The Surprise

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The carridge ride there sucked. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

There was a lot of glaring let me tell you that, I just ignored everyone as I looked at my surrondings.

I was all of the suddenly feeling very depressed, like something really...bad was going to happen.

I just shrug it off though as we reach the school. We walk into the Great Hall and I'm all of the suddenly being squished in a bear hug.

"Oh my merlin's beard! I missed you!" I slowly relax realizing it's only Skylar.

I stay with my 'group' as we like to call it and talk. Apparently she somehow knows the surprise that's happening this year even though no one else is supposed to know until its announced.

"Really?" I ask her all of the suddenly excited "yup" she says popping the 'p'.

Dumbledore then starts talking and we all quiet down and after the sorting hat is finished.

"I would like to announce a very special event happening this school year!" he says looking at us all.

He talks about 2 other magical schools joining us for this thing called the 'Tri-Wizard Tournament'. If I was being honest that sounded really scary. Like people have died from that competition, I'm just glad I don't have to participate in it because I love what I have right now.

And to lose it all for glory?

No I'm good

I get excited as the 2 schools do their little performances and THE Viktor Krum comes and sits beside Draco. I almost fangirl, yes, fangirl.

Even witches can fangirl okay? okay.

We got started into the feast after Dumbledore explained the rules. "This is going to be amazing!" Skylar says as we dig into a pudding type thing "damn rights" I say and we laugh.

"Uh oh" I say when I see the Minister of Magic "what uh oh?" Sky says turning around.

"The Minister of Magic is here" I say to her "yeah and?" she says clearly not getting it.

"I don't know about you, but I'm an un-registered anamegi so I can't really transform" I explain to her in a hushed tone so no one else can really hear us.

"Uh oh is right then" she says looking at me worriedly.

Later that night, we go to our dorms and I think about nothing really as I fall asleep...

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