First Day of School

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A/N Above is Mackenzie's outfit.

1 Week Later, Monday: 6:45 am

Ariana's POV

"Wake up, Karmani. Time to get ready for school." I say, shaking her gently.

"I'm up, I'm up. Calm down."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. I'm going to wake up the other 2."

"Mackenzie. Time to wake up. Taylor's gonna help you get ready for school."

"I'm gonna do what?" She says, walking in looking like a caveman.

"That's a nice look for you. You look like a hobo."

"I tried. Sure I'll help. Thanks so much for asking."

"No problem. I'm gonna go help Oliver."

Taylor's POV

"Mackenzie, wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up."

"I'm up, Taylor. Leave me alone."

"Come on." I pick her up and go into her bathroom to brush her teeth.

"School is boring except for Chlo."

"Well, make some more friends and have fun."

"Ok." She sighs and I get her dressed.

"Like this outfit?"

"Yeah. It's pretty. I'm hungry."

"Come on. Ariana made French Toast." We go downstairs together and I put Mackenzie in her chair.

"You look nice, Mani."

"Thanks. I made it special."

"What about me?" Oliver says, pulling on my shirt.

"You too, Olly. You too. I have to go get dressed."

Ariana's POV

"Here's your breakfast. Eat it all. You need energy for school."

30 Minutes Later

"Alright, time to go." Me, Taylor, Kenzie, Oliver, and Karmani get in the car and go to the school.

7:50 am

Taylor's POV

"Welcome once again to Beverly Hills Private School. Let's go." We get out of the car and go to the office.

A few days ago Sean and Ariana came to meet their teachers and see their classrooms so when we get in, she leads the way and within 10 minutes, everyone is safely in their class.

Ariana's POV

Me and Taylor get in the car and I drive us home.

"Sean, where are you?"

"In the living room. Be quiet, the kids are still asleep."

"Wow. Can't you do anything?"

"Of course, my love. I just didn't want to."

"You're so lazy. Do I have to do everything around here. Kids, wake up!"

"Mommy, stop it. I wanna sleep."

"I know, Aubriana, I'm sorry but mommy and daddy have work to do. Taylor's gonna stay here with you and I need you to behave. Got it?"

"Ok, mommy. Bye, love you."

"Love you too. Is Alyson still asleep?"


"Wow. What about Jordan?"

"Hold on, let me check." I hear her walking into Jordan's room, then Jaidon's.

"Yes, they're both asleep."

"Ok, thanks babe. Love you, bye."

Taylor's POV

They finally leave and I go upstairs. Kaylee's getting in her bed, trying to fall asleep again.

"I'll be back up here in an hour. Sleep tight, girls."

"Now, what to do by myself? I'm gonna start by inviting Isabella over."

I dial her number and she answers quickly.

"Hey Izzy. What are you doing right now?"

"Nothing really. How about you?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"


"Ok. I'll see you in a bit."

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