Barbecue partyyyyyyy!!!!

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'I arrived at Neymar's new house which was like a villa basically but my house was till bigger since my brother bought it for me and my mum , I knocked the door and Neymar hugged me and lead me to where everyone else was I saw the entire santos team and they ran up to me and hugged me I said hellos to everyone , i saw Rafa Neymar and bruna in a circle they were talking Rafa seemed uninterested Neymar called me over so I went ' hey bruna thanks for the invite 'I said handing her my hand to shake but she didn't even look at me she was playing with the straw on her cup she switched side and changed the subject 'where did you say we're going in a holiday Neymar? She said playfully I just rolled my eyes and left there circle . I wasn't just leaving their circle I was leaving this stupid party since I am not wanted here anyways ' where are you going ?'the guys asked me confused Coz I just arrived like ten minutes ago ' um I am going home ' I said and just stormed out Rafa and Neymar were running behind me Neymar caught up with me ' where are you going??' He said ' home since I am not wanted here ' I said simply ' I'll come with you I don't like that bitch anyways and Neymar just sent her a glare ' stay, for me? ' Neymar asked ' ah no I am leaving.
Me and Rafa literally had the best day ever we went to a waterpark with Tom and then ended up going shopping after that we all went to our houses .
It was 9 pm my mother was already asleep upstairs and I heard the doorbell ring I went to open it and it was Neymar I was only wearing a hoodie and my underwear and I only realised after opening the door ' hi sorry to distu-um wrong time ?'he said pointing to the fact that I wasn't wearing any my pants ,' NO!'I screamed lifting my hoodie to show him that I am wearing underwear ' oh okay' he just laughed ' come in 'I said and he followed me to the living room .
We stayed there and watched pitch perfect and we were both having a good time until, he phone started ringing uncontrollably ' answer it ' I said stuffing my mouth with popcorn ' I don't wan-' I cut him off' you love her don't you?' I asked interested Coz I don't understand how someone like Neymar could fall in love with someone like her' can I be honest with you ' and I nodded ' I don't like her I like this girl but I don't think she likes me and bruna is like someone that helps me get my mind off this girl' my mouth went in o shape again ' what do you think I should do ?' He asked ' well firstly let down bruna easily then fight fir the girl you like ' I said simply hew started walking away immediately ' where are you going?' I asked curiously ' to break up with bruna' he said smiling , honestly I am a bit jealous of bruna I mean Neymar practically left me for her but to be honest I am also happy for him and the new girl he likes well she is a lucky one.

I walked in the house and bruna was just in her lingerie , ' hey babe ' she said putting her hands on my chest ' um bruna we need to seriously to talk ' she whispered in my ear' we can talk after'  ' no we need to talk right now ' I refused she just rolled her eyes ' okay fine what is it ?' She said stepping away from me ' I think we should break up' I said scratching the back of my head ' um it's not you your beautiful and such an amazing but to be honest I have feelings for someone else and I really hope you find so one that loves you back but I am sorry it's definitely not me' I finally said pheww.
' it's her isn't it ?!' She almost screamed 'who ?' I knew who she meant but I pretended I didn't ' that ugly bitch you like , what's her name ummm jasmine isn't ut? Yeah that's her ' she said pissed ' don't talk about her like that !' I snapped 'I am going to pack' she said making her way upstairs.
After half an hour she came downstairs with her stuff  she stood only a few inches away from me ' she is a joke ' she said I rolled my eye since there is no point of arguing with this one ' when you finally realise the mistake you made call me' she said and walked out.
After that I just headed back to jasmines she is the one that I truly love
I knocked on her door she is probably already asleep since it's 1am but I hope not .
She opened the door and gave me what do you want look ' i broke up with bruna' I said and she just smiled at me and hugged me ' so are you gonna call the girl you like ?' She asked I was gonna tell her I like her but I couldn't after ten minutes I just walked out again before I even got to my car I decided to call her since I said I'd call the girl that I liked .
' hey  why are you calling me you were with me like ten seconds ago ?' She answered laughin
' it's you ' I said
' what about me ?' She answered
'The girl that I like, its you ' I said hoping I'd hear something back but the line went quite so I just decided to go to her house and as soon as I git to the door she opens the door as if she was about to come out look for me or something ' erm ' she said blushing ' yeah 'I said scratching my head  there was a few silent seconds ' um I miss you' I said that and she smiled ' I am sorry for letting fame get to my head although I am getting the attention of a lot of girls Coz you know I am sexy' I said which made her chuckle ' the only girl that I want is you ' ' I am sorry for letting you down before would you like to start over?' She was biting her lips so I was hoping she'd say yes she just leaned in and pecked my lips and before she lets go I cupped her face and kissed her right back . After that we just looked at each other's eyes I could see her blushing and started staring at the ground she does this every time she is shy ! It's so damn cute! ' um let's go inside its cold!' She complained ' you just had to ruin the moment didn't ya ?' I said laughing ' yeah well I am sorry guess who is still not wearing any fucking pants ! So I do have the right to get cold!' She glared at me I got closer to her and kissed her passionately this time .

5 months later

Me and Neymar are going great , his birthday day is today in fact his turning twenty!! I've moved in with him and were quite serious now , I started posting videos of me singing on YouTube and I got some really good feedback me and Neymar are both blowing !its amazing how we get recognised everywhere we go

Neymar seemed a bit nervous today I don't know he just didn't seem like the usual , maybe he is worried he is getting old yeah? Or maybe it's the football game today it must be the game!
' jas I wasn't you to sit in the front row in seat L1 okay ?' He said and I nodded ' not in other seat please just this one ' he said reminding me this is at least the tenth time he is been reminding me of it since yesterday ' why is it important which seat I sit in  anyways ?' I asked biting out of my apple ' because erm errr you are my um good luck charm yeah your my good luck charm ' he said and I just nodded we said goodbyes . I don't have to arrive to the stadium until 3 since the game starts at 4 and finishes at 7:30.
After that I just got ready and headed to the stadium
'the coach and everyone was like there you are !!sit down in your seat before the game start Neymar looked at my seat and smiled at me and I smiled back and 'mouthed good luck ' to him .
The game finished 3-0 with Neymar scoring 1
Suddenly after all the players got off all of the lights went off and it was dark I couldn't see anything ' come with me  I am Neymar just follow me ' I recognised his voice so I followed him when the lights went back on I can see the santos players with big postcards I couldn't read them Coz it's facing the other way suddenly they all turned around and it each letter of ' will you' and I was confused but I heared the audience scream turn around and so i did 'marry me ?' Neymar said who was on his knees with a wring in his hand , I was in complete shock so I covered my mouth with my hands and nodded 'yes yes!' I screamed and Neymar got up and kissed me there was cameras everywhere and everyone was chanting our names . It was perfect . He put the ring in my hand and I couldn't be happier.
After that we went to dinner to celebrate our engagement and the win .

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