you're one minute late I'm calling my unit. I'm not kidding.''

I nodded and said:''Got it.'' I walked through the door just in time, 'cause I heard someone coming down the stairs. Probably Peter or Ian, 'cause I knew Brian was gonna sleep long after what had happened yesterday.

When I arrived to the beach, nobody was there. It was early March, so that was completely understandable. I saw a figure walking towards me, but it wasn't Jake. I realised it was two figures. Two guys walked past me and I heard they were deep in a conversation. They were wearing black clothes and boots and one of them had long hair. But they were very skinny. When they had already passed me, one of them noticed me, so he turned around and said:''Hey there beauty, you waiting for someone?''

''Yeah.'' I looked away. I heard somewhere that it's better to avoid eye contact with these types of people.

''Well if you want, you can wait with us, girl.'' He said and stepped closer to me.

''I'm fine thank you.'' I replied, still looking away.

''Hey, you're that girl with four brothers. Baker right? I hope they won't mind me banging their little sister.'' He laughed evilly and turned his look to his friend who was laughing to.

''I'm good thanks. I don't need banging. Especially not with you.'' I tried to reply politely, but in reality I was mad, I was furious. Jake was late and these guys were trying to fuck around with me. Literally. And it was rude and annoying and I really wanted them to disappear. I was angry, but one thing I was not, was afraid.

''C'mon, it'll be fun.'' One of them said with a nasty smirk on his lips.

I started to yell:''Look moron, I'm really not in the mood for this. I'm waiting for someone and I'd like to do it alone if you don't mind. So you can FUCK OFF, asshole.''

He came closer and said:''Getting angry there, are we? No problem, I like it rough.''

I stared at him shocked. He crossed the line. No, actually not yet. He put his hand on my waist and came even closer. Now he crossed the line. I pushed him away and hit him with my fist. I used all the power I had. I was so angry I felt like I could move and even brake mountains. Pain slit through my hand, but I just ignored it.

The guy flew back and landed on the floor. I put my hands into battling position. I didn't know a lot about fighting, just what Dalton taught me. He showed me a little self defense and I always thought it was in vain. But I guess not. Now, it had proven to be useful.

My eyes were half shut to make my face seem more fearless. The guys backed off and said:''Chill, we were just messing.''

''Sure you were. Get out of my face, you idiots.''

They ran as fast as they could. I looked down at my hand. My knuckles were bruised. I didn't care, plus it didn't hurt anymore, anyway.

Jake showed up the next second and said:''Are you OK? I saw what happened. Nice job. Good swing.''

''Thanks, I'm fine.'' I smiled, but I was getting really frustrated.

''Sorry I'm late. I had to help mum with something and she wouldn't let me go. Are you sure you're OK?''

I nodded, but that's when I felt the pain. It came back. My knuckles started to burn. I must've made a face, 'cause Jake noticed it and saw my hand bruised. He held it up and said:''Well, at least it wasn't for nothing. That guy is gonna rethink all his life choices 'cause a girl hit him. C'mon.''

He had that gorgeous smirk and led me towards the water. 'What is he gonna do? He's not gonna push me in, isn't he?'

We kneeled down just in front of the sea and he washed my hand with the water. It burned a little.

'Of course, the water. Salt cures wounds.' I knew it, but I didn't stop him when he explained:''The salt will help cure the bruises faster. Sea water can cure a lot of stuff. The salt is really good for wounds and bruises. Therapeutic.'' I smiled. I loved listening to him. Especially when he used scientific terms like that.

We got up and he put a strand of my hair behind my ear. He looked right into my eyes and said:''Listen Kai, if you think this is going to fast, or you're not ready, then we can ...''

This time it was me who stopped him. I put my finger on his lips and said:''I want this. I want you. I know it's only been a week or two since we've met, but ... I want to be with you. I've never had a boyfriend before and I am ready. So ready. But ...'' I stopped.

''But what? Something is holding you back. Tell me, you can trust me.''

''If we're really gonna do this, I want the truth. I don't want lies.''

''The truth? You think I'm lying? But you're the one lying to your brothers. I don't get it.''

''I know. And I'll tell them, but not yet. I need the truth from you first.''

''The truth about what?''

''Me and my brothers talked yesterday. Brian told us about what happened between you two. He said two guys beat him him up and they said you sent them. You ordered someone to beat my brother up, just because he was into the same girl as you? That's sick.''

''What? No, I didn't do that. I never told anybody to beat him up. How could he even think that? I would never... Wait a minute. That's why he suddenly started avoiding me one day, isn't it? That's the real reason why our friendship went south.''

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