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I didn't even notice Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy enter the compartment.

Probably because I was too much in thought, Pansy and Draco knew better than to bother me though.

Right now I was thinking of how I was on again off again with Draco for the last couple years and just for now I think I'm going to keep it off because I need time to focus on myself and myself.

In the last year I could easily tell my grades were slipping and that's because I thought I was too cool to do schoolwork and I could just make out with my boyfriend and everything would be better.

I talked to my mother about this and apparently it was part of growing up and I had to leave 3rd year me in the past.

But then again I'm also only 14 years old so being boy crazed and wanting a boyfriend pretty badly is a normal thing.

Actually scratch that I would really like to go out with him again. But as we grow older, I'm going to work things out instead of fighting and breaking up.

I glanced over at Draco and I smile of it I realized he is been the only guy I've ever really been seeing and I don't really want that to change no matter what I say.


I'm not in love am I?

I smile at Draco softly as we came to a stop and I realised we were here already, I guess time flies when you're in thought.

No one in my compartment said a word as we all shuffled out off the train (we changed at one point during the train ride).

As we grabbed our stuff and got off, I held Draco's hand and put my head on his shoulder as we walk towards the carridges.

"Awe so cute, oh wait I forgot you guys are about as cute as a dung beetle" Alexandria said and honestly, I wasn't in the mood for all this crap so I got in a carridge and it turns out, it was the last one.

"Great" I mutter to myself as my group gets in with the stupid 'Golden Trio' + Alexandria.

Goblet Of The Pheniox {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now