Chapter 11: Brian fucked up, not me

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When Brian reached us, his face was red with rage. Me and Jake pretended we didn't know each other, but Brian didn't even look at me, he jumped on Jake and started punching him. While everyone started yelling:''Fight, fight, fight!'', I tried to stop them and separate them. Brian was drunk, so Jake managed to keep him away. Fortunately Tommy stepped behind Brian and grabbed him; he tried to stop him too. I stepped in front of Brian and said:''Brian, what the fuck is wrong with you? Stop it.'' 

I turned around and gave Jake a small knowing look, secretly motioning for him to go. We didn't need words, glances and small gestures were enough. He left before Brian could've jumped him again. I turned back to Brian and said:''You! We're gonna have a long talk. Or better yet, you're gonna have a long talk with Dalton.''

''What were you doing with that guy? Stay away from him, he's trouble.'' Brian said, like he knew about me and Jake, but I kept lying:''I don't know that guy, we ran into each other by chance, just now. We were together by coincidence.''

''Yeah, it better be a coincidence.'' Brian looked at me angrily. 

Sooner or later I would have to call Dalton knowing that he wasn't gonna be thrilled. But knew I had to keep Jake a secret. 'I'm not ready to tell them about Jake.'

Brian was drunk, so I had to get him home. We came in a car, so we had to take that car to go back, plus I didn't want to call Dalton. The longer he didn't know, the better it was. I was trying to avoid his wrath, because I knew he would be angry with me too. 

Brian wasn't out-of-his-mind drunk, but he was definitely in no state to drive. So I sat him down in the passenger seat and sat behind the wheel. I knew how to drive, my brothers had taught me. But I didn't have a driving licence yet. Honestly, I didn't even care about that. Getting pulled over was the least of my concern right now. If it had happened it wouldn't really matter because Dalton would be pissed at us anyway.

Half an hour later, we were sitting on the sofa. For the first time I wasn't alone, Brian was with me.

'Are we gonna have the morning talk?'

I really didn't care. I was glad I wasn't alone, cause it was really Brian who fucked up, not me. I shouldn't have actually been sitting on that sofa.

Dalton gave each of us a furious look and than said:''You two are unbelievable. Brian, I trusted you to take care of our little sister, but what you do is get drunk and get into a fight, out of which she has to pull you and even drive you home without a driving licence. And you, young lady. I'm sure you played a role in this situation. And driving, that was also very irresponsible. You should've called me, I would've come to pick you up.''

I didn't say anything about the young lady, 'cause I knew it would've made him more angry. But I did defend myself and so did Brian. We said simultaneously:''She was with Jake, he's a bad influence, a piece of shit.'' and ''He was drunk and didn't know what he saw or what he was doing and I was left with no choice but to drive him home.''

Dalton hit his foot against the ground making deadly silence. He said:''I do not care about your versions of events. What you Brian did was very wrong, way more wrong than what Kai did. She tried to stop you and she got you home safe. When it should've been the other way around. YOU should've taken care of her, YOU should've brought her home safely, not the other way around. As for the boy ... We'll get that story straight too. We'll talk tomorrow. Now go to your rooms.''

'Oh no. Now they won't let me go out anymore, they'll investigate and they'll follow my every step. I'm gonna have to be even more careful.'

Me and Brian both got up and gave each other hateful glances. 'I'm in this mess because of him. Stupid Brian.'

He walked upstairs first and I followed him, but waited for a second so that he was in his room. I turned around and saw Dalton, Ian and Peter staring at me with their arms crossed. I said:''It's not my fault he's a drunk. I don't even know that boy. Brian just ruined my first party. Oh, and for the record, I didn't even touch alcohol. Look at Brian.'' I pointed my finger towards his room, which was just opposite the stairs. I put my hand down when nobody said anything and then went to my room. 

I lied. He did not ruin my first party. Who cares about drunk Brian. All I cared about was what a great time I had with Jake.

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