Chapter 12: The lies continue

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The next morning we did have the morning talk. However, once again, for the first time I was not alone on the other side of the table. 

When I entered the kitchen there was no smell of waffles. 'Oh no, no waffles, that's bad.'

For the first time they didn't make waffles for the morning talk. Obviously the only good thing about it were waffles. 

'Great, now Brian took away the only thing that made me get through the talk.'

We got up almost at the same time (but it was late, cause Brian had a hangover) and gave each other the same glances as last night-hateful, resentful. Without talking we sat down at the table. Dalton sighed and said:''Ok, so you two made a mess yesterday.''

Brian started to fight back, so I did too. We shouted at the same time:''We? He got drunk and into a fight!'' and ''Why are you talking about us? She was talking to that guy!'' 

''I didn't know that guy, I told you!'' I practically yelled at Brian.

''Quiet!'' We heard Dalton's thundering voice. ''You are both equally to blame. Brian, what the hell went on in that thick skull of yours? You were supposed to watch over Kai. But no, that's mission impossible. I was so stupid to let you go with her. I should've gone myself to make sure she was okay. First, you get drunk and then you get into a fight? You are unbelievable. And as for you young lady, you shouldn't have been talking to that boy, but should've remained with your brother.''

I wanted to start my part of the story, before Brian, so I spoke immediately after Dalton was done.

''I couldn't. That was the reason I left. It was a freaking party, what do you do at parties? Surely not just stand around next to your lame, drunk brother, who's making out with God-knows-who. He's not enough of a man to take care of a girl, who is, by the way, his sister.'' I said and looked him in the eyes. But he responded in the same tone:''You were talking to Jake, I saw you. You won't get away with this.''

''You are lying! You didn't see us. Tommy came by and saw us together, cause we randomly crossed paths. I was walking towards you and I don't know where he was going. And then drunk Tommy shows up and imagines God-knows-what. What's up with you and that guy anyway? What did he did to you that you had to give him such a beating?''

Brian wanted to answer, probably lie, but Dalton stopped him by saying:''That is a good question. Who is that guy?''

'Brian, now you're in big trouble.'

Brian opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but closed them right away. After sighing he said:''He's ... an old friend of mine. We were best friends for some time, but then we had a fight and never talked again. I guess you could say we're enemies.''

''If he had ever been your friend, we would known about him, don't you think?'' Said Ian and Brian replied:''We had what we called a quiet friendship. We didn't even tell each other our last names. But when I saw him, I knew right away. I recognised him straight away.''

''Yeah, right. You can't just recognise someone you used to know for a short period of time in such a dark room with all the light effects going on. You probably saw us together and thought we were hanging out and when you heard Tommy say he was that friend of yours, you had an excuse to punch him. You don't watch over me at a party, but if I'm talking to a guy, OMG, that is a sin. Especially if that guy is your enemy. Cause it's all about you, Brian. It's always all about you. You should get over yourself, you know.'' I hissed at him. 

Brian didn't respond, he actually seemed calmer. I was surprised he didn't defend himself, throw something mean back at me.

No, he was calmer and so was I. 

So I took a chance and decided to dig a little and find out his version of the story. ''Why did you and that guy Jake had a fight anyway?''

He looked at me. He has never given me that look before. It was like he was warning me. But from who? From Jake?

He turned his gaze to the floor and said:''There was this girl we both liked. So we fought to win her over. But then ... One day when I was walking to school, two older guys approached me. And they beat the hell out of me. Remember when I came home all bruised one day? I said I fell down the stairs, but I lied. I was too scared to tell you. When those guys were done, they said one thing that has stayed with me till this day. They said:'Jake says hi.' I don't understand why he did it, but he did. I stopped talking to him and avoided him. That girl moved away and he or those guys never bothered me again. That's the whole story.''

My heart was pounding, my fingers sweating, my eyes widening, my head spinning. 

'Jake lied to me? He ordered someone to beat up my brother?'

I was scared. Who was telling the truth? I didn't know who to believe. 'My brother would never lie to us, right?'

Brian said:''I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong, OK? I shouldn't have gotten drunk, I should've watched over Kai, maybe then she would've never met Jake. I know it was wrong.''

Then he turned to me, looked me in the eyes and said:''Look, I don't know if you guys were talking or not. You're right, I didn't really see you. But when I saw you and Jake so close to each other, I got scared, I freaked out. I'm sorry. But I do know that guy, so I'm telling you to stay away from him; please Kailynn. I don't want to see you get hurt like I did. He is not good, he's only trouble. Please, I don't want you to hang out with him, okay?''

Now all brothers turned to me. 'What do I do? I'm freaking out! What he did to my brother ... it's outrageous. He lied to me.'

I didn't know what to think. All these questions were in my head, jumping around restlessly. But I put on a calm, happy face. 'I'm just gonna have to pretend for a few seconds.'

I said:''Don't worry, I don't know him, I've never talked to him before. I promise you, I won't hang out with him, OK? It was a coincidence that we were in the same place at the same time and you saw us at that exact moment. I'm sorry. I swear I don't know him. And I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it.''

Brian smiled vaguely, still looking at me and said:''I know.''

My brothers all nodded. My heart was breaking. I was lying to my brothers and I knew they were gonna hate me when they found out. Especially Brian. I knew I couldn't keep the promise. I had to get to the bottom of it. I had to get the truth out of Jake. I was gonna set things straight. But was I strong enough? Could I deal with it? Was I up for the challenge?

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