Chapter 1: All Signs point to Lauderdale

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A/N: MY BOOBOOLAS! This story starts off typical, i apoligize :/ Like i said Ashton is different in this story and for everyone asking, i dont like writing in POV's because you can't get much detail in that way. 

The Chapters are named after songs and the songs will be in the sidebar. Speaking of the sidebar, the drawing? Its from Kurt Cobains journal  (Something else i based Ash's personality on) I suggest you buy it because it is really good! 

enjoy ~amandajane

Reaching the gates to the shithole, wait sorry school, he boarded past everyone and ignored the 'Watch it's' and the 'asshole'dal that were muttered. He stopped and ran up the few stairs that lead him to the entrance doors were he spotted Michael, his closest friend.

'Mate! You made it. And on time! I'm impressed.' Michael laughed and high-fived Ash.

'Well you know me. Always looking for an education.' Ash sarcastically replied. 'You dyed your hair?' Michael nodded and walked with Ashton to their first class.

'You like it?' Inspecting the new hairstyle Ash laughed. 'What?'

'It's' Michael nodded and stopped.

'It's Fusia and I like it so fuck you Irwin.' both of the boys laughed. The only person Ash felt comfortable laughing with. 'Now C'mon, if education is so important i'm guessing you are going to English for a change?' Michael questioned.

'I think so, might give Mrs. Kelly a heart attack though.' They laughed again and Michael patted his back.

'You do that but I want to be the one to give her mouth to mouth.' Mike wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and started to ramble about how 'hot' she was. Ashton never seen it. He didn't really find anyone attractive. Not any girls that went to Lauderdale were Ash's type. He wasn't into whores and tangerines.

As the boys walked into class Michael took his seat next to Calum and got to chatting right away. Michael was worse than a girl and Calum was no better. Once they got together it was like The Real Housewife's of Lauderdale Academy.

'Ashton Irwin? You have decided to join us. How splendid.' so sarcastic. No wonder Ash hated her. 'Now class, today is the annual football game against Clairmont High.' Boo's echoed as the rival school's name was mentioned. Ash rolled his eyes and started to draw. 'I expect everyone to be there. It's important that you route for your school' Mrs. Kelly was always into beating the Clairmont High team. Simply because their coach was her ex husband.

'Ashton!?' Michael scream whispered getting his attention. His eyes darted to the teacher and her angry expression.

'What?' closing over his journal he looked up at her.

'You are coming tonight. No exceptions.' Ashton was about to protest but she stopped him 'I don't want to hear it! You are going. It might even stop me frm telling the head teacher about the oh, I dunno, 30 odd classes you have skipped.'

'That's blackmail!' Ash shouted.

'It's a proposition' Her eyebrows raised. Ash must admit, show his face at a football match and get out of multiple detentions and suspension? It was a good deal. He muttered a 'fine' before continuing drawing.

'Good. Now it's starts at seven and...' Ash zoned out like per usual. Before he knew it, the bell was ringing and Michael was slightly grinding on him.

'Mike, get off me!' Ash swatted him away.

'C'mon Irwin. You know you want the D.' Michael laughed and danced out to the corridor. 'What are you gonna write about?' catching up, Ash shot him a confused look. 'You didn't listen did you?'

'Do I ever?' Michael laughed and slung an arm over Ash's shoulder.

'Well, we need to write a poem or story of some shit. Something that reflects us.' Michael sighed and stopped them both. 'I can see mine now. “Tits,Tats and Snap backs” a Michael Clifford story' Ash shook his head. How did he get such an odd friend.

'Mate, listen. You haven't even had sex yet. The most you have seen is the old playboys and zoo magz that your dad has collecting dust in your attic.' Michael laughed and pointed to him.

'USED to collect dust.' disgusted, Ash moved away from him and shivered. 'Ashton, you are acting like a girl, you do it too. Idiot' Ash scoffed.

'Why would I need them when I can get a girl?'

'Oh fighting talk coming from the Irwin very nice!' Michael smirked and walked along side his friend again. 'You going tonight then?'

'I suppose. I'll just make face.' Ash huffed.

'Well, I said to Luke me and Cal would ditch the rest of the day, you joining?' Ash nodded and they both walked out the back exit.

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