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I woke up refreshed in my bed in the dorms this morning. I then smile and get up to take a shower.

I step in the bathroom and start to freak out like the big wuss i am.

 "Get it out!!" I shriek as I see a spider in the tub.

Yeah yeah you probably think I'm really girly right now but I swear that spider was brown, furry, and about the size of my hand!

You also may be thinking why is this girl afraid of spiders? She literally goes to school when there's monsters in the forest and talking portraits that shouldn't be a big deal for her!

Well it is

"What's wrong?" Someone asks coming into the room and seeing the brown furry spider.

"Ewww oh my god that's gross" another person says and soon someone decides to pick it up and put it in my hair.

Let me just say, it was the loudest scream ever 

"What in the name of Merlin is going on in here? Oh calm down it's just a harmless spider" My best friend says walking into the room taking care of it.

I then kicked everyone out and took a shower still traumatized by what just happened. 

After I shower I get dressed and grab my things that I need for the day and I go down to the dormitories.

I get weird looks and I glare at them making them go back to what they were doing and man that felt good. 

Okay for those who didn't know I only act mean and I'm the queen Slytherin being Professor Snapes daughter and all.

Also I don't know how people know about that, I certainly would have never told them like I don't appreciate all the extra glances thank you.

So whether we're together or not that makes Draco the king and basically rule the house.

I'm still friends-ish with the Gryffindors and I smile as I wait for Draco and his goons.

"Hey Maddie, I was thinking... Me. You. Hogsmeade. Date" Draco says and I smile sweetly.

"No can do D, I've given up boys this year" I lie and his smile falters after I say that.

"Please?" he asks and I just roll my eyes walking out as he follows.

"I'll do anything"
"No means no"

I tell him and he huffs but understands. 

I smile semi-proudly okay well technically I can still have time for boys because OWLS aren't until next year....

Hm I'll have to think about it but I might actually say yes.

I look at him while we walk, he's changed over the summer...he's more attractive.

I don't know what it is about him but everyone since I met him back in our first year something in me has been attracted to him.

He catches me staring and I smile not even embarrassed and we enter the Great Hall as a group and we eat happily.

It's the weekend so not much to do, maybe some homework. Maybe take a walk with Sky, hang out with my friends and study maybe.

I watch as Pansy flirts with Draco and I couldn't help but be a little jealous.

I won't let it get to me though so I ignore it until I hear him ask her to Hogsmeade and obviously she says yes because she's a desperate whore for Draco.

She's my best friend so I'm the only one who's allowed to call her that.

I look at him and he smirks at me, he's obviously trying to make me jealous and it's working.

Two can play at this game Malfoy.

Goblet Of The Pheniox {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now