I like him?

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'HURRY UP' I screamed to Neymar who was getting ready in his room , I was driving us to the stadium since his car wasn't working .
' Chill ! Today is an important day so I need to make sure everything is perfect ' he said patting his hair which made me roll my eyes .
After half an hour drive we got to the stadium and as we got there I can see Neymar getting nervous he wanted to get accepted to play for santos and I really hope he does because this is a huge thing for him .
'Neymar ' I said almost whispering 'what ?!'he snapped 'calm down boy'I said laughing Coz I understand he is just really nervous ' I am sorry I just ..I don't know '  he said tapping the window  , ' look at me ' and he did his eyes were glued to mine we were really close ' Neymar believe me you will do amazing I am sure you will get accepted and if you don't the. God has a bigger plan for you so don't worry  , remember what you said to me when I went to my university interview ' ' believe in yourself ' we said in unison and I could see him smiling at me his eyes were glued to my lips and they were tracing my face ' um I think we should go in now' I said breaking the silence ' yeah right '.
'Thank you ' he whispered as he got out of the car ' for what ?' I said ' for coming with me for supporting me through out everything , for being the best friend anyone could ever have !' He said hugging me tightly , I don't know why but it hurts me now every time he used the word 'friend ' .
We went in and lol the players were lined up and the santos coach started calling names I could feel Neymar's nervousness he was so sweaty and his eyes were shut and staring at the ground , this meant a lot to him and I really do hope he gets accepted !
'Lastly but not last ' the coach said and Neymar's eyes were wide open and I was praying for him as well 'Ney..eh Neymar junior?' At the point Neymar was about to cry and I ran up to him and without a warning jumped on him ' I AM SOOO PROUD OF YOU' his eyes were teary and we were hugging for about fifteen seconds until he put me down his hands were in my waist and he was so close to me and without a warning he smashed his lips on mine  'ah hem 'we heard the coach cough and Neymar just let me go and I went back to the coach .
After that we went back to the car the first five minutes were awkward  and silent .
' I AM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU' I squealed clapping my hands  and his eyes widen 'jaw be careful your driving!' Which made me laugh
'We need to celebrate this !' He agreed 'yes absolutely ! We can go to dinner with my parents and your mum and Rafa' I nodded smiling widely .
He went back to his phone texting people and it was really quite 'Erm Neymar?' I said nervously ' yes 'he replied looking at me ' why did you kiss me today?'  And his face just flushed 'um can we talk about this later ?' He said and I just nodded .
I dropped him off at his family home since he asked me and went to my house my mum was already inside so I just let her know the news and she was happy .
I can't get the fact that Neymar kissed me  'honey why are you smiling by yourself ?' She said 'real uh nothing 'and I just ran to my room I didn't realise I was smiling like an idiot , gosh I must really like him .

'RAFa!RAFA!!!' I heared Neymar knocking on the door 'what's wrong ?' I opened up the door ' I NEED YOUR HELP !'' Stop creaking out what happened ?' I said to him as he entered my room and layed  in my  bed .
'I kissed jas' he whispered  which made me cough the water I was drinking ' what?' I said in shock 'I kissed ja-' he said abit louder ' I heared you but what and how and why?' I said still in shock.
' I don't know I mean I like her ..I think I mean she is the kind of person I wanna be with but ..but I don't want to ruin our friendship ' ' I don't know why I kissed her as well I shouldn't have she asked me why I kissed her and I said can we talk about it later after dinner and I don't know what To say to her ' he said almost pulling his hair off ' Neyy chill' ' I can't I don't know what I am gon-' he said but I interrupted ' she likes you too ' I said smiling ' she does ?' He asked with a wide smile 'yuppp'I said smiling at him 'should I ask her out ?' He said scratching the back of his head
' ye definitely '


I was getting ready for the dinner and and I don't know why but I put more effort in my look than i usually  do . Neymar has also texted me that he is going to pick me up because we need to go somewhere before we meet everyone else at dinner which was strange .
'Who are you trying to impress jasmine?' My mum said curiously 'no one mum' I said giggling 'it's Neymar isn't it?' My mum said ' no mum were just friends I promise and um he wouldn't go out with someone like me trust me ' I said grabbing a grape ' what's wrong with you honey your beautiful  ' my mum said protectively  I heared a buzz outside ' mum I am gonna go with Neymar Rafa  and her parents are gonna come pick you up  for dinner and we will meet there ' I said saying goodbyes and kissed her on the cheeks .
I walked outside to find Neymar leaning against his car he quickly fixed up on when he saw me he was wearing a suit and it looked so good on him I was wearing a short dark red dress and heals and my makeup was flawless yet natural  , I walked up to him and hugged him we both left kisses on each other's Cheeks , my lipstick stamped on his  cheek so I tried to rub it off 'sorry ' I said and he just chuckled our eyes met for a few seconds , we heard someone running 'wait I need to take a photo of you two!!' My mum said running ' muuuuuum' I groaned which made Neymar laugh , he quickly grabbed my waist to pose which made my body shiver we posed for a couple of pictures and we also took a couple of selfies with and without my mum .
We got in the car and waved to my mum goodbye 'my mum loves you'I laughed 'everyone loves me ' and I just punched his arm .
'So where are we going?'I said excitedly ' somewhere ' he said mad I just rolled my eyes .
' here we go' he parked and I realised we were at the stadium . ' why a re we here ?' I asked confused 'follow me' was all he said .
We went in it was such a beautiful sight to be honest the entire stad was empty and quiet but I didn't get why we're here .
He took  my hand in the middle of the field
'Well um er I.. I don't know how to say this but about the kiss ..um jas I really errr I really like you ' he said leaning his head back and rubbing his eyes my mouth formed to an 'o' Coz I  wasn't expecting that ' and I understand if you don't like me back I mean I just that I had to ge-' before he could finish his sentence I stood up on my toes and pecked his lips softly ' I like you too ' I said smiling ' you do ?!' And I just nodded we were face to face and before he said anything else he just kissed me again this time it was passionate yet soft.
' um I think we should go to dinner' I said looking at the floor Coz I was really blushing right now ' er yeah let's go ' he said holding my hand it was strange but perfect.

We went to dinner and it was lovely , Neymar sat across me and he sat across me he was staring at me the entire time which just made me blush I am pretty sure both of our families noticed .

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